#!/bin/bash # Combines addons into what we 'kubectl apply -f' to production set -ex ANNOTATION_PREFIX='yolean.se/kubernetes-kafka-' BUILD=$(basename $0) REMOTE=origin FROM="$REMOTE/" START=master [ ! -z "$(git status --untracked-files=no -s)" ] && echo "Working copy must be clean" && exit 1 function annotate { key=$1 value=$2 file=$3 case $(uname) in Darwin*) sed -i '' 's| annotations:| annotations:\ --next-annotation--|' $file sed -i '' "s|--next-annotation--|${ANNOTATION_PREFIX}$key: '$value'|" $file ;; *) sed -i "s| annotations:| annotations:\n ${ANNOTATION_PREFIX}$key: '$value'|" $file ;; esac } git checkout ${FROM}$START REVS="$START:$(git rev-parse --short ${FROM}$START)" git checkout -b prod-yolean-$(date +"%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") for BRANCH in \ addon-storage-classes \ addon-metrics \ addon-kube-events-topic do git merge --no-ff ${FROM}$BRANCH -m "prod-yolean merge ${FROM}$BRANCH" && \ REVS="$REVS $BRANCH:$(git rev-parse --short ${FROM}$BRANCH)" done END_BRANCH_GIT=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) for F in ./50kafka.yml ./zookeeper/50pzoo.yml ./zookeeper/51zoo.yml do annotate revs "$REVS" $F annotate build "$END_BRANCH_GIT" $F done