package mill.contrib.scalapblib import mill.api.Result import mill.util.{TestEvaluator, TestUtil} import utest.framework.TestPath import utest.{TestSuite, Tests, assert, _} object TutorialTests extends TestSuite { trait TutorialBase extends TestUtil.BaseModule { override def millSourcePath: os.Path = TestUtil.getSrcPathBase() / millOuterCtx.enclosing.split('.') } trait TutorialModule extends ScalaPBModule { def scalaVersion = "2.12.4" def scalaPBVersion = "0.7.4" def scalaPBFlatPackage = true } object Tutorial extends TutorialBase { object core extends TutorialModule { override def scalaPBVersion = "0.7.4" } } object TutorialWithProtoc extends TutorialBase { object core extends TutorialModule { override def scalaPBProtocPath = Some("/dev/null") } } val resourcePath: os.Path = os.pwd / 'contrib / 'scalapblib / 'test / 'protobuf / 'tutorial def protobufOutPath(eval: TestEvaluator): os.Path = eval.outPath / 'core / 'compileScalaPB / 'dest / 'com / 'example / 'tutorial def workspaceTest[T](m: TestUtil.BaseModule)(t: TestEvaluator => T) (implicit tp: TestPath): T = { val eval = new TestEvaluator(m) os.remove.all(m.millSourcePath) println(m.millSourcePath) os.remove.all(eval.outPath) println(eval.outPath) os.makeDir.all(m.millSourcePath / 'core / 'protobuf) os.copy(resourcePath, m.millSourcePath / 'core / 'protobuf / 'tutorial) t(eval) } def compiledSourcefiles: Seq[os.RelPath] = Seq[os.RelPath]( "AddressBook.scala", "Person.scala", "TutorialProto.scala" ) def tests: Tests = Tests { 'scalapbVersion - { 'fromBuild - workspaceTest(Tutorial) { eval => val Right((result, evalCount)) = eval.apply(Tutorial.core.scalaPBVersion) assert( result == "0.7.4", evalCount > 0 ) } } 'compileScalaPB - { 'calledDirectly - workspaceTest(Tutorial) { eval => val Right((result, evalCount)) = eval.apply(Tutorial.core.compileScalaPB) val outPath = protobufOutPath(eval) val outputFiles = os.walk(result.path).filter(os.isFile) val expectedSourcefiles = / _) assert( result.path == eval.outPath / 'core / 'compileScalaPB / 'dest, outputFiles.nonEmpty, outputFiles.forall(expectedSourcefiles.contains), outputFiles.size == 3, evalCount > 0 ) // don't recompile if nothing changed val Right((_, unchangedEvalCount)) = eval.apply(Tutorial.core.compileScalaPB) assert(unchangedEvalCount == 0) } // This throws a NullPointerException in coursier somewhere // // 'triggeredByScalaCompile - workspaceTest(Tutorial) { eval => // val Right((_, evalCount)) = eval.apply(Tutorial.core.compile) // val outPath = protobufOutPath(eval) // val outputFiles = os.walk(outPath).filter(_.isFile) // val expectedSourcefiles = / _) // assert( // outputFiles.nonEmpty, // outputFiles.forall(expectedSourcefiles.contains), // outputFiles.size == 3, // evalCount > 0 // ) // // don't recompile if nothing changed // val Right((_, unchangedEvalCount)) = eval.apply(Tutorial.core.compile) // assert(unchangedEvalCount == 0) // } } 'useExternalProtocCompiler - { /* This ensure that the `scalaPBProtocPath` is properly used. * As the given path is incorrect, the compilation should fail. */ 'calledWithWrongProtocFile - workspaceTest(TutorialWithProtoc) { eval => val result = eval.apply(TutorialWithProtoc.core.compileScalaPB) assert(result.isLeft) } } } }