package magnolia import scala.reflect._, macros._ import macrocompat.bundle import scala.util.Try import language.existentials import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap case class Pos(pos: api.Position) { override def toString = s"${pos.line}:${pos.column}" } case class ReentrantException() extends Exception("attempt to recurse directly") object GlobalMutableState { private[magnolia] var state: Map[Pos, ListMap[c.universe.Type forSome { val c: whitebox.Context }, c.universe.TermName forSome { val c: whitebox.Context }]] = Map() private[magnolia] def push(c: whitebox.Context)(key: c.universe.Type, value: c.universe.TermName): Unit = { println(s"push($key)") state = state.updated(Pos(c.enclosingPosition), state.get(Pos(c.enclosingPosition)).map { m => m.updated(key, value) }.getOrElse(ListMap(key -> value))) println("state = "+state) } private[magnolia] def pop(c: whitebox.Context): Unit = { println(s"pop(${state(Pos(c.enclosingPosition)).last})") state = state.updated(Pos(c.enclosingPosition), state(Pos(c.enclosingPosition)).init) println("state = "+state) } private[magnolia] def has(c: whitebox.Context)(key: c.universe.Type): Option[c.universe.TermName] = try state(Pos(c.enclosingPosition)).get(key).asInstanceOf[Option[c.universe.TermName]] catch { case e: Exception => ??? } private[magnolia] var searchType: AnyRef = null } @bundle class Macros(val context: whitebox.Context) extends GenericMacro(context) { protected def classBody(context: whitebox.Context)(genericType: context.Type, implementation: context.Tree): context.Tree = { import context.universe._ q"""def extract(src: _root_.magnolia.Thing): $genericType = $implementation""" } protected def dereferenceValue(context: whitebox.Context)(value: context.Tree, elem: String): context.Tree = { import context.universe._ q"$value.access($elem)" } protected def callDelegateMethod(context: whitebox.Context)(value: context.Tree, argument: context.Tree): context.Tree = { import context.universe._ q"$value.extract($argument)" } protected def coproductReduction(context: whitebox.Context)(left: context.Tree, right: context.Tree): context.Tree = { import context.universe._ q"$left.orElse($right)" } } abstract class GenericMacro(whiteboxContext: whitebox.Context) { val c = whiteboxContext def getImplicit(genericType: c.universe.Type, typeConstructor: c.universe.Type, myName: c.universe.TermName, count: Int): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ println(s"getImplicit1($genericType, $count)") val x = GlobalMutableState.has(c)(genericType) x.foreach { y => println("y = "+y) } val result = { nm => q"$nm" }.orElse { val searchType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType) if(GlobalMutableState.has(c)(genericType).isEmpty) { GlobalMutableState.searchType = genericType val inferredImplicit = try Some(c.inferImplicitValue(searchType, false, false)) catch { case e: Exception => None } object transformer extends Transformer { override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match { case ta@TypeApply(Select(Literal(Constant(method: String)), TermName("asInstanceOf")), List(tpe)) => println(s"Found typeapply: ${tpe}") val m = TermName(method) q"$m" case _ => super.transform(tree) } } { imp => transformer.transform(imp) }.orElse { directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, count + 1) } } else { directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, count + 1) } }.getOrElse { println("Really failed to find extractor for type "+genericType) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Could not find extractor for type "+genericType) } //println(" = "+result) result } def directInferImplicit(genericType: c.universe.Type, typeConstructor: c.universe.Type, count: Int): Option[c.Tree] = { import c.universe._ println(s"directInferImplicit($genericType, $count)") val myName: TermName = TermName(c.freshName("Extractor")) val typeSymbol = genericType.typeSymbol val classType = if(typeSymbol.isClass) Some(typeSymbol.asClass) else None val isCaseClass = val isSealedTrait = val isAnyVal = genericType <:< typeOf[AnyVal] val resultType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType) val construct = if(isCaseClass) { val implicits = genericType.decls.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m.asMethod }.map { param => val returnType = param.returnType GlobalMutableState.push(c)(genericType, myName) val imp = getImplicit(returnType, typeConstructor, myName, count) GlobalMutableState.pop(c) val dereferenced = dereferenceValue(c)(q"src", callDelegateMethod(c)(imp, dereferenced) } Some(q"new $genericType(..$implicits)") } else if(isSealedTrait) { val subtypes =[List] Some( { searchType => GlobalMutableState.push(c)(genericType, myName) val res = getImplicit(searchType, typeConstructor, myName, count) GlobalMutableState.pop(c) res }.reduce(coproductReduction(c))).map { imp => callDelegateMethod(c)(imp, q"src") } } else None val result = { const => val methodImplementation = classBody(c)(genericType, const) q"""{ def $myName: $resultType = new $resultType { $methodImplementation } $myName }""" } result } protected def classBody(c: whitebox.Context)(genericType: c.Type, implementation: c.Tree): c.Tree protected def coproductReduction(c: whitebox.Context)(left: c.Tree, right: c.Tree): c.Tree protected def dereferenceValue(c: whitebox.Context)(value: c.Tree, elem: String): c.Tree protected def callDelegateMethod(c: whitebox.Context)(value: c.Tree, argument: c.Tree): c.Tree def generic[T: c.WeakTypeTag, Tc: c.WeakTypeTag]: c.Tree = try { import c.universe._ println("Entering generic for type "+weakTypeOf[T]) val genericType: Type = weakTypeOf[T] val reentrant = genericType == GlobalMutableState.searchType println(s"LAST TYPE = ${GlobalMutableState.searchType}; THIS TYPE = $genericType") val result: Option[c.Tree] = if(reentrant) { println("Reentrant.") throw ReentrantException() } else if(GlobalMutableState.searchType != null) { GlobalMutableState.has(c)(genericType) match { case None => val typeConstructor: Type = weakTypeOf[Tc].typeConstructor directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, 0) case Some(t) => val str = t.toString val typeConstructor: Type = weakTypeOf[Tc].typeConstructor val searchType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType) Some(q"$str.asInstanceOf[${searchType}]") } } else { val typeConstructor: Type = weakTypeOf[Tc].typeConstructor directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, 0) } println(result) try { tree => c.typecheck(tree) } catch { case e: Exception => println(result) println("Failed to typecheck because: "+e) } result.getOrElse { println("FAIL.") c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Could not infer extractor. Sorry.") } } catch { case e@ReentrantException() => throw e case e: Exception => println("Oh no, there was a problem: "+e) e.printStackTrace() ??? } }