/* k8055 driver for libusb-1.0 Copyright (c) 2012 by Jakob Odersky All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Thanks to the following people who wrote the original version of `libk8055' (http://libk8055.sourceforge.net/), without their useful comments this library would not have been possible: 2005 by Sven Lindberg 2007 by Pjetur G. Hjaltason Commenting, general rearrangement of code, bugfixes, python interface with swig and simple k8055 python class The comments explaining the data packets and debounce time conversion (in the source file) are from them. Input packet format +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |DIn|Sta|A1 |A2 | C1 | C2 | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ DIn = Digital input in high nibble, except for input 3 in 0x01 Sta = Status, Board number + 1 A1 = Analog input 1, 0-255 A2 = Analog input 2, 0-255 C1 = Counter 1, 16 bits (lsb) C2 = Counter 2, 16 bits (lsb) Output packet format +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |CMD|DIG|An1|An2|Rs1|Rs2|Dbv|Dbv| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ CMD = Command DIG = Digital output bitmask An1 = Analog output 1 value, 0-255 An2 = Analog output 2 value, 0-255 Rs1 = Reset counter 1, command 3 Rs2 = Reset counter 3, command 4 Dbv = Debounce value for counter 1 and 2, command 1 and 2 Or split by commands Cmd 0, Reset ?? Cmd 1, Set debounce Counter 1 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |CMD| | | | | |Dbv| | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Cmd 2, Set debounce Counter 2 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ |CMD| | | | | | |Dbv| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Cmd 3, Reset counter 1 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 3 | | | | 00| | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ Cmd 4, Reset counter 2 +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 4 | | | | | 00| | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ cmd 5, Set analog/digital +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 5 |DIG|An1|An2| | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ */ #define PACKET_LENGTH 8 #define K8055_PRODUCT_ID 0x5500 #define VELLEMAN_VENDOR_ID 0x10cf #define K8055_MAX_DEVICES 4 #define USB_OUT_EP 0x01 /** USB output endpoint */ #define USB_IN_EP 0x81 /* USB Input endpoint */ #define USB_TIMEOUT 20 /* [ms] */ #define WRITE_TRIES 3 /* maximum number of write tries */ #define READ_TRIES 3/* maximum number of read tries */ #define IN_DIGITAL_OFFSET 0 #define IN_ANALOG_0_OFFSET 2 #define IN_ANALOG_1_OFFSET 3 #define IN_COUNTER_0_OFFSET 4 #define IN_COUNTER_1_OFFSET 6 #define OUT_CMD_OFFEST 0 #define OUT_DIGITAL_OFFSET 1 #define OUT_ANALOG_0_OFFSET 2 #define OUT_ANALOG_1_OFFSET 3 #define OUT_COUNTER_0_OFFSET 4 #define OUT_COUNTER_1_OFFSET 5 #define OUT_COUNTER_0_DEBOUNCE_OFFSET 6 #define OUT_COUNTER_1_DEBOUNCE_OFFSET 7 #define CMD_RESET 0 #define CMD_SET_DEBOUNCE_1 1 #define CMD_SET_DEBOUNCE_2 2 #define CMD_RESET_COUNTER_0 3 #define CMD_RESET_COUNTER_1 4 #define CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL 5 #include #include #include #include #include #include "k8055.h" /** Represents a Vellemean K8055 USB board. */ struct k8055_device { /** Data last read from device, used by k8055_read_data(). */ unsigned char data_in[PACKET_LENGTH]; /** Data to be sent to the device, used by k8055_write_data(). */ unsigned char data_out[PACKET_LENGTH]; unsigned char current_out[PACKET_LENGTH]; /** Underlying libusb handle to device. NULL if the device is not open. */ libusb_device_handle *device_handle; }; /** Libusb context. */ static libusb_context* context = NULL; static int k8055_open_devices = 0; static int debug = 0; void k8055_debug(bool value) { debug = value; } /** Prints the given message to standard output if debugging is enabled. */ static void print_error(const char * str) { if (debug) { printf("%s\n", str); } } int k8055_open_device(int port, k8055_device** device) { if (port < 0 || K8055_MAX_DEVICES <= port) { print_error("invalid port number, port p should be 0<=p<=3"); return K8055_ERROR_INDEX; } if (k8055_open_devices == 0) { /* no devices are open */ int r = libusb_init(&context); /* initialize a new context */ if (r < 0) { print_error("could not initialize libusb"); return K8055_ERROR_INIT_LIBUSB; /* return error code in case of error */ } } libusb_device **connected_devices = NULL; ssize_t size = libusb_get_device_list(context, &connected_devices); /* get all devices on system */ if (size <= 0) { print_error("no usb devices found on system"); return K8055_ERROR_NO_DEVICES; } libusb_device *k8055 = NULL; /* device on port */ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { /* look for the device at given port */ struct libusb_device_descriptor descriptor; libusb_get_device_descriptor(connected_devices[i], &descriptor); if (descriptor.idVendor == VELLEMAN_VENDOR_ID && descriptor.idProduct == (K8055_PRODUCT_ID + port)) k8055 = connected_devices[i]; } if (k8055 == NULL) { print_error("velleman k8055 not found at port"); return K8055_ERROR_NO_K8055; } libusb_device_handle *handle = NULL; /* handle to device on port */ int r = libusb_open(k8055, &handle); /* open device */ libusb_free_device_list(connected_devices, 1); /* we got the handle, free references to other devices */ if (r == LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS) { print_error( "could not open device, you don't have the required permissions"); return K8055_ERROR_ACCESS; } else if (r != 0) { print_error("could not open device"); return K8055_ERROR_OPEN; } if (libusb_kernel_driver_active(handle, 0) == 1) { /* find out if kernel driver is attached */ if (libusb_detach_kernel_driver(handle, 0) != 0) { /* detach it */ print_error("could not detach kernel driver"); return K8055_ERROR_OPEN; } } r = libusb_claim_interface(handle, 0); /* claim interface 0 (the first) of device */ if (r != 0) { print_error("could not claim interface"); return K8055_ERROR_OPEN; } k8055_device* _device = NULL; _device = malloc(sizeof(k8055_device)); if (_device == NULL) { print_error("could not allocate memory for device"); return K8055_ERROR_MEM; } _device->device_handle = handle; /* add usb handle */ for (int i = 0; i < PACKET_LENGTH; ++i) { /* initialize command data */ _device->data_out[i]=0; _device->current_out[i]=0; } k8055_set_all_digital(_device, 0); k8055_set_all_analog(_device, 0, 0); k8055_set_debounce_time(_device, 0, 2); k8055_set_debounce_time(_device, 1, 2); k8055_reset_counter(_device, 1); k8055_reset_counter(_device, 1); *device = _device; k8055_open_devices += 1; return 0; } void k8055_close_device(k8055_device* device) { libusb_release_interface(device->device_handle, 0); libusb_close(device->device_handle); device->device_handle = NULL; free(device); device = NULL; k8055_open_devices -= 1; if (k8055_open_devices <= 0) libusb_exit(context); } /** Writes the actual data contained in the device's data_out field to the usb endpoint. * @return K8055_ERROR_CLOSED if the board is not open * @return K8055_ERROR_WRITE if another error occurred during the write process */ static int k8055_write_data(k8055_device* device) { int write_status = 0; if (device->device_handle == NULL) { print_error("unable to write data, device not open"); return K8055_ERROR_CLOSED; } int transferred = 0; for (int i = 0; i < WRITE_TRIES; ++i) { /* number of tries on failure */ write_status = libusb_interrupt_transfer(device->device_handle, USB_OUT_EP, (unsigned char *) device->data_out, PACKET_LENGTH, &transferred, USB_TIMEOUT); if (write_status == 0 && transferred == PACKET_LENGTH) break; } if (write_status != 0 || transferred != PACKET_LENGTH) { print_error("could not write packet"); return K8055_ERROR_WRITE; } /* if there was no error up to this point, assume that data_out now reflects the devices output status */ for (int i = 0; i < PACKET_LENGTH; ++i) { device->current_out[i]=device->data_out[i]; } return 0; } /** Reads data from the usb endpoint into the device's data_in field. * @return K8055_ERROR_CLOSED if the board is not open * @return K8055_ERROR_READ if another error occurred during the read process */ static int k8055_read_data(k8055_device* device, int cycles) { int read_status = 0; if (device->device_handle == NULL) { print_error("unable to read data, device not open"); return K8055_ERROR_CLOSED; } int transferred = 0; for (int i = 0; i < READ_TRIES; ++i) { /* number of tries on failure */ for (int j = 0; j < cycles; ++j) { /* read at least twice to get fresh data, (i.e. circumvent some kind of buffer) */ read_status = libusb_interrupt_transfer(device->device_handle, USB_IN_EP, (unsigned char *) device->data_in, PACKET_LENGTH, &transferred, USB_TIMEOUT); } if (read_status == 0 && transferred == PACKET_LENGTH) break; } if (read_status != 0 || transferred != PACKET_LENGTH) { print_error("could not read packet"); return K8055_ERROR_READ; } return 0; } static unsigned char k8055_ms_to_char(int t) { /* the velleman k8055 use a exponetial formula to split up the DebounceTime 0-7450 over value 1-255. I've tested every value and found that the formula dbt=0,338*value^1,8017 is closest to vellemans dll. By testing and measuring times on the other hand I found the formula dbt=0,115*x^2 quite near the actual values, a little below at really low values and a little above at really high values. But the time set with this formula is within +-4% */ int c = t; if (c > 7450) c = 7450; c = sqrt(c / 0.115); if (c > ((int) c + 0.49999999)) /* simple round() function) */ c += 1; return (unsigned char) c; } static int k8055_char_to_ms(unsigned char c) { double t = 0.115 * c * c; if (t > ((int) t + 0.49999999)) /* simple round() function) */ t += 1; return t; } int k8055_set_all_digital(k8055_device* device, int bitmask) { device->data_out[OUT_DIGITAL_OFFSET] = bitmask; device->data_out[OUT_CMD_OFFEST] = CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL; return k8055_write_data(device); } int k8055_set_digital(k8055_device* device, int channel, bool value) { unsigned char data = device->data_out[OUT_DIGITAL_OFFSET]; if (value == false) /* off */ data = data & ~(1 << channel); else /* on */ data = data | (1 << channel); device->data_out[OUT_DIGITAL_OFFSET] = data; device->data_out[OUT_CMD_OFFEST] = CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL; return k8055_write_data(device); } int k8055_set_all_analog(k8055_device* device, int analog0, int analog1) { device->data_out[OUT_ANALOG_0_OFFSET] = analog0; device->data_out[OUT_ANALOG_1_OFFSET] = analog1; device->data_out[OUT_CMD_OFFEST] = CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL; return k8055_write_data(device); } int k8055_set_analog(k8055_device* device, int channel, int value) { if (channel == 0) { device->data_out[OUT_ANALOG_0_OFFSET] = value; } else if (channel == 1) { device->data_out[OUT_ANALOG_1_OFFSET] = value; } else { print_error("can't write to unknown analog port"); return K8055_ERROR_INDEX; } device->data_out[OUT_CMD_OFFEST] = CMD_SET_ANALOG_DIGITAL; return k8055_write_data(device); } int k8055_reset_counter(k8055_device* device, int counter) { if (counter == 0) { device->data_out[OUT_COUNTER_0_OFFSET] = 0; device->data_out[OUT_CMD_OFFEST] = CMD_RESET_COUNTER_0; } else if (counter == 1) { device->data_out[OUT_COUNTER_1_OFFSET] = 0; device->data_out[OUT_CMD_OFFEST] = CMD_RESET_COUNTER_1; } else { print_error("can't reset unknown counter"); return K8055_ERROR_INDEX; } return k8055_write_data(device); } int k8055_set_debounce_time(k8055_device* device, int counter, int debounce) { if (counter == 0) { device->data_out[OUT_COUNTER_0_DEBOUNCE_OFFSET] = k8055_ms_to_char( debounce); device->data_out[OUT_CMD_OFFEST] = CMD_SET_DEBOUNCE_1; } else if (counter == 1) { device->data_out[OUT_COUNTER_1_DEBOUNCE_OFFSET] = k8055_ms_to_char( debounce); device->data_out[OUT_CMD_OFFEST] = CMD_SET_DEBOUNCE_2; } else { print_error("can't set debounce time for unknown counter"); return K8055_ERROR_INDEX; } return k8055_write_data(device); } int k8055_get_all_input(k8055_device* device, int *bitmask, int *analog0, int *analog1, int *counter0, int *counter1, bool quick) { int cycles = 2; if (quick) cycles = 1; int r = k8055_read_data(device, cycles); if (r != 0) return r; if (bitmask != NULL) *bitmask = (((device->data_in[IN_DIGITAL_OFFSET] >> 4) & 0x03) | /* Input 1 and 2 */ ((device->data_in[IN_DIGITAL_OFFSET] << 2) & 0x04) | /* Input 3 */ ((device->data_in[IN_DIGITAL_OFFSET] >> 3) & 0x18)); /* Input 4 and 5 */ if (analog0 != NULL) *analog0 = device->data_in[IN_ANALOG_0_OFFSET]; if (analog1 != NULL) *analog1 = device->data_in[IN_ANALOG_1_OFFSET]; if (counter0 != NULL) *counter0 = (int) device->data_in[IN_COUNTER_0_OFFSET + 1] << 8 | device->data_in[IN_COUNTER_0_OFFSET]; if (counter1 != NULL) *counter1 = (int) device->data_in[IN_COUNTER_1_OFFSET + 1] << 8 | device->data_in[IN_COUNTER_1_OFFSET]; return 0; } void k8055_get_all_output(k8055_device* device, int* bitmask, int *analog0, int *analog1, int *debounce0, int *debounce1) { if (bitmask != NULL) *bitmask = device->current_out[OUT_DIGITAL_OFFSET]; if (analog0 != NULL) *analog0 = device->current_out[OUT_ANALOG_0_OFFSET]; if (analog1 != NULL) *analog1 = device->current_out[OUT_ANALOG_1_OFFSET]; if (debounce0 != NULL) *debounce0 = k8055_char_to_ms(device->current_out[OUT_COUNTER_0_DEBOUNCE_OFFSET]); if (debounce1 != NULL) *debounce1 = k8055_char_to_ms(device->current_out[OUT_COUNTER_1_DEBOUNCE_OFFSET]); }