package magnolia import scala.reflect._, macros._ import macrocompat.bundle import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap import language.existentials import language.higherKinds @bundle class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) { import c.universe._ import CompileTimeState._ sealed trait GeneralDerivationImplicit { def tree: Tree } case class DerivationImplicit(tree: Tree) extends GeneralDerivationImplicit sealed trait CoderivationImplicit extends GeneralDerivationImplicit case class Coderivation1Implicit(tree: Tree) extends CoderivationImplicit case class Coderivation2Implicit(tree: Tree) extends CoderivationImplicit private def findType(key: Type): Option[TermName] = recursionStack(c.enclosingPosition).frames.find(_.genericType == key).map(_.termName(c)) private def recurse[T](path: TypePath, key: Type, value: TermName)(fn: => T): Option[T] = { recursionStack = recursionStack.updated( c.enclosingPosition, recursionStack.get(c.enclosingPosition).map(_.push(path, key, value)).getOrElse( Stack(List(Frame(path, key, value)), Nil)) ) try Some(fn) catch { case e: Exception => None } finally { val currentStack = recursionStack(c.enclosingPosition) recursionStack = recursionStack.updated(c.enclosingPosition, currentStack.pop()) } } private val removeLazy: Transformer = new Transformer { override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match { case q"_root_.magnolia.Lazy.apply[$returnType](${Literal(Constant(method: String))})" => q"${TermName(method)}" case _ => super.transform(tree) } } private def getImplicit(paramName: Option[String], genericType: Type, typeConstructor: Type, assignedName: TermName, derivationImplicit: GeneralDerivationImplicit): Tree = { val searchType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType) findType(genericType).map { methodName => val methodAsString = methodName.encodedName.toString q"_root_.magnolia.Lazy.apply[$searchType]($methodAsString)" }.orElse { scala.util.Try { val genericTypeName: String = val assignedName: TermName = TermName(c.freshName(s"${genericTypeName}Typeclass")) recurse(ChainedImplicit(genericType.toString), genericType, assignedName) { val inferredImplicit = c.inferImplicitValue(searchType, false, false) q"""{ def $assignedName: $searchType = $inferredImplicit $assignedName }""" }.get }.toOption.orElse(directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, derivationImplicit)) }.getOrElse { val currentStack: Stack = recursionStack(c.enclosingPosition) val error = ImplicitNotFound(genericType.toString, recursionStack(c.enclosingPosition) val updatedStack = currentStack.copy(errors = error :: currentStack.errors) recursionStack = recursionStack.updated(c.enclosingPosition, updatedStack) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Could not find type class for type $genericType") } } private def directInferImplicit(genericType: Type, typeConstructor: Type, derivationImplicit: GeneralDerivationImplicit): Option[Tree] = { val genericTypeName: String = val assignedName: TermName = TermName(c.freshName(s"${genericTypeName}Typeclass")) val typeSymbol = genericType.typeSymbol val classType = if(typeSymbol.isClass) Some(typeSymbol.asClass) else None val isCaseClass = val isSealedTrait = val isValueClass = genericType <:< typeOf[AnyVal] val resultType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType) val construct = if(isCaseClass) { val caseClassParameters = genericType.decls.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m.asMethod } val className = genericType.toString val implicits = { param => val paramName = val derivedImplicit = recurse(ProductType(paramName, genericType.toString), genericType, assignedName) { getImplicit(Some(paramName), param.returnType, typeConstructor, assignedName, derivationImplicit) }.getOrElse { c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"failed to get implicit for type $genericType") } derivationImplicit match { case DerivationImplicit(impl) => val dereferencedValue = q"$impl.dereference(sourceParameter, ${})" q"$$derivedImplicit, $dereferencedValue)" case Coderivation1Implicit(impl) => val paramName = TermName( val dereferencedValue = q"sourceParameter.$paramName" q"$$derivedImplicit, $dereferencedValue)" case Coderivation2Implicit(impl) => val paramName = TermName( val dereferencedValue1 = q"sourceParameter1.$paramName" val dereferencedValue2 = q"sourceParameter2.$paramName" q"$$derivedImplicit, $dereferencedValue1, $dereferencedValue2)" } } derivationImplicit match { case DerivationImplicit(_) => Some(q"new $genericType(..$implicits)") case coderivation: CoderivationImplicit => val namedImplicits = { case (param, tree) => q"(${}, $tree)" } Some(q"""${coderivation.tree}.join( $className, _root_.scala.collection.immutable.ListMap(..$namedImplicits) )""") } } else if(isSealedTrait) { val subtypes =[List] if(subtypes.isEmpty) {, s"could not find any direct subtypes of $typeSymbol", true) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "") } Some { val components = { searchType => recurse(CoproductType(genericType.toString), genericType, assignedName) { getImplicit(None, searchType, typeConstructor, assignedName, derivationImplicit) }.getOrElse { c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"failed to get implicit for type $searchType") } } derivationImplicit match { case DerivationImplicit(impl) => val reduction = components.reduce { (left, right) => q"$impl.combine($left, $right)" } q"$$reduction, sourceParameter)" case Coderivation2Implicit(impl) => val parts = val base = q""" $ ${components.head}, sourceParameter1.asInstanceOf[${subtypes.head}], sourceParameter2.asInstanceOf[${subtypes.head}] ) """ parts.foldLeft(base) { case (aggregated, (componentType, derivedImplicit)) => q""" if(sourceParameter1.isInstanceOf[$componentType] && sourceParameter2.isInstanceOf[$componentType]) $$derivedImplicit, sourceParameter1.asInstanceOf[$componentType], sourceParameter2.asInstanceOf[$componentType]) else $aggregated""" } case Coderivation1Implicit(impl) => val parts = val caseClauses = { case (subtype, component) => cq"(value: $subtype) => $$component, value)" } q"""(sourceParameter: @_root_.scala.annotation.switch) match { case ..$caseClauses }""" } } } else None { const => derivationImplicit match { case DerivationImplicit(_) => ??? case Coderivation1Implicit(impl) => q"""{ def $assignedName: $resultType = $impl.construct { sourceParameter => $const } $assignedName }""" case Coderivation2Implicit(impl) => q"""{ def $assignedName: $resultType = $impl.construct { case (sourceParameter1, sourceParameter2) => $const } $assignedName }""" } } } def magnolia[T: WeakTypeTag, Typeclass: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = { import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} val genericType: Type = weakTypeOf[T] val currentStack: Stack = recursionStack.get(c.enclosingPosition).getOrElse(Stack(List(), List())) val directlyReentrant = Some(genericType) == val typeConstructor: Type = weakTypeOf[Typeclass].typeConstructor val derivationTypeclass = weakTypeOf[Derivation[_]].typeConstructor val coderivationTypeclass = weakTypeOf[Coderivation[_]].typeConstructor val coderivation2Typeclass = weakTypeOf[Coderivation2[_]].typeConstructor val derivationType = appliedType(derivationTypeclass, List(typeConstructor)) val coderivationType = appliedType(coderivationTypeclass, List(typeConstructor)) val coderivation2Type = appliedType(coderivation2Typeclass, List(typeConstructor)) def findDerivationImplicit[T <: GeneralDerivationImplicit](derivationType: c.Type, wrap: Tree => T): Try[GeneralDerivationImplicit] = Try(wrap(c.untypecheck(c.inferImplicitValue(derivationType, false, false)))) val derivationImplicit = findDerivationImplicit(derivationType, DerivationImplicit) .orElse(findDerivationImplicit(coderivationType, Coderivation1Implicit)) .orElse(findDerivationImplicit(coderivation2Type, Coderivation2Implicit)) match { case Failure(e) =>, s"could not find an implicit instance of "+ s"Derivation[$typeConstructor] or "+ s"Coderivation[$typeConstructor] or "+ s"Coderivation2[$typeConstructor]", true) throw e case Success(di) => di } if(directlyReentrant) throw DirectlyReentrantException() currentStack.errors.foreach { error => if(!emittedErrors.contains(error)) { emittedErrors += error val trace = error.path.mkString("\n in ", "\n in ", "\n \n") val msg = s"could not derive ${typeConstructor} instance for type ${error.genericType}", msg+trace, true) } } val result: Option[Tree] = if(!currentStack.frames.isEmpty) { findType(genericType) match { case None => directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, derivationImplicit) case Some(enclosingRef) => val methodAsString = enclosingRef.toString val searchType = appliedType(typeConstructor, genericType) Some(q"_root_.magnolia.Lazy[$searchType]($methodAsString)") } } else directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, derivationImplicit) if(currentStack.frames.isEmpty) recursionStack = ListMap() { tree => if(currentStack.frames.isEmpty) c.untypecheck(removeLazy.transform(tree)) else tree }.getOrElse { c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "could not infer typeclass for type $genericType") } } } private[magnolia] case class DirectlyReentrantException() extends Exception("attempt to recurse directly") private[magnolia] object Lazy { def apply[T](method: String): T = ??? } private[magnolia] object CompileTimeState { sealed trait TypePath case class CoproductType(typeName: String) extends TypePath { override def toString = s"coproduct type $typeName" } case class ProductType(paramName: String, typeName: String) extends TypePath { override def toString = s"parameter '$paramName' of product type $typeName" } case class ChainedImplicit(typeName: String) extends TypePath { override def toString = s"chained implicit of type $typeName" } case class ImplicitNotFound(genericType: String, path: List[TypePath]) case class Stack(frames: List[Frame], errors: List[ImplicitNotFound]) { def push(path: TypePath, key: whitebox.Context#Type, value: whitebox.Context#TermName): Stack = Stack(Frame(path, key, value) :: frames, errors) def pop(): Stack = Stack(frames.tail, errors) } case class Frame(path: TypePath, genericType: whitebox.Context#Type, term: whitebox.Context#TermName) { def termName(c: whitebox.Context): c.TermName = term.asInstanceOf[c.TermName] } private[magnolia] var recursionStack: ListMap[api.Position, Stack] = ListMap() private[magnolia] var emittedErrors: Set[ImplicitNotFound] = Set() } trait Derivation[Typeclass[_]] { type Value def dereference(value: Value, param: String): Value def call[T](typeclass: Typeclass[T], value: Value): T def construct[T](body: Value => T): Typeclass[T] def combine[Supertype, Right <: Supertype](left: Typeclass[_ <: Supertype], right: Typeclass[Right]): Typeclass[Supertype] } trait Coderivation[Typeclass[_]] { type Return def call[T](typeclass: Typeclass[T], value: T): Return def construct[T](body: T => Return): Typeclass[T] def join(name: String, elements: ListMap[String, Return]): Return } trait Coderivation2[Typeclass[_]] { type Return def call[T](typeclass: Typeclass[T], value1: T, value2: T): Return def construct[T](body: (T, T) => Return): Typeclass[T] def join(name: String, elements: ListMap[String, Return]): Return }