package mill.scalalib import mill.util.JsonFormatters._ import upickle.default.{macroRW, ReadWriter => RW} import CrossVersion._ case class Dep(dep: coursier.Dependency, cross: CrossVersion, force: Boolean) { import mill.scalalib.api.Util.{isDotty, DottyVersion} def artifactName(binaryVersion: String, fullVersion: String, platformSuffix: String) = { val suffix = cross.suffixString(binaryVersion, fullVersion, platformSuffix) + suffix } def configure(attributes: coursier.Attributes): Dep = copy(dep = dep.copy(attributes = attributes)) def forceVersion(): Dep = copy(force = true) def exclude(exclusions: (String, String)*) = copy( dep = dep.copy( exclusions = dep.exclusions ++{case (k, v) => (coursier.Organization(k), coursier.ModuleName(v))} ) ) def excludeOrg(organizations: String*): Dep = exclude( -> "*"): _*) def excludeName(names: String*): Dep = exclude("*" -> _): _*) def toDependency(binaryVersion: String, fullVersion: String, platformSuffix: String) = dep.copy( module = dep.module.copy( name = coursier.ModuleName(artifactName(binaryVersion, fullVersion, platformSuffix)) ) ) def withConfiguration(configuration: String): Dep = copy( dep = dep.copy(configuration = coursier.core.Configuration(configuration)) ) def optional(optional: Boolean = true): Dep = copy( dep = dep.copy(optional = optional) ) /** * If scalaVersion is a Dotty version, replace the cross-version suffix * by the Scala 2.x version that the Dotty version is retro-compatible with, * otherwise do nothing. * * This setting is useful when your build contains dependencies that have only * been published with Scala 2.x, if you have: * {{{ * def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"a::b:c") * }}} * you can replace it by: * {{{ * def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"a::b:c".withDottyCompat(scalaVersion())) * }}} * This will have no effect when compiling with Scala 2.x, but when compiling * with Dotty this will change the cross-version to a Scala 2.x one. This * works because Dotty is currently retro-compatible with Scala 2.x. */ def withDottyCompat(scalaVersion: String): Dep = cross match { case cross: Binary if isDotty(scalaVersion) => val compatSuffix = scalaVersion match { case DottyVersion("3", _) => "_2.13" case DottyVersion("0", minor, patch) => if (minor.toInt > 18 || minor.toInt == 18 && patch.toInt >= 1) "_2.13" else "_2.12" case _ => "" } if (compatSuffix.nonEmpty) copy(cross = Constant(value = compatSuffix, platformed = cross.platformed)) else this case _ => this } } object Dep { val DefaultConfiguration = coursier.core.Configuration("default(compile)") implicit def parse(signature: String): Dep = { val parts = signature.split(';') val module = parts.head val attributes = parts.tail.foldLeft(coursier.Attributes()) { (as, s) => s.split('=') match { case Array("classifier", v) => as.copy(classifier = coursier.Classifier(v)) case Array(k, v) => throw new Exception(s"Unrecognized attribute: [$s]") case _ => throw new Exception(s"Unable to parse attribute specifier: [$s]") } } (module.split(':') match { case Array(a, b, c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = empty(platformed = false)) case Array(a, b, "", c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = empty(platformed = true)) case Array(a, "", b, c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = Binary(platformed = false)) case Array(a, "", b, "", c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = Binary(platformed = true)) case Array(a, "", "", b, c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = Full(platformed = false)) case Array(a, "", "", b, "", c) => Dep(a, b, c, cross = Full(platformed = true)) case _ => throw new Exception(s"Unable to parse signature: [$signature]") }).configure(attributes = attributes) } def apply(org: String, name: String, version: String, cross: CrossVersion, force: Boolean = false): Dep = { apply( coursier.Dependency( coursier.Module(coursier.Organization(org), coursier.ModuleName(name)), version, DefaultConfiguration ), cross, force ) } implicit def rw: RW[Dep] = macroRW } sealed trait CrossVersion { /** If true, the cross-version suffix should start with a platform suffix if it exists */ def platformed: Boolean def isBinary: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[Binary] def isConstant: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[Constant] def isFull: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[Full] /** The string that should be appended to the module name to get the artifact name */ def suffixString(binaryVersion: String, fullVersion: String, platformSuffix: String): String = { val firstSuffix = if (platformed) platformSuffix else "" this match { case cross: Constant => s"${firstSuffix}${cross.value}" case cross: Binary => s"${firstSuffix}_${binaryVersion}" case cross: Full => s"${firstSuffix}_${fullVersion}" } } } object CrossVersion { case class Constant(value: String, platformed: Boolean) extends CrossVersion object Constant { implicit def rw: RW[Constant] = macroRW } case class Binary(platformed: Boolean) extends CrossVersion object Binary { implicit def rw: RW[Binary] = macroRW } case class Full(platformed: Boolean) extends CrossVersion object Full { implicit def rw: RW[Full] = macroRW } def empty(platformed: Boolean) = Constant(value = "", platformed) implicit def rw: RW[CrossVersion] = RW.merge(,, }