package mill.define import mill.eval.Evaluator import mill.util.{TestGraphs, TestUtil} import utest._ import mill.api.Strict.Agg object GraphTests extends TestSuite{ val tests = Tests{ val graphs = new TestGraphs() import graphs._ import TestGraphs._ test("topoSortedTransitiveTargets"){ def check(targets: Agg[Task[_]], expected: Agg[Task[_]]) = { val result = Graph.topoSorted(Graph.transitiveTargets(targets)).values TestUtil.checkTopological(result) assert(result == expected) } test("singleton") - check( targets = Agg(singleton.single), expected = Agg(singleton.single) ) test("backtickIdentifiers") - check( targets = Agg(bactickIdentifiers.`a-down-target`), expected = Agg(bactickIdentifiers.`up-target`, bactickIdentifiers.`a-down-target`) ) test("pair") - check( targets = Agg(pair.down), expected = Agg(pair.up, pair.down) ) test("anonTriple") - check( targets = Agg(anonTriple.down), expected = Agg(anonTriple.up, anonTriple.down.inputs(0), anonTriple.down) ) test("diamond") - check( targets = Agg(diamond.down), expected = Agg(diamond.up, diamond.left, diamond.right, diamond.down) ) test("anonDiamond") - check( targets = Agg(diamond.down), expected = Agg( diamond.up, diamond.down.inputs(0), diamond.down.inputs(1), diamond.down ) ) test("defCachedDiamond") - check( targets = Agg(defCachedDiamond.down), expected = Agg( defCachedDiamond.up.inputs(0), defCachedDiamond.up, defCachedDiamond.down.inputs(0).inputs(0).inputs(0), defCachedDiamond.down.inputs(0).inputs(0), defCachedDiamond.down.inputs(0).inputs(1).inputs(0), defCachedDiamond.down.inputs(0).inputs(1), defCachedDiamond.down.inputs(0), defCachedDiamond.down ) ) test("bigSingleTerminal"){ val result = Graph.topoSorted(Graph.transitiveTargets(Agg(bigSingleTerminal.j))).values TestUtil.checkTopological(result) assert(result.size == 28) } } test("groupAroundNamedTargets"){ def check[T, R <: Target[Int]](base: T) (target: T => R, important0: Agg[T => Target[_]], expected: Agg[(R, Int)]) = { val topoSorted = Graph.topoSorted(Graph.transitiveTargets(Agg(target(base)))) val important = (base)) val grouped = Graph.groupAroundImportantTargets(topoSorted) { case t: Target[_] if important.contains(t) => t } val flattened = Agg.from(grouped.values().flatMap(_.items)) TestUtil.checkTopological(flattened) for ((terminal, expectedSize) <- expected) { val grouping = grouped.lookupKey(terminal) assert( grouping.size == expectedSize, grouping.flatMap(_.asTarget: Option[Target[_]]).filter(important.contains) == Agg(terminal) ) } } test("singleton") - check(singleton)( _.single, Agg(_.single), Agg(singleton.single -> 1) ) test("backtickIdentifiers") - check(bactickIdentifiers)( _.`a-down-target`, Agg(_.`up-target`, _.`a-down-target`), Agg( bactickIdentifiers.`up-target` -> 1, bactickIdentifiers.`a-down-target` -> 1 ) ) test("pair") - check(pair)( _.down, Agg(_.up, _.down), Agg(pair.up -> 1, pair.down -> 1) ) test("anonTriple") - check(anonTriple)( _.down, Agg(_.up, _.down), Agg(anonTriple.up -> 1, anonTriple.down -> 2) ) test("diamond") - check(diamond)( _.down, Agg(_.up, _.left, _.right, _.down), Agg( diamond.up -> 1, diamond.left -> 1, diamond.right -> 1, diamond.down -> 1 ) ) test("defCachedDiamond") - check(defCachedDiamond)( _.down, Agg(_.up, _.left, _.right, _.down), Agg( defCachedDiamond.up -> 2, defCachedDiamond.left -> 2, defCachedDiamond.right -> 2, defCachedDiamond.down -> 2 ) ) test("anonDiamond") - check(anonDiamond)( _.down, Agg(_.down, _.up), Agg( anonDiamond.up -> 1, anonDiamond.down -> 3 ) ) test("bigSingleTerminal") - check(bigSingleTerminal)( _.j, Agg(_.a, _.b, _.e, _.f, _.i, _.j), Agg( bigSingleTerminal.a -> 3, bigSingleTerminal.b -> 2, bigSingleTerminal.e -> 9, bigSingleTerminal.i -> 6, bigSingleTerminal.f -> 4, bigSingleTerminal.j -> 4 ) ) } test("multiTerminalGroupCounts"){ def countGroups(goals: Task[_]*) = { val topoSorted = Graph.topoSorted( Graph.transitiveTargets(Agg.from(goals)) ) val grouped = Graph.groupAroundImportantTargets(topoSorted) { case t: NamedTask[Any] => t case t if goals.contains(t) => t } grouped.keyCount } test("separateGroups"){ import separateGroups._ val groupCount = countGroups(right, left) assert(groupCount == 3) } test("triangleTask"){ // Make sure the following graph ends up as a single group, since although // `right` depends on `left`, both of them depend on the un-cached `task` // which would force them both to re-compute every time `task` changes import triangleTask._ val groupCount = countGroups(right, left) assert(groupCount == 2) } test("multiTerminalGroup"){ // Make sure the following graph ends up as two groups import multiTerminalGroup._ val groupCount = countGroups(right, left) assert(groupCount == 2) } test("multiTerminalBoundary"){ // Make sure the following graph ends up as a three groups: one for // each cached target, and one for the downstream task we are running import multiTerminalBoundary._ val groupCount = countGroups(task2) assert(groupCount == 3) } } } }