# Kafka on Kubernetes Transparent Kafka setup that you can grow with. Good for both experiments and production. How to use: * Run a Kubernetes cluster, [minikube](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube) or real. * To quickly get a small Kafka cluster running, use the `kubectl apply`s below. * To start using Kafka for real, fork and have a look at [addon](https://github.com/Yolean/kubernetes-kafka/labels/addon)s. * Join the discussion here in issues and PRs. Why? No single readable readme can properly introduce both Kafka and Kubernets. We started this project as beginners with both, and by now our microservices enjoy lock-in with this "Streaming Platform" :smile:. We read [Designing Data-Intensive Applications](http://dataintensive.net/) and the [Confluent blog](https://www.confluent.io/blog/). ## What you get [Bootstrap servers](http://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#producerconfigs): ``` kafka-0.broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092,kafka-1.broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092,kafka-2.broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092` ``` Zookeeper at `zookeeper.kafka.svc.cluster.local:2181`. ## Set up Zookeeper The Kafka book (Definitive Guide, O'Reilly 2016) recommends that Kafka has its own Zookeeper cluster with at least 5 instances. We use the zookeeper build that comes with the Kafka distribution, and tweak the startup command to support StatefulSet. ``` kubectl create -f ./zookeeper/ ``` ## Start Kafka Assuming you have your PVCs `Bound`, or enabled automatic provisioning (see above), go ahead and: ``` kubectl create -f ./ ``` You might want to verify in logs that Kafka found its own DNS name(s) correctly. Look for records like: ``` kubectl -n kafka logs kafka-0 | grep "Registered broker" # INFO Registered broker 0 at path /brokers/ids/0 with addresses: PLAINTEXT -> EndPoint(kafka-0.broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local,9092,PLAINTEXT) ``` ## Testing manually There's a Kafka pod that doesn't start the server, so you can invoke the various shell scripts. ``` kubectl create -f test/99testclient.yml ``` See `./test/test.sh` for some sample commands. ## Automated test, while going chaosmonkey on the cluster This is WIP, but topic creation has been automated. Note that as a [Job](http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/jobs/), it will restart if the command fails, including if the topic exists :( ``` kubectl create -f test/11topic-create-test1.yml ``` Pods that keep consuming messages (but they won't exit on cluster failures) ``` kubectl create -f test/21consumer-test1.yml ``` ## Teardown & cleanup Testing and retesting... delete the namespace. PVs are outside namespaces so delete them too. ``` kubectl delete namespace kafka rm -R ./data/ && kubectl -n kafka delete pv datadir-kafka-0 datadir-kafka-1 datadir-kafka-2 ``` ## Metrics, Prometheus style Is the metrics system up and running? ``` kubectl logs -c metrics kafka-0 kubectl exec -c broker kafka-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'apk add --no-cache curl && curl http://localhost:5556/metrics' kubectl logs -c metrics zoo-0 kubectl exec -c zookeeper zoo-0 -- /bin/sh -c 'apk add --no-cache curl && curl http://localhost:5556/metrics' ``` Metrics containers can't be used for the curl because they're too short on memory.