package forge package util import import java.nio.file.{FileVisitResult, FileVisitor} import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes import import java.nio.{file => jnio} import ammonite.ops.Path import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} /** * A wrapper around `ammonite.ops.Path` that calculates it's hashcode based * on the contents of the filesystem underneath it. Used to ensure filesystem * changes can bust caches which are keyed off hashcodes. */ case class PathRef(path: ammonite.ops.Path){ val md5Hash = { val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5") val buffer = new Array[Byte](16 * 1024) jnio.Files.walkFileTree( path.toNIO, new FileVisitor[jnio.Path] { def preVisitDirectory(dir: jnio.Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes) = { digest.update(dir.toAbsolutePath.toString.getBytes) FileVisitResult.CONTINUE } def visitFile(file: jnio.Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes) = { digest.update(file.toAbsolutePath.toString.getBytes) val is = jnio.Files.newInputStream(file) def rec(): Unit = { val length = if (length != -1){ digest.update(buffer, 0, length) rec() } } rec() FileVisitResult.CONTINUE } def visitFileFailed(file: jnio.Path, exc: IOException) = FileVisitResult.CONTINUE def postVisitDirectory(dir: jnio.Path, exc: IOException) = FileVisitResult.CONTINUE } ) java.util.Arrays.hashCode(digest.digest()) } override def hashCode() = md5Hash } object PathRef{ private implicit val pathFormat: Format[Path] = JsonFormatters.pathFormat implicit def jsonFormatter: Format[PathRef] = Json.format }