package mill package twirllib import import java.lang.reflect.Method import import java.nio.charset.Charset import mill.api.PathRef import mill.scalalib.api.CompilationResult import class TwirlWorker { private var twirlInstanceCache = Option.empty[(Long, TwirlWorkerApi)] private def twirl(twirlClasspath: Agg[os.Path]) = { val classloaderSig = => p.toString().hashCode + os.mtime(p)).sum twirlInstanceCache match { case Some((sig, instance)) if sig == classloaderSig => instance case _ => val cl = new URLClassLoader(, null) // Switched to using the java api because of the hack-ish thing going on later. // // * we'll need to construct a collection of additional imports (will need to also include the defaults and add the user-provided additional imports) // * we'll need to construct a collection of constructor annotations// * // * the default collection in scala api is a Seq[String] // * but it is defined in a different classloader (namely in cl) // * so we can not construct our own Seq and pass it to the method - it will be from our classloader, and not compatible // * the java api uses java collections, manipulating which using reflection is much simpler // // NOTE: When creating the cl classloader with passing the current classloader as the parent: // val cl = new URLClassLoader(, getClass.getClassLoader) // it is possible to cast the default to a Seq[String], construct our own Seq[String], and pass it to the method invoke - // classe will be compatible (the tests passed). // But when run in an actual mill project with this module enabled, there were exceptions like this: // scala.reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError: object scala in compiler mirror not found. val twirlCompilerClass = cl.loadClass("play.japi.twirl.compiler.TwirlCompiler") val codecClass = cl.loadClass("") val charsetClass = cl.loadClass("java.nio.charset.Charset") val arrayListClass = cl.loadClass("java.util.ArrayList") val hashSetClass = cl.loadClass("java.util.HashSet") val codecApplyMethod = codecClass.getMethod("apply", charsetClass) val charsetForNameMethod = charsetClass.getMethod("forName", classOf[java.lang.String]) val compileMethod = twirlCompilerClass.getMethod("compile", classOf[], classOf[], classOf[], classOf[java.lang.String], cl.loadClass("java.util.Collection"), cl.loadClass("java.util.List"), cl.loadClass(""), classOf[Boolean]) val defaultImportsMethod = twirlCompilerClass.getField("DEFAULT_IMPORTS") val hashSetConstructor = hashSetClass.getConstructor(cl.loadClass("java.util.Collection")) val instance = new TwirlWorkerApi { override def compileTwirl(source: File, sourceDirectory: File, generatedDirectory: File, formatterType: String, additionalImports: Seq[String], constructorAnnotations: Seq[String], codec: Codec, inclusiveDot: Boolean) { // val defaultImports = play.japi.twirl.compiler.TwirlCompiler.DEFAULT_IMPORTS() // val twirlAdditionalImports = new HashSet(defaultImports) // additionalImports.foreach(twirlAdditionalImports.add) val defaultImports = defaultImportsMethod.get(null) // unmodifiable collection val twirlAdditionalImports = hashSetConstructor.newInstance(defaultImports).asInstanceOf[Object] val hashSetAddMethod = twirlAdditionalImports.getClass.getMethod("add", classOf[Object]) additionalImports.foreach(hashSetAddMethod.invoke(twirlAdditionalImports, _)) // Codec.apply(Charset.forName( val twirlCodec = codecApplyMethod.invoke(null, charsetForNameMethod.invoke(null, // val twirlConstructorAnnotations = new ArrayList() // constructorAnnotations.foreach(twirlConstructorAnnotations.add) val twirlConstructorAnnotations = arrayListClass.newInstance().asInstanceOf[Object] val arrayListAddMethod = twirlConstructorAnnotations.getClass.getMethod("add", classOf[Object]) constructorAnnotations.foreach(arrayListAddMethod.invoke(twirlConstructorAnnotations, _)) // JavaAPI // public static Optional compile( // File source, // File sourceDirectory, // File generatedDirectory, // String formatterType, // Collection additionalImports, // List constructorAnnotations, // Codec codec, // boolean inclusiveDot // ) val o = compileMethod.invoke(null, source, sourceDirectory, generatedDirectory, formatterType, twirlAdditionalImports, twirlConstructorAnnotations, twirlCodec, ) } } twirlInstanceCache = Some((classloaderSig, instance)) instance } } def compile(twirlClasspath: Agg[os.Path], sourceDirectories: Seq[os.Path], dest: os.Path, additionalImports: Seq[String], constructorAnnotations: Seq[String], codec: Codec, inclusiveDot: Boolean) (implicit ctx: mill.api.Ctx): mill.api.Result[CompilationResult] = { val compiler = twirl(twirlClasspath) def compileTwirlDir(inputDir: os.Path) { os.walk(inputDir).filter(_.last.matches(".*.scala.(html|xml|js|txt)")) .foreach { template => val extFormat = twirlExtensionFormat(template.last) compiler.compileTwirl(template.toIO, inputDir.toIO, dest.toIO, s"play.twirl.api.$extFormat", additionalImports, constructorAnnotations, codec, inclusiveDot ) } } sourceDirectories.foreach(compileTwirlDir) val zincFile = ctx.dest / 'zinc val classesDir = ctx.dest mill.api.Result.Success(CompilationResult(zincFile, PathRef(classesDir))) } private def twirlExtensionFormat(name: String) = if (name.endsWith("html")) "HtmlFormat" else if (name.endsWith("xml")) "XmlFormat" else if (name.endsWith("js")) "JavaScriptFormat" else "TxtFormat" } trait TwirlWorkerApi { def compileTwirl(source: File, sourceDirectory: File, generatedDirectory: File, formatterType: String, additionalImports: Seq[String], constructorAnnotations: Seq[String], codec: Codec, inclusiveDot: Boolean) } object TwirlWorkerApi { def twirlWorker = new TwirlWorker() }