This file contains test cases that should be manually executed. ## CLI Distribution For each major Scala version on a *NIX distro and a Windows distro: 1. Download packaged Scala from 2. Build Scala.js CLI distribution (e.g. `./ 2.10`) 3. Unpack Scala and Scala.js distro 4. Add `bin/` directories of both distributions to path (`export PATH=$PATH:/bin:/bin`) 5. Create a temporary directory and do: mkdir bin echo 'import scala.scalajs.js.JSApp object Foo extends JSApp { def main() = { println(s"asdf ${1 + 1}") new A } class A }' > foo.scala scalajsc -d bin foo.scala scalajsp bin/Foo$.sjsir # Verify output scalajsp bin/Foo\$A.sjsir # Verify output scalajsld -o test.js bin # Verify output echo "Foo().main()" >> test.js node test.js # Or your favorite thing to run JS # Expect "asdf 2" ## HTML-Runners The following HTML-runners/testers must be manually tested: examples/helloworld/helloworld-{2.10|2.11}{|-fastopt}.html examples/reversi/reversi-{2.10|2.11}{|-fastopt}.html examples/testing/testing-{2.10|2.11}{|-fastopt}.html test-suite/scalajs-test-suite-{2.10|2.11}{|-fastopt}.html ## Sourcemaps To test source maps, do the following on: examples/reversi/reversi-{2.10|2.11}{|-fastopt}.html 1. Open the respective file in Google Chrome 2. Set a break-point in the HTML launcher on the `new Reversi` statement 3. Step over calls to jQuery into constructor 4. Step into the call to `Array.tabulate` and verify that source maps to Scala standard library sources work (should point to GitHub) 5. Single step through constructor, until you reach `buildUI()` 6. Step into `buildUI()` ## When releasing only Once all tests pass, tag the revision and verify that source maps to Scala.js sources work correctly (should point to GitHub), following the steps described in the section Sourcemaps.