package mill.define import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context /** * A generic Applicative-functor macro: translates calls to * * Applier.apply{ ... applyable1.apply() ... applyable2.apply() ... } * * into * * Applier.zipMap(applyable1, applyable2){ (a1, a2, ctx) => ... a1 ... a2 ... } */ object Applicative { trait ApplyHandler[M[+_]]{ def apply[T](t: M[T]): T } object ApplyHandler{ @compileTimeOnly("Target#apply() can only be used with a T{...} block") implicit def defaultApplyHandler[M[+_]]: ApplyHandler[M] = ??? } trait Applyable[M[+_], +T]{ def self: M[T] def apply()(implicit handler: ApplyHandler[M]): T = handler(self) } class ImplicitStub extends StaticAnnotation type Id[+T] = T trait Applyer[W[_], T[_], Z[_], Ctx] extends ApplyerGenerated[T, Z, Ctx] { def ctx()(implicit c: Ctx) = c def underlying[A](v: W[A]): T[_] def zipMap[R]()(cb: Ctx => Z[R]) = mapCtx(zip()){ (_, ctx) => cb(ctx)} def zipMap[A, R](a: T[A])(f: (A, Ctx) => Z[R]) = mapCtx(a)(f) def zip(): T[Unit] def zip[A](a: T[A]): T[Tuple1[A]] } def impl[M[_], T: c.WeakTypeTag, Ctx: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context) (t: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[M[T]] = { impl0(c)(t.tree)(implicitly[c.WeakTypeTag[T]], implicitly[c.WeakTypeTag[Ctx]]) } def impl0[M[_], T: c.WeakTypeTag, Ctx: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context) (t: c.Tree): c.Expr[M[T]] = { import c.universe._ def rec(t: Tree): Iterator[c.Tree] = Iterator(t) ++ t.children.flatMap(rec(_)) val bound = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[(c.Tree, ValDef)] val targetApplySym = typeOf[Applyable[Nothing, _]].member(TermName("apply")) // Derived from @olafurpg's // val defs = rec(t).filter(_.isDef).map(_.symbol).toSet val ctxName = TermName(c.freshName("ctx")) val ctxSym = c.internal.newTermSymbol(c.internal.enclosingOwner, ctxName) c.internal.setInfo(ctxSym, weakTypeOf[Ctx]) val transformed = c.internal.typingTransform(t) { case (t @ q"$fun.apply()($handler)", api) if t.symbol == targetApplySym => val localDefs = rec(fun).filter(_.isDef).map(_.symbol).toSet val banned = rec(t).filter(x => defs(x.symbol) && !localDefs(x.symbol)) if (banned.hasNext){ val banned0 = c.abort( banned0.pos, "Target#apply() call cannot use `" + banned0.symbol + "` defined within the T{...} block" ) } val tempName = c.freshName(TermName("tmp")) val tempSym = c.internal.newTermSymbol(c.internal.enclosingOwner, tempName) c.internal.setInfo(tempSym, t.tpe) val tempIdent = Ident(tempSym) c.internal.setType(tempIdent, t.tpe) c.internal.setFlag(tempSym, (1L << 44).asInstanceOf[c.universe.FlagSet]) bound.append((q"${c.prefix}.underlying($fun)", c.internal.valDef(tempSym))) tempIdent case (t, api) if t.symbol != null && t.symbol.annotations.exists(_.tree.tpe =:= typeOf[ImplicitStub]) => val tempIdent = Ident(ctxSym) c.internal.setType(tempIdent, t.tpe) c.internal.setFlag(ctxSym, (1L << 44).asInstanceOf[c.universe.FlagSet]) tempIdent case (t, api) => api.default(t) } val (exprs, bindings) = bound.unzip val ctxBinding = c.internal.valDef(ctxSym) val callback = c.typecheck(q"(..$bindings, $ctxBinding) => $transformed ") val res = q"${c.prefix}.zipMap(..$exprs){ $callback }" c.internal.changeOwner(transformed, c.internal.enclosingOwner, callback.symbol) c.Expr[M[T]](res) } }