package mill.contrib import import java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException import java.util.concurrent.Executors import ch.epfl.scala.bsp4j._ import mill._ import mill.define.{Command, Discover, ExternalModule} import mill.eval.Evaluator import org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.Launcher import upickle.default._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.CancellationException case class BspConfigJson(name: String, argv: Seq[String], version: String, bspVersion: String, languages: Seq[String]) extends BspConnectionDetails(name, argv.asJava, version, bspVersion, languages.asJava) { } object BspConfigJson { implicit val rw: ReadWriter[BspConfigJson] = macroRW } object BSP extends ExternalModule { implicit def millScoptEvaluatorReads[T] = new mill.main.EvaluatorScopt[T]() lazy val millDiscover: Discover[BSP.this.type] = Discover[this.type] val version = "1.0.0" val bspVersion = "2.0.0" val languages = List("scala", "java") /** * Installs the mill-bsp server. It creates a json file * with connection details in the ./.bsp directory for * a potential client to find. * * If a .bsp folder with a connection file already * exists in the working directory, it will be * overwritten and a corresponding message will be displayed * in stdout. * * If the creation of the .bsp folder fails due to any other * reason, the message and stacktrace of the exception will be * printed to stdout. * */ def install(ev: Evaluator): Command[Unit] = T.command { val bspDirectory = os.pwd / ".bsp" if (!os.exists(bspDirectory)) os.makeDir.all(bspDirectory) try { os.write(bspDirectory / "mill.json", createBspConnectionJson()) } catch { case e: FileAlreadyExistsException => println("The bsp connection json file probably exists already - will be overwritten") os.remove(bspDirectory / "mill.json") os.write(bspDirectory / "mill.json", createBspConnectionJson()) case e: Exception => println("An exception occurred while installing mill-bsp") e.printStackTrace() } } // creates a Json with the BSP connection details def createBspConnectionJson(): String = { val millPath = scala.sys.props.get("MILL_CLASSPATH").getOrElse(scala.sys.process.Process("which mill").lineStream_!.mkString) write(BspConfigJson("mill-bsp", List(whichJava, "-DMILL_CLASSPATH=" + millPath, s"-DMILL_VERSION=${scala.sys.props("MILL_VERSION")}", "-Djna.nosys=true", "-cp", millPath, "mill.MillMain", "mill.contrib.BSP/start"), version, bspVersion, languages)) } // computes the path to the java executable def whichJava: String = { if (scala.sys.props.contains("JAVA_HOME")) scala.sys.props("JAVA_HOME") else "java" } /** * Computes a mill command which starts the mill-bsp * server and establishes connection to client. Waits * until a client connects and ends the connection * after the client sent an "exit" notification * * @param ev Environment, used by mill to evaluate commands * @return: mill.Command which executes the starting of the * server */ def start(ev: Evaluator): Command[Unit] = T.command { val eval = new Evaluator(ev.home, ev.outPath, ev.externalOutPath, ev.rootModule, ev.log, ev.classLoaderSig, ev.workerCache, ev.env, false) val millServer = new mill.contrib.bsp.MillBuildServer(eval, bspVersion, version, languages) val executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool() val stdin = val stdout = System.out try { val launcher = new Launcher.Builder[BuildClient]() .setOutput(stdout) .setInput(stdin) .setLocalService(millServer) .setRemoteInterface(classOf[BuildClient]). traceMessages(new PrintWriter((os.pwd / "bsp.log").toIO)) .setExecutorService(executor) .create() millServer.onConnectWithClient(launcher.getRemoteProxy) val listening = launcher.startListening() millServer.cancelator = () => listening.cancel(true) val voidFuture = listening.get() } catch { case _: CancellationException => System.err.println("The mill server was shut down.") case e: Exception => System.err.println("An exception occured while connecting to the client.") System.err.println("Cause: " + e.getCause) System.err.println("Message: " + e.getMessage) System.err.println("Exception class: " + e.getClass) System.err.println("Stack Trace: " + e.getStackTrace) } finally { System.err.println("Shutting down executor") executor.shutdown() } } }