package mill.main import mill.define.Applicative.ApplyHandler import mill.define.Segment.Label import mill.define._ import mill.eval.{Evaluator, Result} import mill.api.Strict.Agg import scala.collection.mutable object ReplApplyHandler{ def apply[T](home: os.Path, disableTicker: Boolean, colors: ammonite.util.Colors, pprinter0: pprint.PPrinter, rootModule: mill.define.BaseModule, discover: Discover[_], debugLog: Boolean, keepGoing: Boolean) = { new ReplApplyHandler( pprinter0, new Evaluator( home, ammonite.ops.pwd / 'out, ammonite.ops.pwd / 'out, rootModule, new mill.util.PrintLogger( colors != ammonite.util.Colors.BlackWhite, disableTicker, colors, System.out, System.err, System.err,, debugEnabled = debugLog ), failFast = !keepGoing ) ) } def pprintCross(c: mill.define.Cross[_], evaluator: Evaluator) = { pprint.Tree.Lazy( ctx => Iterator(c.millOuterCtx.enclosing , ":", c.millOuterCtx.lineNum.toString, ctx.applyPrefixColor("\nChildren:").toString) ++ => "\n (" +", ") + ")" ) ) } def pprintModule(m: mill.define.Module, evaluator: Evaluator) = { pprint.Tree.Lazy( ctx => Iterator(m.millInternal.millModuleEnclosing, ":", m.millInternal.millModuleLine.toString) ++ (if (m.millInternal.reflectAll[mill.Module].isEmpty) Nil else ctx.applyPrefixColor("\nChildren:").toString +: m.millInternal.reflectAll[mill.Module].map("\n ." + _.millOuterCtx.segment.pathSegments.mkString("."))) ++ (evaluator.rootModule.millDiscover.value.get(m.getClass) match{ case None => Nil case Some(commands) => ctx.applyPrefixColor("\nCommands:").toString +:{c => "\n ." + + "(" + => + ": " + s.typeString).mkString(", ") + ")()" } }) ++ (if (m.millInternal.reflectAll[Target[_]].isEmpty) Nil else { Seq(ctx.applyPrefixColor("\nTargets:").toString) ++ m.millInternal.reflectAll[Target[_]].map(t => "\n ." + t.label + "()" ) }) ) } def resolveParents(c: Class[_]): Seq[Class[_]] = { Seq(c) ++ Option(c.getSuperclass).toSeq.flatMap(resolveParents) ++ c.getInterfaces.flatMap(resolveParents) } def pprintTask(t: NamedTask[_], evaluator: Evaluator) = { val seen = mutable.Set.empty[Task[_]] def rec(t: Task[_]): Seq[Segments] = { if (seen(t)) Nil // do nothing else t match { case t: Target[_] if evaluator.rootModule.millInternal.targets.contains(t) => Seq(t.ctx.segments) case _ => seen.add(t) t.inputs.flatMap(rec) } } val annots = for { c <- resolveParents(t.ctx.enclosingCls) m <- c.getMethods if m.getName == t.ctx.segment.pathSegments.head a = m.getAnnotation(classOf[mill.moduledefs.Scaladoc]) if a != null }yield a val allDocs = for(a <- annots.distinct) yield mill.modules.Util.cleanupScaladoc(a.value).map("\n " + _).mkString pprint.Tree.Lazy(ctx => Iterator( ctx.applyPrefixColor(t.toString).toString, "(", t.ctx.fileName.split('/').last, ":", t.ctx.lineNum.toString, ")", allDocs.mkString("\n"), "\n", "\n", ctx.applyPrefixColor("Inputs").toString, ":" ) ++ t.inputs.iterator.flatMap(rec).map("\n " + _.render) ) } } class ReplApplyHandler(pprinter0: pprint.PPrinter, val evaluator: Evaluator) extends ApplyHandler[Task] { // Evaluate classLoaderSig only once in the REPL to avoid busting caches // as the user enters more REPL commands and changes the classpath val classLoaderSig = Evaluator.classLoaderSig override def apply[V](t: Task[V]) = { val res = evaluator.evaluate(Agg(t)) res.values match{ case Seq(head: V) => head case Nil => val msg = new mutable.StringBuilder() msg.append(res.failing.keyCount + " targets failed\n") for((k, vs) <- res.failing.items){ msg.append(k match{ case Left(t) => "Anonymous Task\n" case Right(k) => k.segments.render + "\n" }) for(v <- vs){ v match{ case Result.Failure(m, _) => msg.append(m + "\n") case Result.Exception(t, outerStack) => msg.append( t.toString + t.getStackTrace.dropRight(outerStack.value.length).map("\n " + _).mkString + "\n" ) } } } throw new Exception(msg.toString) } } val generatedEval = new EvalGenerated(evaluator) val millHandlers: PartialFunction[Any, pprint.Tree] = { case c: Cross[_] => ReplApplyHandler.pprintCross(c, evaluator) case m: mill.Module if evaluator.rootModule.millInternal.modules.contains(m) => ReplApplyHandler.pprintModule(m, evaluator) case t: mill.define.Target[_] if evaluator.rootModule.millInternal.targets.contains(t) => ReplApplyHandler.pprintTask(t, evaluator) } val pprinter = pprinter0.copy( additionalHandlers = millHandlers orElse pprinter0.additionalHandlers ) }