val sharedSettings = Seq( scalaVersion := "2.12.4", organization := "com.lihaoyi", libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "utest" % "0.6.0" % "test", testFrameworks += new TestFramework("mill.UTestFramework"), parallelExecution in Test := false, test in assembly := {}, libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" %% "acyclic" % "0.1.7" % "provided", resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases"), scalacOptions += "-P:acyclic:force", autoCompilerPlugins := true, addCompilerPlugin("com.lihaoyi" %% "acyclic" % "0.1.7") ) val pluginSettings = Seq( scalacOptions in Test ++= { val jarFile = (packageBin in (plugin, Compile)).value val addPlugin = "-Xplugin:" + jarFile.getAbsolutePath // add plugin timestamp to compiler options to trigger recompile of // main after editing the plugin. (Otherwise a 'clean' is needed.) val dummy = "-Jdummy=" + jarFile.lastModified Seq(addPlugin, dummy) } ) lazy val ammoniteRunner = project.settings( libraryDependencies += "com.lihaoyi" % "ammonite" % "1.0.3" cross CrossVersion.full ) def ammoniteRun(hole: SettingKey[File], args: String => List[String]) = Def.task{ if (!hole.value.exists()) { IO.createDirectory(hole.value) (runner in(ammoniteRunner, Compile)) "ammonite.Main", (dependencyClasspath in(ammoniteRunner, Compile)).value.files, args(hole.value.toString), streams.value.log ) } (hole.value ** "*.scala").get } def bridge(bridgeVersion: String) = Project( id = "bridge" + bridgeVersion.replace('.', '_'), base = file("bridge/" + bridgeVersion.replace('.', '_')), settings = Seq( organization := "com.lihaoyi", scalaVersion := bridgeVersion, name := "mill-bridge", crossVersion := CrossVersion.full, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value, "org.scala-sbt" % "compiler-interface" % "1.0.5" ), (sourceGenerators in Compile) += ammoniteRun( sourceManaged in Compile, List("", "downloadBridgeSource", _, bridgeVersion) ).taskValue ) ) lazy val bridge2_10_6 = bridge("2.10.6") lazy val bridge2_11_8 = bridge("2.11.8") //lazy val bridge2_11_9 = bridge("2.11.9") //lazy val bridge2_11_10 = bridge("2.11.10") lazy val bridge2_11_11 = bridge("2.11.11") //lazy val bridge2_12_0 = bridge("2.12.0") //lazy val bridge2_12_1 = bridge("2.12.1") //lazy val bridge2_12_2 = bridge("2.12.2") lazy val bridge2_12_3 = bridge("2.12.3") lazy val bridge2_12_4 = bridge("2.12.4") lazy val core = project .dependsOn(plugin) .settings( sharedSettings, pluginSettings, name := "mill-core", libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value % "provided", "com.lihaoyi" %% "sourcecode" % "0.1.4", "com.lihaoyi" %% "pprint" % "0.5.3", "com.lihaoyi" % "ammonite" % "1.0.3-20-75e58ac" cross CrossVersion.full, "org.scala-sbt" %% "zinc" % "1.0.5", "org.scala-sbt" % "test-interface" % "1.0" ), sourceGenerators in Compile += { ammoniteRun(sourceManaged in Compile, List("", "generateSources", _)).taskValue }, sourceGenerators in Test += { ammoniteRun(sourceManaged in Test, List("", "generateTests", _)).taskValue } ) lazy val plugin = project .settings( sharedSettings, libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % scalaVersion.value, "com.lihaoyi" %% "sourcecode" % "0.1.4" ), publishArtifact in Compile := false ) val bridgeProps = Def.task{ val mapping = Map( "MILL_COMPILER_BRIDGE_2_10_6" -> (packageBin in (bridge2_10_6, Compile)).value.absolutePath, "MILL_COMPILER_BRIDGE_2_11_8" -> (packageBin in (bridge2_11_8, Compile)).value.absolutePath, "MILL_COMPILER_BRIDGE_2_11_11" -> (packageBin in (bridge2_11_11, Compile)).value.absolutePath, "MILL_COMPILER_BRIDGE_2_12_3" -> (packageBin in (bridge2_12_3, Compile)).value.absolutePath, "MILL_COMPILER_BRIDGE_2_12_4" -> (packageBin in (bridge2_12_4, Compile)).value.absolutePath ) for((k, v) <- mapping) yield s"-D$k=$v" } lazy val scalaplugin = project .dependsOn(core % "compile->compile;test->test") .settings( sharedSettings, pluginSettings, name := "mill-scalaplugin", fork := true, baseDirectory in Test := (baseDirectory in Test).value / "..", javaOptions := bridgeProps.value.toSeq ) lazy val bin = project .dependsOn(scalaplugin) .settings( sharedSettings, fork := true, connectInput in (Test, run) := true, outputStrategy in (Test, run) := Some(StdoutOutput), mainClass in (Test, run) := Some("mill.Main"), baseDirectory in (Test, run) := (baseDirectory in (Compile, run)).value / "..", assemblyOption in assembly := { (assemblyOption in assembly).value.copy( prependShellScript = Some( Seq( "#!/usr/bin/env sh", s"""exec java ${bridgeProps.value.mkString(" ")} -cp "$$0" mill.Main "$$@" """ ) ) ) }, assembly in Test := { val dest = target.value/"mill" IO.copyFile(assembly.value, dest) import sys.process._ Seq("chmod", "+x", dest.getAbsolutePath).! dest } )