package mill.api import java.nio.{file => jnio} import{DigestOutputStream, MessageDigest} import upickle.default.{ReadWriter => RW} /** * A wrapper around `os.Path` that calculates it's hashcode based * on the contents of the filesystem underneath it. Used to ensure filesystem * changes can bust caches which are keyed off hashcodes. */ case class PathRef(path: os.Path, quick: Boolean, sig: Int) { override def hashCode(): Int = sig } object PathRef { /** * Create a [[PathRef]] by recursively digesting the content of a given `path`. * @param path The digested path. * @param quick If `true` the digest is only based to some file attributes (like mtime and size). * If `false` the digest is created of the files content. * @return */ def apply(path: os.Path, quick: Boolean = false): PathRef = { val sig = { val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5") val digestOut = new DigestOutputStream(DummyOutputStream, digest) if (os.exists(path)) { for ((path, attrs) <- os.walk.attrs(path, includeTarget = true, followLinks = true)) { digest.update(path.toString.getBytes) if (!attrs.isDir) { if (quick) { val value = (attrs.mtime, attrs.size).hashCode() digest.update((value >>> 24).toByte) digest.update((value >>> 16).toByte) digest.update((value >>> 8).toByte) digest.update(value.toByte) } else if (jnio.Files.isReadable(path.toNIO)) { val is =, digestOut) is.close() } } } } java.util.Arrays.hashCode(digest.digest()) } new PathRef(path, quick, sig) } /** * Default JSON formatter for [[PathRef]]. */ implicit def jsonFormatter: RW[PathRef] = upickle.default.readwriter[String].bimap[PathRef]( p => { (if (p.quick) "qref" else "ref") + ":" + String.format("%08x", p.sig: Integer) + ":" + p.path.toString() }, s => { val Array(prefix, hex, path) = s.split(":", 3) PathRef( os.Path(path), prefix match { case "qref" => true case "ref" => false }, // Parsing to a long and casting to an int is the only way to make // round-trip handling of negative numbers work =( java.lang.Long.parseLong(hex, 16).toInt ) } ) }