import ammonite.ops._ import coursier.maven.MavenRepository import mill._ import mill.scalaplugin._, publish._ import mill.modules.Jvm.createAssembly trait MillPublishModule extends PublishModule { def publishVersion = "0.0.1" def publishWithFullScalaVersion = true def pomSettings = PomSettings( organization = "com.lihaoyi", description = publishName(), developers = Seq(Developer("lihaoyi", "Li Haoyi", "")), licenses = Seq(License("MIT License", "")), scm = SCM("", "scm:git:"), url = "" ) } object CompilerPlugin extends SbtScalaModule{ def scalaVersion = "2.12.4" def basePath = pwd / 'plugin def ivyDeps = Seq( Dep.Java("org.scala-lang", "scala-compiler", scalaVersion()), Dep("com.lihaoyi", "sourcecode", "0.1.4") ) } trait MillModule extends SbtScalaModule{ outer => def scalaVersion = "2.12.4" def compileIvyDeps = Seq(Dep("com.lihaoyi", "acyclic", "0.1.7")) def scalacOptions = Seq("-P:acyclic:force") def scalacPluginIvyDeps = Seq(Dep("com.lihaoyi", "acyclic", "0.1.7")) def repositories = super.repositories ++ Seq( MavenRepository("") ) def testArgs = T{ Seq.empty[String] } object test extends this.Tests{ def defaultCommandName() = "forkTest" def forkArgs = T{ testArgs() } def projectDeps = if (this == Core.test) Seq(Core) else Seq(outer, Core.test) def ivyDeps = Seq(Dep("com.lihaoyi", "utest", "0.6.0")) def testFramework = "mill.UTestFramework" def scalacPluginClasspath = super.scalacPluginClasspath() ++ Seq(CompilerPlugin.jar()) } } object Core extends MillModule with MillPublishModule { def projectDeps = Seq(CompilerPlugin) def publishName = "mill-core" def compileIvyDeps = Seq( Dep.Java("org.scala-lang", "scala-reflect", scalaVersion()) ) def ivyDeps = Seq( Dep("com.lihaoyi", "sourcecode", "0.1.4"), Dep("com.lihaoyi", "pprint", "0.5.3"), Dep.Point("com.lihaoyi", "ammonite", "1.0.3-10-4311ac9"), Dep("", "play-json", "2.6.6"), Dep("org.scala-sbt", "zinc", "1.0.5"), Dep.Java("org.scala-sbt", "test-interface", "1.0") ) def basePath = pwd / 'core val cross = for(jarLabel <- mill.define.Cross("jarA", "jarB", "jarC")) yield new mill.Module{ def printIt() = T.command{ println("PRINTING IT: " + jarLabel) } def jar = T{ val dest = T.ctx().dest ammonite.ops.mkdir(dest/ammonite.ops.up) ammonite.ops.cp(Core.jar().path, dest) PathRef(dest) } } } val bridgeVersions = Seq("2.10.6", "2.11.8", "2.11.11", "2.12.3", "2.12.4") val bridges = for(crossVersion <- mill.define.Cross(bridgeVersions:_*)) yield new ScalaModule{ def basePath = pwd / 'bridge def scalaVersion = crossVersion def allSources = T{ val v = crossVersion.split('.').dropRight(1).mkString(".") val url = s"$v/1.0.5/compiler-bridge_$v-1.0.5-sources.jar" val curlDest = T.ctx().dest implicit val pwd = curlDest mkdir(curlDest) rm(curlDest/"bridge.jar") %("curl", "-L", "-o", curlDest / "bridge.jar", url) %("unzip", curlDest / "bridge.jar" , "-d", curlDest / 'classes) Seq(PathRef(curlDest / 'classes)) } def ivyDeps = Seq( Dep.Java("org.scala-lang", "scala-compiler", crossVersion), Dep.Java("org.scala-sbt", "compiler-interface", "1.0.5") ) } object ScalaPlugin extends MillModule with MillPublishModule { def publishName = "mill-scala" def projectDeps = Seq(Core) def basePath = pwd / 'scalaplugin def bridgeCompiles = mill.define.Task.traverse(bridges.items)(_._2.compile) def testArgs = T{ val bridgeVersions = for((version, compile) <- yield { val underscored = version.replace('.', '_') val key = s"MILL_COMPILER_BRIDGE_$underscored" val value = compile.classes.path s"-D$key=$value" } } } val assemblyProjects = Seq(ScalaPlugin) def assemblyClasspath = mill.define.Task.traverse(assemblyProjects)(_.assemblyClasspath) def assemblyBase(classpath: Seq[Path], extraArgs: String) (implicit ctx: mill.util.Ctx.DestCtx) = { createAssembly( classpath, prependShellScript = "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n" + s"""exec java $extraArgs $$JAVA_OPTS -cp "$$0" mill.Main "$$@" """ ) } def assembly = T{ assemblyBase(assemblyClasspath().flatten, ScalaPlugin.testArgs().mkString(" ")) } def releaseAssembly = T{ assemblyBase(assemblyClasspath().flatten, "") }