package mill.util import mill.util.Router.Overrides import mill.define._ import mill.api.Result import mill.api.Result.OuterStack import utest.assert import mill.api.Strict.Agg import utest.framework.TestPath import scala.collection.mutable object TestUtil { def getOutPath()(implicit fullName: sourcecode.FullName, tp: TestPath) = { os.pwd / 'target / 'workspace / (fullName.value.split('.') ++ tp.value) } def getOutPathStatic()(implicit fullName: sourcecode.FullName) = { os.pwd / 'target / 'workspace / fullName.value.split('.') } def getSrcPathStatic()(implicit fullName: sourcecode.FullName) = { os.pwd / 'target / 'worksources / fullName.value.split('.') } def getSrcPathBase() = { os.pwd / 'target / 'worksources } class BaseModule(implicit millModuleEnclosing0: sourcecode.Enclosing, millModuleLine0: sourcecode.Line, millName0: sourcecode.Name, overrides: Overrides) extends mill.define.BaseModule(getSrcPathBase() / millModuleEnclosing0.value.split("\\.| |#"))( implicitly, implicitly, implicitly, implicitly, implicitly){ lazy val millDiscover: Discover[this.type] = Discover[this.type] } object test{ def anon(inputs: Task[Int]*) = new Test(inputs) def apply(inputs: Task[Int]*) (implicit ctx: mill.define.Ctx)= { new TestTarget(inputs, pure = inputs.nonEmpty) } } class Test(val inputs: Seq[Task[Int]]) extends Task[Int]{ var counter = 0 var failure = Option.empty[String] var exception = Option.empty[Throwable] override def evaluate(args: Ctx) = { orElse, new OuterStack(Nil))) getOrElse Result.Success(counter +[Int]).sum) } override def sideHash = counter + failure.hashCode() + exception.hashCode() } /** * A dummy target that takes any number of inputs, and whose output can be * controlled externally, so you can construct arbitrary dataflow graphs and * test how changes propagate. */ class TestTarget(inputs: Seq[Task[Int]], val pure: Boolean) (implicit ctx0: mill.define.Ctx) extends Test(inputs) with Target[Int]{ val ctx = ctx0.copy(segments = ctx0.segments ++ Seq(ctx0.segment)) val readWrite = upickle.default.readwriter[Int] } def checkTopological(targets: Agg[Task[_]]) = { val seen = mutable.Set.empty[Task[_]] for(t <- targets.indexed.reverseIterator){ seen.add(t) for(upstream <- t.inputs){ assert(!seen(upstream)) } } } def disableInJava9OrAbove(f: => Any): Unit = { if (!ammonite.util.Util.java9OrAbove) { f } } }