package magnolia.tests import magnolia._ import estrapade._ import import import import scala.util._ sealed trait Tree[+T] case class Leaf[+L](value: L) extends Tree[L] case class Branch[+B](left: Tree[B], right: Tree[B]) extends Tree[B] sealed trait Entity case class Company(name: String) extends Entity case class Person(name: String, age: Int) extends Entity case class Address(line1: String, occupant: Person) case class Item(name: String, quantity: Int = 1, price: Int) sealed trait Color case object Red extends Color case object Green extends Color case object Blue extends Color object Tests extends TestApp { def tests() = for(i <- 1 to 1000) { import examples._ test("construct a Show product instance") { import examples._ Show.gen[Person].show(Person("John Smith", 34)) }.assert(_ == """Person(name=John Smith,age=34)""") test("construct a Show coproduct instance") { import examples._ Show.gen[Person].show(Person("John Smith", 34)) }.assert(_ == "Person(name=John Smith,age=34)") test("serialize a Branch") { import magnolia.examples._ implicitly[Show[String, Branch[String]]].show(Branch(Leaf("LHS"), Leaf("RHS"))) }.assert(_ == "Branch(left=Leaf(value=LHS),right=Leaf(value=RHS))") test("test equality false") { import examples._ Eq.gen[Entity].equal(Person("John Smith", 34), Person("", 0)) }.assert(_ == false) test("test equality true") { import examples._ Eq.gen[Entity].equal(Person("John Smith", 34), Person("John Smith", 34)) }.assert(_ == true) test("test branch equality true") { import examples._ Eq.gen[Tree[String]].equal(Branch(Leaf("one"), Leaf("two")), Branch(Leaf("one"), Leaf("two"))) }.assert(_ == true) test("construct a default value") { Default.gen[Entity].default }.assert(_ == Company("")) test("construction of Show instance for Leaf") { scalac""" import magnolia.examples._ implicitly[Show[String, Leaf[java.lang.String]]] """ }.assert(_ == Returns(fqt"magnolia.examples.Show[String,magnolia.tests.Leaf[String]]")) test("construction of Show instance for Tree") { scalac""" import magnolia.examples._ implicitly[Show[String, Tree[String]]] """ }.assert(_ == Returns(fqt"magnolia.examples.Show[String,magnolia.tests.Tree[String]]")) test("serialize a Leaf") { implicitly[Show[String, Leaf[String]]].show(Leaf("testing")) }.assert(_ == "Leaf(value=testing)") test("serialize a Branch as a Tree") { implicitly[Show[String, Tree[String]]].show(Branch(Leaf("LHS"), Leaf("RHS"))) }.assert(_ == "Branch(left=Leaf(value=LHS),right=Leaf(value=RHS))") test("serialize case object") { implicitly[Show[String, Red.type]].show(Red) }.assert(_ == "Red()") test("access default constructor values") { implicitly[Default[Item]].default }.assert(_ == Item("", 1, 0)) test("serialize case object as a sealed trait") { implicitly[Show[String, Color]].show(Blue) }.assert(_ == "Blue()") test("decode a company") { implicitly[Decoder[Company]].decode("""Company(name=Acme Inc)""") }.assert(_ == Company("Acme Inc")) test("decode a Person as an Entity") { implicitly[Decoder[Entity]].decode("""magnolia.tests.Person(name=John Smith,age=32)""") }.assert(_ == Person("John Smith", 32)) test("decode a nested product") { implicitly[Decoder[Address]].decode("""Address(line1=53 High Street,occupant=Person(name=Richard Jones,age=44))""") }.assert(_ == Address("53 High Street", Person("Richard Jones", 44))) test("show error stack") { scalac""" import magnolia.examples._ case class Alpha(integer: Double) case class Beta(alpha: Alpha) Show.gen[Beta] """ }.assert(_ == TypecheckError(txt"""magnolia: could not find typeclass for type Double | in parameter 'integer' of product type Alpha | in parameter 'alpha' of product type Beta |""")) } }