package scala.scalajs.sbtplugin.env import import import import import scala.scalajs.sbtplugin.JSUtils._ import{ Console => _, _ } import import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise} import scala.util.Try abstract class ExternalJSEnv( final protected val additionalArgs: Seq[String], final protected val additionalEnv: Map[String, String]) extends AsyncJSEnv { /** Printable name of this VM */ protected def vmName: String /** Command to execute (on shell) for this VM */ protected def executable: String protected class AbstractExtRunner(protected val classpath: CompleteClasspath, protected val code: VirtualJSFile, protected val logger: Logger, protected val console: JSConsole) { /** JS files used to setup VM */ protected def initFiles(): Seq[VirtualJSFile] = Nil /** Sends required data to VM Stdin (can throw) */ protected def sendVMStdin(out: OutputStream): Unit = {} /** VM arguments excluding executable. Override to adapt. * Overrider is responsible to add additionalArgs. */ protected def getVMArgs(): Seq[String] = additionalArgs /** VM environment. Override to adapt. * * Default is `sys.env` and [[additionalEnv]] */ protected def getVMEnv(): Map[String, String] = sys.env ++ additionalEnv /** Get files that are a library (i.e. that do not run anything) */ protected def getLibJSFiles(): Seq[VirtualJSFile] = initFiles() ++ classpath.allCode /** Get all files that are passed to VM (libraries and code) */ protected def getJSFiles(): Seq[VirtualJSFile] = getLibJSFiles() :+ code /** write a single JS file to a writer using an include fct if appropriate */ protected def writeJSFile(file: VirtualJSFile, writer: Writer): Unit = { // The only platform-independent way to do this in JS is to dump the file. writer.write(file.content) writer.write('\n') } /** Pipe stdin and stdout from/to VM */ final protected def pipeVMData(vmInst: Process): Unit = { // Send stdin to VM. val out = vmInst.getOutputStream() try { sendVMStdin(out) } finally { out.close() } // Pipe stdout to console pipeToConsole(vmInst.getInputStream(), console) // We are probably done (stdin is closed). Report any errors val errSrc = Source.fromInputStream(vmInst.getErrorStream(), "UTF-8") try { errSrc.getLines.foreach(err => logger.error(err)) } finally { errSrc.close } } /** Wait for the VM to terminate, verify exit code */ final protected def waitForVM(vmInst: Process): Unit = { // Make sure we are done. vmInst.waitFor() // Get return value and return val retVal = vmInst.exitValue if (retVal != 0) sys.error(s"$vmName exited with code $retVal") } protected def startVM(): Process = { val vmArgs = getVMArgs() val vmEnv = getVMEnv() val allArgs = executable +: vmArgs val pBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(allArgs: _*) pBuilder.environment().clear() for ((name, value) <- vmEnv) pBuilder.environment().put(name, value) pBuilder.start() } /** send a bunch of JS files to an output stream */ final protected def sendJS(files: Seq[VirtualJSFile], out: OutputStream): Unit = { val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8")) try sendJS(files, writer) finally writer.close() } /** send a bunch of JS files to a writer */ final protected def sendJS(files: Seq[VirtualJSFile], out: Writer): Unit = files.foreach { writeJSFile(_, out) } /** pipe lines from input stream to JSConsole */ final protected def pipeToConsole(in: InputStream, console: JSConsole) = { val source = Source.fromInputStream(in, "UTF-8") try { source.getLines.foreach(console.log _) } finally { source.close() } } } protected class ExtRunner(classpath: CompleteClasspath, code: VirtualJSFile, logger: Logger, console: JSConsole ) extends AbstractExtRunner(classpath, code, logger, console) with JSRunner { def run(): Unit = { val vmInst = startVM() pipeVMData(vmInst) waitForVM(vmInst) } } protected class AsyncExtRunner(classpath: CompleteClasspath, code: VirtualJSFile, logger: Logger, console: JSConsole ) extends AbstractExtRunner(classpath, code, logger, console) with AsyncJSRunner { private[this] var vmInst: Process = null private[this] var ioThreadEx: Throwable = null private[this] val promise = Promise[Unit] private[this] val thread = new Thread { override def run(): Unit = { // This thread should not be interrupted, so it is safe to use Trys val pipeResult = Try(pipeVMData(vmInst)) val vmComplete = Try(waitForVM(vmInst)) // Store IO exception pipeResult recover { case e => ioThreadEx = e } // Chain Try's the other way: We want VM failure first, then IO failure promise.complete(pipeResult orElse vmComplete) } } def start(): Future[Unit] = { require(vmInst == null, "start() may only be called once") vmInst = startVM() thread.start() promise.future } def stop(): Unit = { require(vmInst != null, "start() must have been called") vmInst.destroy() } def isRunning(): Boolean = { require(vmInst != null, "start() must have been called") // Emulate JDK 8 Process.isAlive try { vmInst.exitValue() false } catch { case e: IllegalThreadStateException => true } } def await(): Unit = { require(vmInst != null, "start() must have been called") thread.join() waitForVM(vmInst) // At this point, the VM itself didn't fail. We need to check if // anything bad happened while piping the data from the VM if (ioThreadEx != null) throw ioThreadEx } } }