package mill.main import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue import coursier.Cache import coursier.core.Repository import coursier.maven.MavenRepository import mill.T import mill.define.{Discover, ExternalModule} import mill.eval.{PathRef, Result} object VisualizeModule extends ExternalModule with VisualizeModule { def repositories = Seq( Cache.ivy2Local, MavenRepository(""), MavenRepository("") ) implicit def millScoptEvaluatorReads[T] = new mill.main.EvaluatorScopt[T]() lazy val millDiscover = Discover[this.type] } trait VisualizeModule extends mill.define.TaskModule{ def repositories: Seq[Repository] def defaultCommandName() = "run" def classpath = T{ mill.modules.Util.millProjectModule("MILL_GRAPHVIZ", "mill-main-graphviz", repositories) } /** * The J2V8-based Graphviz library has a limitation that it can only ever * be called from a single thread. Since Mill forks off a new thread every * time you execute something, we need to keep around a worker thread that * everyone can use to call into Graphviz, which the Mill execution threads * can communicate via in/out queues. */ def worker = T.worker{ val in = new LinkedBlockingQueue[(Seq[_], Seq[_], os.Path)]() val out = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Result[Seq[PathRef]]]() val cl = mill.api.ClassLoader.create( classpath().map(_.path.toNIO.toUri.toURL).toVector, getClass.getClassLoader ) val visualizeThread = new java.lang.Thread(() => while(true){ val res = Result.create{ val (targets, tasks, dest) = in.take() cl.loadClass("mill.main.graphviz.GraphvizTools") .getMethod("apply", classOf[Seq[_]], classOf[Seq[_]], classOf[os.Path]) .invoke(null, targets, tasks, dest) .asInstanceOf[Seq[PathRef]] } out.put(res) } ) visualizeThread.setDaemon(true) visualizeThread.start() (in, out) } }