import play.api.libs.json._ import ammonite.ops.{Bytes, Path} import coursier.Dependency import forge.util.Args package object forge { val T = Target type T[T] = Target[T] def zipMap[R]()(f: () => R) = new Target.Target0(f()) def zipMap[A, R](a: T[A])(f: A => R) = def zipMap[A, B, R](a: T[A], b: T[B])(f: (A, B) => R) = zip(a, b).map(f.tupled) def zipMap[A, B, C, R](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C])(f: (A, B, C) => R) = zip(a, b, c).map(f.tupled) def zipMap[A, B, C, D, R](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D])(f: (A, B, C, D) => R) = zip(a, b, c, d).map(f.tupled) def zipMap[A, B, C, D, E, R](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D], e: T[E])(f: (A, B, C, D, E) => R) = zip(a, b, c, d, e).map(f.tupled) def zip() = new Target.Target0(()) def zip[A](a: T[A]) = def zip[A, B](a: T[A], b: T[B]) = def zip[A, B, C](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C]) = new T[(A, B, C)]{ val inputs = Seq(a, b, c) def evaluate(args: Args) = (args[A](0), args[B](1), args[C](2)) } def zip[A, B, C, D](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D]) = new T[(A, B, C, D)]{ val inputs = Seq(a, b, c, d) def evaluate(args: Args) = (args[A](0), args[B](1), args[C](2), args[D](3)) } def zip[A, B, C, D, E](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D], e: T[E]) = new T[(A, B, C, D, E)]{ val inputs = Seq(a, b, c, d, e) def evaluate(args: Args) = (args[A](0), args[B](1), args[C](2), args[D](3), args[E](4)) } implicit object pathFormat extends Format[ammonite.ops.Path]{ def reads(json: JsValue) = json match{ case JsString(v) => JsSuccess(Path(v)) case _ => JsError("Paths must be a String") } def writes(o: Path) = JsString(o.toString) } implicit object bytesFormat extends Format[Bytes]{ def reads(json: JsValue) = json match{ case JsString(v) => JsSuccess( new Bytes(javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(v)) ) case _ => JsError("Bytes must be a String") } def writes(o: Bytes) = { JsString(javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(o.array)) } } implicit def EitherFormat[T: Format, V: Format] = new Format[Either[T, V]]{ def reads(json: JsValue) = json match{ case JsObject(struct) => (struct.get("type"), struct.get("value")) match{ case (Some(JsString("Left")), Some(v)) => implicitly[Reads[T]].reads(v).map(Left(_)) case (Some(JsString("Right")), Some(v)) => implicitly[Reads[V]].reads(v).map(Right(_)) case _ => JsError("Either object layout is unknown") } case _ => JsError("Either must be an Object") } def writes(o: Either[T, V]) = o match{ case Left(v) => Json.obj("type" -> "Left", "value" -> implicitly[Writes[T]].writes(v)) case Right(v) => Json.obj("type" -> "Right", "value" -> implicitly[Writes[V]].writes(v)) } } implicit val crFormat: Format[ammonite.ops.CommandResult] = Json.format implicit val modFormat: Format[coursier.Module] = Json.format // // implicit val depFormat: Format[coursier.Dependency] = Json.format implicit val depFormat: Format[coursier.Dependency] = new Format[coursier.Dependency] { def writes(o: Dependency) = { Json.obj( "module" -> Json.toJson(o.module), "version" -> Json.toJson(o.version), "configuration" -> Json.toJson(o.configuration), "exclusions" -> Json.toJson(o.exclusions), "attributes" -> Json.toJson(o.attributes), "optional" -> Json.toJson(o.optional), "transitive" -> Json.toJson(o.transitive) ) } def reads(json: JsValue) = json match{ case x: JsObject => JsSuccess(coursier.Dependency( Json.fromJson[coursier.Module](x.value("module")).get, Json.fromJson[String](x.value("version")).get, Json.fromJson[String](x.value("configuration")).get, Json.fromJson[coursier.Attributes](x.value("attributes")).get, Json.fromJson[Set[(String, String)]](x.value("exclusions")).get, Json.fromJson[Boolean](x.value("optional")).get, Json.fromJson[Boolean](x.value("transitive")).get )) case _ => JsError("Dep must be an object") } } implicit val attrFormat: Format[coursier.Attributes] = Json.format }