package import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.reflect.ClassTag import object IO { /** Returns the lines in an input stream. * Lines do not contain the new line characters. */ def readLines(stream: InputStream): List[String] = readLines(new InputStreamReader(stream)) /** Returns the lines in a string. * Lines do not contain the new line characters. */ def readLines(content: String): List[String] = readLines(new StringReader(content)) /** Returns the lines in a reader. * Lines do not contain the new line characters. */ def readLines(reader: Reader): List[String] = { val br = new BufferedReader(reader) try { val builder = List.newBuilder[String] @tailrec def loop(): Unit = { val line = br.readLine() if (line ne null) { builder += line loop() } } loop() builder.result() } finally { br.close() } } /** Reads the entire content of a reader as a string. */ def readReaderToString(reader: Reader): String = { val buffer = newBuffer[Char] val builder = new StringBuilder @tailrec def loop(): Unit = { val len = if (len > 0) { builder.appendAll(buffer, 0, len) loop() } } loop() builder.toString() } /** Reads the entire content of an input stream as a UTF-8 string. */ def readInputStreamToString(stream: InputStream): String = { val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8")) readReaderToString(reader) } /** Reads the entire content of an input stream as a byte array. */ def readInputStreamToByteArray(stream: InputStream): Array[Byte] = { val builder = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val buffer = newBuffer[Byte] @tailrec def loop(): Unit = { val size = if (size > 0) { builder.write(buffer, 0, size) loop() } } loop() builder.toByteArray() } /** Concatenates a bunch of VirtualTextFiles to a WritableVirtualTextFile. * Adds a '\n' after each file. */ def concatFiles(output: WritableVirtualTextFile, files: Seq[VirtualTextFile]): Unit = { val buffer = newBuffer[Char] val out = output.contentWriter try { for (file <- files) { val reader = file.reader @tailrec def loop(): Unit = { val size = if (size > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, size) loop() } } try loop() finally reader.close() // New line after each file out.write('\n') } } finally { out.close() } } @inline private def newBuffer[T : ClassTag] = new Array[T](4096) }