package mill.define import language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object Cross{ case class Factory[T](make: (Product, mill.define.Ctx) => T) object Factory{ implicit def make[T]: Factory[T] = macro makeImpl[T] def makeImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[Factory[T]] = { import c.universe._ val tpe = weakTypeOf[T] val primaryConstructorArgs = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.primaryConstructor.typeSignature.paramLists.head val argTupleValues = for((a, n) <- primaryConstructorArgs.zipWithIndex) yield q"v.productElement($n).asInstanceOf[${}]" val instance = c.Expr[(Product, mill.define.Ctx) => T]( q"{ (v, ctx0) => new $tpe(..$argTupleValues){ override def millOuterCtx = ctx0 } }" ) reify { mill.define.Cross.Factory[T](instance.splice) } } } trait Resolver[-T]{ def resolve[V <: T](c: Cross[V]): V } } /** * Models "cross-builds": sets of duplicate builds which differ only in the * value of one or more "case" variables whose values are determined at runtime. * Used via: * * object foo extends Cross[FooModule]("bar", "baz", "qux") * class FooModule(v: String) extends Module{ * ... * } */ class Cross[T](cases: Any*) (implicit ci: Cross.Factory[T], ctx: mill.define.Ctx) extends mill.define.Module()(ctx) { override lazy val millModuleDirectChildren = this.millInternal.reflectNestedObjects[Module] ++ items.collect{case (k, v: mill.define.Module) => v} val items = for(c0 <- cases.toList) yield{ val c = c0 match{ case p: Product => p case v => Tuple1(v) } val crossValues = c.productIterator.toList val relPath = ctx.segment.pathSegments val sub = ci.make( c, ctx.copy( segments = ctx.segments ++ Seq(ctx.segment), millSourcePath = ctx.millSourcePath / relPath, segment = Segment.Cross(crossValues) ) ) (crossValues, sub) } val itemMap = items.toMap /** * Fetch the cross module corresponding to the given cross values */ def get(args: Seq[Any]) = itemMap(args.toList) /** * Fetch the cross module corresponding to the given cross values */ def apply(arg0: Any, args: Any*) = itemMap(arg0 :: args.toList) /** * Fetch the relevant cross module given the implicit resolver you have in * scope. This is often the first cross module whose cross-version is * compatible with the current module. */ def apply[V >: T]()(implicit resolver: Cross.Resolver[V]): T = { resolver.resolve(this.asInstanceOf[Cross[V]]).asInstanceOf[T] } }