package mill.util import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import utest._ abstract class ScriptTestSuite(fork: Boolean) extends TestSuite{ def workspaceSlug: String def scriptSourcePath: os.Path def buildPath: os.RelPath = "" val workspacePath = os.pwd / 'target / 'workspace / workspaceSlug val wd = workspacePath / buildPath / os.up val stdOutErr = System.out // new PrintStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) val stdIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(Array()) val disableTicker = false val debugLog = false lazy val runner = new mill.main.MainRunner( ammonite.main.Cli.Config(wd = wd), disableTicker, stdOutErr, stdOutErr, stdIn, None, Map.empty, b => (), debugLog ) def eval(s: String*) = { if (!fork) runner.runScript(workspacePath / buildPath , s.toList) else{ try { os.proc(os.home / "mill-release", "-i", s).call( wd, stdin = os.Inherit, stdout = os.Inherit, stderr = os.Inherit, ) true }catch{case e: Throwable => false} } } def meta(s: String) = { val (List(selector), args) = ParseArgs.apply(Seq(s), multiSelect = false).right.get / "out" / selector._2.value.flatMap(_.pathSegments) / "meta.json") } def initWorkspace() = { os.remove.all(workspacePath) os.makeDir.all(workspacePath / os.up) // The unzipped git repo snapshots we get from github come with a // wrapper-folder inside the zip file, so copy the wrapper folder to the // destination instead of the folder containing the wrapper. os.copy(scriptSourcePath, workspacePath) } }