package mill.api /** * The result of a task execution. * @tparam T The result type of the computed task. */ sealed trait Result[+T] { def map[V](f: T => V): Result[V] def asSuccess: Option[Result.Success[T]] = None } object Result { implicit def create[T](t: => T): Result[T] = { try Success(t) catch { case e: Throwable => Exception(e, new OuterStack(new java.lang.Exception().getStackTrace)) } } /** * A successful task execution. * @param value The value computed by the task. * @tparam T The result type of the computed task. */ case class Success[+T](value: T) extends Result[T] { def map[V](f: T => V) = Result.Success(f(value)) override def asSuccess = Some(this) } /** * A task execution was skipped because of failures in it's dependencies. */ case object Skipped extends Result[Nothing] { def map[V](f: Nothing => V) = this } /** * A task execution was skipped/aborted because of earlier (maybe unrelated) tasks failed and the evaluation was in fail-fast mode. */ case object Aborted extends Result[Nothing] { def map[V](f: Nothing => V) = this } /** * A failed task execution. * @tparam T The result type of the computed task. */ sealed trait Failing[+T] extends Result[T] { def map[V](f: T => V): Failing[V] } /** * An intensional failure, which provides a proper error message as well as an optional result value. * @param msg The error message. * @param value The optional result value. * @tparam T The result type of the computed task. */ case class Failure[T](msg: String, value: Option[T] = None) extends Failing[T] { def map[V](f: T => V) = Result.Failure(msg, } /** * An (mostly) unintentionally failed task which the exception that caused the failure. * @param throwable The exception that describes or caused the failure. * @param outerStack The [[OuterStack]] of the failed task. */ case class Exception(throwable: Throwable, outerStack: OuterStack) extends Failing[Nothing] { def map[V](f: Nothing => V) = this } class OuterStack(val value: Seq[StackTraceElement]) { override def hashCode() = value.hashCode() override def equals(obj: scala.Any) = obj match { case o: OuterStack => value.equals(o.value) case _ => false } } }