package mill.define import java.lang.reflect.Modifier import ammonite.ops.Path import mill.util.ParseArgs import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.reflect.NameTransformer.decode /** * `Module` is a class meant to be extended by `trait`s *only*, in order to * propagate the implicit parameters forward to the final concrete * instantiation site so they can capture the enclosing/line information of * the concrete instance. */ class Module(implicit outerCtx0: mill.define.Ctx) extends mill.moduledefs.Cacher{ outer => /** * Miscellaneous machinery around traversing & querying the build hierarchy, * that should not be needed by normal users of Mill */ object millInternal extends Module.Internal(this) lazy val millModuleDirectChildren = millInternal.reflectNestedObjects[Module].toSeq def millOuterCtx = outerCtx0 def millSourcePath: Path = millOuterCtx.millSourcePath / millOuterCtx.segment.pathSegments implicit def millModuleExternal: Ctx.External = Ctx.External(millOuterCtx.external) implicit def millModuleShared: Ctx.Foreign = Ctx.Foreign(millOuterCtx.foreign) implicit def millModuleBasePath: BasePath = BasePath(millSourcePath) implicit def millModuleSegments: Segments = { millOuterCtx.segments ++ Seq(millOuterCtx.segment) } override def toString = millModuleSegments.render } object Module{ class Internal(outer: Module){ def traverse[T](f: Module => Seq[T]): Seq[T] = { def rec(m: Module): Seq[T] = f(m) ++ m.millModuleDirectChildren.flatMap(rec) rec(outer) } lazy val modules = traverse(Seq(_)) lazy val segmentsToModules = => (m.millModuleSegments, m)).toMap lazy val targets = traverse{_.millInternal.reflectAll[Target[_]]}.toSet lazy val segmentsToTargets = targets .map(t => (t.ctx.segments, t)) .toMap // Ensure we do not propagate the implicit parameters as implicits within // the body of any inheriting class/trait/objects, as it would screw up any // one else trying to use sourcecode.{Enclosing,Line} to capture debug info lazy val millModuleEnclosing = outer.millOuterCtx.enclosing lazy val millModuleLine = outer.millOuterCtx.lineNum private def reflect[T: ClassTag](filter: (String) => Boolean): Array[T] = { val runtimeCls = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass for{ m <- outer.getClass.getMethods.sortBy(_.getName) n = decode(m.getName) if filter(n) && ParseArgs.isLegalIdentifier(n) && m.getParameterCount == 0 && (m.getModifiers & Modifier.STATIC) == 0 && (m.getModifiers & Modifier.ABSTRACT) == 0 && runtimeCls.isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType) } yield m.invoke(outer).asInstanceOf[T] } def reflectAll[T: ClassTag]: Array[T] = reflect(Function.const(true)) def reflectSingle[T: ClassTag](label: String): Option[T] = reflect(_ == label).headOption // For some reason, this fails to pick up concrete `object`s nested directly within // another top-level concrete `object`. This is fine for now, since Mill's Ammonite // script/REPL runner always wraps user code in a wrapper object/trait def reflectNestedObjects[T: ClassTag] = { (reflectAll[T] ++ outer .getClass .getClasses .filter(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass isAssignableFrom _) .flatMap(c => c.getFields.find(_.getName == "MODULE$").map(_.get(c).asInstanceOf[T])) ).distinct } } } trait TaskModule extends Module { def defaultCommandName(): String }