package mill import{InputStream, PrintStream} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import ammonite.main.Cli._ import io.github.retronym.java9rtexport.Export import mill.eval.Evaluator import mill.api.DummyInputStream object MillMain { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val as = args match { case Array(s, _*) if s == "-i" || s == "--interactive" => args.tail case _ => args } val (result, _) = main0( as, None, ammonite.Main.isInteractive(),, System.out, System.err, System.getenv().asScala.toMap, b => (), initialSystemProperties = Map() ) System.exit(if (result) 0 else 1) } def main0( args: Array[String], stateCache: Option[Evaluator.State], mainInteractive: Boolean, stdin: InputStream, stdout: PrintStream, stderr: PrintStream, env: Map[String, String], setIdle: Boolean => Unit, initialSystemProperties: Map[String, String] ): (Boolean, Option[Evaluator.State]) = { import ammonite.main.Cli val millHome = mill.api.Ctx.defaultHome val removed = Set("predef-code", "no-home-predef") var interactive = false val interactiveSignature = Arg[Config, Unit]( "interactive", Some('i'), "Run Mill in interactive mode, suitable for opening REPLs and taking user input. In this mode, no mill server will be used.", (c, v) => { interactive = true c } ) var disableTicker = false val disableTickerSignature = Arg[Config, Unit]( name = "disable-ticker", shortName = None, doc = "Disable ticker log (e.g. short-lived prints of stages and progress bars)", action = (c, v) => { disableTicker = true c } ) var debugLog = false val debugLogSignature = Arg[Config, Unit]( name = "debug", shortName = Some('d'), doc = "Show debug output on STDOUT", action = (c, v) => { debugLog = true c } ) var keepGoing = false val keepGoingSignature = Arg[Config, Unit] ( name = "keep-going", shortName = Some('k'), doc = "Continue build, even after build failures", (c,v) => { keepGoing = true c } ) var extraSystemProperties = Map[String, String]() val extraSystemPropertiesSignature = Arg[Config, String]( name = "define", shortName = Some('D'), doc = "Define (or overwrite) a system property", action = { (c, v) => extraSystemProperties += (v.split("[=]", 2) match { case Array(k, v) => k -> v case Array(k) => k -> "" }) c } ) val millArgSignature = Cli.genericSignature.filter(a => !removed( ++ Seq( interactiveSignature, disableTickerSignature, debugLogSignature, keepGoingSignature, extraSystemPropertiesSignature ) Cli.groupArgs( args.toList, millArgSignature, Cli.Config(home = millHome, remoteLogging = false) ) match { case _ if interactive => stderr.println("-i/--interactive must be passed in as the first argument") (false, None) case Left(msg) => stderr.println(msg) (false, None) case Right((cliConfig, _)) if => val leftMargin = + 2 stdout.println( s"""Mill Build Tool |usage: mill [mill-options] [target [target-options]] | |${formatBlock(millArgSignature, leftMargin).mkString(ammonite.util.Util.newLine)}""".stripMargin ) (true, None) case Right((cliConfig, leftoverArgs)) => val repl = leftoverArgs.isEmpty if (repl && stdin == DummyInputStream) { stderr.println("Build repl needs to be run with the -i/--interactive flag") (false, stateCache) }else{ val systemProps = initialSystemProperties ++ extraSystemProperties val config = if(!repl) cliConfig else cliConfig.copy( predefCode = s"""import $$, build._ |implicit val replApplyHandler = mill.main.ReplApplyHandler( | os.Path(${pprint.apply(cliConfig.home.toIO.getCanonicalPath.replaceAllLiterally("$", "$$")).plainText}), | $disableTicker, | interp.colors(), | repl.pprinter(), | build.millSelf.get, | build.millDiscover, | debugLog = $debugLog, | keepGoing = $keepGoing, | systemProperties = ${systemProps} |) |repl.pprinter() = replApplyHandler.pprinter |import replApplyHandler.generatedEval._ | """.stripMargin, welcomeBanner = None ) val runner = new mill.main.MainRunner( config.copy(colored = config.colored orElse Option(mainInteractive)), disableTicker, stdout, stderr, stdin, stateCache, env, setIdle, debugLog = debugLog, keepGoing = keepGoing, systemProperties = systemProps ) if (mill.main.client.Util.isJava9OrAbove) { val rt = cliConfig.home / Export.rtJarName if (!os.exists(rt)) { runner.printInfo(s"Preparing Java ${System.getProperty("java.version")} runtime; this may take a minute or two ...") Export.rtTo(rt.toIO, false) } } if (repl) { runner.printInfo("Loading...") (runner.watchLoop(isRepl = true, printing = false,, runner.stateCache) } else { (runner.runScript(os.pwd / "", leftoverArgs), runner.stateCache) } } } } }