package mill package scalalib import coursier.Repository import mill.define.Task import mill.define.TaskModule import mill.eval.{PathRef, Result} import mill.modules.{Assembly, Jvm} import mill.modules.Jvm.{createAssembly, createJar} import Lib._ import mill.scalalib.publish.{Artifact, Scope} import mill.util.Loose.Agg /** * Core configuration required to compile a single Scala compilation target */ trait JavaModule extends mill.Module with TaskModule { outer => def zincWorker: ZincWorkerModule = mill.scalalib.ZincWorkerModule trait Tests extends TestModule{ override def moduleDeps = Seq(outer) override def repositories = outer.repositories override def javacOptions = outer.javacOptions override def zincWorker = outer.zincWorker } def defaultCommandName() = "run" def resolvePublishDependency: Task[Dep => publish.Dependency] = T.task{ Artifact.fromDepJava(_: Dep) } def resolveCoursierDependency: Task[Dep => coursier.Dependency] = T.task{ Lib.depToDependencyJava(_: Dep) } /** * Allows you to specify an explicit main class to use for the `run` command. * If none is specified, the classpath is searched for an appropriate main * class to use if one exists */ def mainClass: T[Option[String]] = None def finalMainClassOpt: T[Either[String, String]] = T{ mainClass() match{ case Some(m) => Right(m) case None => zincWorker.worker().discoverMainClasses(compile())match { case Seq() => Left("No main class specified or found") case Seq(main) => Right(main) case mains => Left( s"Multiple main classes found (${mains.mkString(",")}) " + "please explicitly specify which one to use by overriding mainClass" ) } } } def finalMainClass: T[String] = T{ finalMainClassOpt() match { case Right(main) => Result.Success(main) case Left(msg) => Result.Failure(msg) } } /** * Any ivy dependencies you want to add to this Module, in the format * ivy"org::name:version" for Scala dependencies or ivy"org:name:version" * for Java dependencies */ def ivyDeps = T{ Agg.empty[Dep] } /** * Same as `ivyDeps`, but only present at compile time. Useful for e.g. * macro-related dependencies like `scala-reflect` that doesn't need to be * present at runtime */ def compileIvyDeps = T{ Agg.empty[Dep] } /** * Same as `ivyDeps`, but only present at runtime. Useful for e.g. * selecting different versions of a dependency to use at runtime after your * code has already been compiled */ def runIvyDeps = T{ Agg.empty[Dep] } /** * Options to pass to the java compiler */ def javacOptions = T{ Seq.empty[String] } /** The direct dependencies of this module */ def moduleDeps = Seq.empty[JavaModule] /** The direct and indirect dependencies of this module */ def recursiveModuleDeps: Seq[JavaModule] = { moduleDeps.flatMap(_.transitiveModuleDeps).distinct } /** Like `recursiveModuleDeps` but also include the module itself */ def transitiveModuleDeps: Seq[JavaModule] = { Seq(this) ++ recursiveModuleDeps } /** * Additional jars, classfiles or resources to add to the classpath directly * from disk rather than being downloaded from Maven Central or other package * repositories */ def unmanagedClasspath = T{ Agg.empty[PathRef] } /** * The transitive ivy dependencies of this module and all it's upstream modules */ def transitiveIvyDeps: T[Agg[Dep]] = T{ ivyDeps() ++ Task.traverse(moduleDeps)(_.transitiveIvyDeps)().flatten } /** * The upstream compilation output of all this module's upstream modules */ def upstreamCompileOutput = T{ Task.traverse(recursiveModuleDeps)(_.compile) } /** * The transitive version of `localClasspath` */ def transitiveLocalClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T{ Task.traverse(moduleDeps)(m => T.task{m.localClasspath() ++ m.transitiveLocalClasspath()} )().flatten } def mapDependencies = T.task{ d: coursier.Dependency => d } def resolveDeps(deps: Task[Agg[Dep]], sources: Boolean = false) = T.task{ resolveDependencies( repositories, resolveCoursierDependency().apply(_), deps(), sources, mapDependencies = Some(mapDependencies()) ) } def repositories: Seq[Repository] = zincWorker.repositories /** * What platform suffix to use for publishing, e.g. `_sjs` for Scala.js * projects */ def platformSuffix = T{ "" } private val Milestone213 = raw"""2.13.(\d+)-M(\d+)""".r /** * What shell script to use to launch the executable generated by `assembly`. * Defaults to a generic "universal" launcher that should work for Windows, * OS-X and Linux */ def prependShellScript: T[String] = T{ finalMainClassOpt().toOption match{ case None => "" case Some(cls) => val isWin = scala.util.Properties.isWin mill.modules.Jvm.launcherUniversalScript( cls, Agg("$0"), Agg("%~dpnx0"), forkArgs() ) } } def assemblyRules: Seq[Assembly.Rule] = Assembly.defaultRules /** * The folders where the source files for this module live */ def sources = T.sources{ millSourcePath / 'src } /** * The folders where the resource files for this module live */ def resources = T.sources{ millSourcePath / 'resources } /** * Folders containing source files that are generated rather than * hand-written; these files can be generated in this target itself, * or can refer to files generated from other targets */ def generatedSources = T{ Seq.empty[PathRef] } /** * The folders containing all source files fed into the compiler */ def allSources = T{ sources() ++ generatedSources() } /** * All individual source files fed into the compiler */ def allSourceFiles = T{ def isHiddenFile(path: os.Path) = path.last.startsWith(".") for { root <- allSources() if os.exists(root.path) path <- (if (os.isDir(root.path)) os.walk(root.path) else Seq(root.path)) if os.isFile(path) && ((path.ext == "scala" || path.ext == "java") && !isHiddenFile(path)) } yield PathRef(path) } /** * Compiles the current module to generate compiled classfiles/bytecode */ def compile: T[mill.scalalib.api.CompilationResult] = T.persistent{ zincWorker.worker().compileJava( upstreamCompileOutput(), allSourceFiles().map(_.path), compileClasspath().map(_.path), javacOptions() ) } /** * The output classfiles/resources from this module, excluding upstream * modules and third-party dependencies */ def localClasspath = T{ resources() ++ Agg(compile().classes) } /** * All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies * necessary to compile this module */ def compileClasspath = T{ transitiveLocalClasspath() ++ resources() ++ unmanagedClasspath() ++ resolveDeps(T.task{compileIvyDeps() ++ transitiveIvyDeps()})() } /** * All upstream classfiles and resources necessary to build and executable * assembly, but without this module's contribution */ def upstreamAssemblyClasspath = T{ transitiveLocalClasspath() ++ unmanagedClasspath() ++ resolveDeps(T.task{runIvyDeps() ++ transitiveIvyDeps()})() } /** * All classfiles and resources from upstream modules and dependencies * necessary to run this module's code after compilation */ def runClasspath = T{ localClasspath() ++ upstreamAssemblyClasspath() } /** * Build the assembly for upstream dependencies separate from the current * classpath * * This should allow much faster assembly creation in the common case where * upstream dependencies do not change */ def upstreamAssembly = T{ createAssembly( upstreamAssemblyClasspath().map(_.path), mainClass(), assemblyRules = assemblyRules ) } /** * An executable uber-jar/assembly containing all the resources and compiled * classfiles from this module and all it's upstream modules and dependencies */ def assembly = T{ createAssembly( Agg.from(localClasspath().map(_.path)), finalMainClassOpt().toOption, prependShellScript(), Some(upstreamAssembly().path), assemblyRules ) } /** * A jar containing only this module's resources and compiled classfiles, * without those from upstream modules and dependencies */ def jar = T{ createJar( localClasspath().map(_.path).filter(os.exists), mainClass() ) } /** * The documentation jar, containing all the Javadoc/Scaladoc HTML files, for * publishing to Maven Central */ def docJar = T[PathRef] { val outDir = T.ctx().dest val javadocDir = outDir / 'javadoc os.makeDir.all(javadocDir) val files = for{ ref <- allSources() if os.exists(ref.path) p <- (if (os.isDir(ref.path)) os.walk(ref.path) else Seq(ref.path)) if os.isFile(p) && (p.ext == "java") } yield p.toNIO.toString val options = Seq("-d", javadocDir.toNIO.toString) if (files.nonEmpty) Jvm.baseInteractiveSubprocess( commandArgs = Seq( "javadoc" ) ++ options ++ Seq( "-classpath", compileClasspath() .map(_.path) .filter(_.ext != "pom") .mkString( ) ++, envArgs = Map(), workingDir = T.ctx().dest ) createJar(Agg(javadocDir))(outDir) } /** * The source jar, containing only source code for publishing to Maven Central */ def sourceJar = T { createJar((allSources() ++ resources()).map(_.path).filter(os.exists)) } /** * Any command-line parameters you want to pass to the forked JVM under `run`, * `test` or `repl` */ def forkArgs = T{ Seq.empty[String] } /** * Any environment variables you want to pass to the forked JVM under `run`, * `test` or `repl` */ def forkEnv = T{ sys.env.toMap } /** * Builds a command-line "launcher" file that can be used to run this module's * code, without the Mill process. Useful for deployment & other places where * you do not want a build tool running */ def launcher = T{ Result.Success( Jvm.createLauncher( finalMainClass(), runClasspath().map(_.path), forkArgs() ) ) } def ivyDepsTree(inverse: Boolean = false) = T.command { val (flattened, resolution) = Lib.resolveDependenciesMetadata( repositories, resolveCoursierDependency().apply(_), transitiveIvyDeps(), Some(mapDependencies()) ) println(coursier.util.Print.dependencyTree(flattened, resolution, printExclusions = false, reverse = inverse)) Result.Success() } /** * Runs this module's code in-process within an isolated classloader. This is * faster than `run`, but in exchange you have less isolation between runs * since the code can dirty the parent Mill process and potentially leave it * in a bad state. */ def runLocal(args: String*) = T.command { Jvm.runLocal( finalMainClass(), runClasspath().map(_.path), args ) } /** * Runs this module's code in a subprocess and waits for it to finish */ def run(args: String*) = T.command{ try Result.Success(Jvm.runSubprocess( finalMainClass(), runClasspath().map(_.path), forkArgs(), forkEnv(), args, workingDir = forkWorkingDir() )) catch { case e: Exception => Result.Failure("subprocess failed") } } private[this] def backgroundSetup(dest: os.Path) = { val token = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString val procId = dest / ".mill-background-process-id" val procTombstone = dest / ".mill-background-process-tombstone" // The backgrounded subprocesses poll the procId file, and kill themselves // when the procId file is deleted. This deletion happens immediately before // the body of these commands run, but we cannot be sure the subprocess has // had time to notice. // // To make sure we wait for the previous subprocess to // die, we make the subprocess write a tombstone file out when it kills // itself due to procId being deleted, and we wait a short time on task-start // to see if such a tombstone appears. If a tombstone appears, we can be sure // the subprocess has killed itself, and can continue. If a tombstone doesn't // appear in a short amount of time, we assume the subprocess exited or was // killed via some other means, and continue anyway. val start = System.currentTimeMillis() while({ if (os.exists(procTombstone)) { Thread.sleep(10) os.remove.all(procTombstone) true } else { Thread.sleep(10) System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 100 } })() os.write(procId, token) os.write(procTombstone, token) (procId, procTombstone, token) } /** * Runs this module's code in a background process, until it dies or * `runBackground` is used again. This lets you continue using Mill while * the process is running in the background: editing files, compiling, and * only re-starting the background process when you're ready. * * You can also use `-w foo.runBackground` to make Mill watch for changes * and automatically recompile your code & restart the background process * when ready. This is useful when working on long-running server processes * that would otherwise run forever */ def runBackground(args: String*) = T.command{ val (procId, procTombstone, token) = backgroundSetup(T.ctx().dest) try Result.Success(Jvm.runSubprocess( "mill.scalalib.backgroundwrapper.BackgroundWrapper", (runClasspath() ++ zincWorker.backgroundWrapperClasspath()).map(_.path), forkArgs(), forkEnv(), Seq(procId.toString, procTombstone.toString, token, finalMainClass()) ++ args, workingDir = forkWorkingDir(), background = true )) catch { case e: Exception => Result.Failure("subprocess failed") } } /** * Same as `runBackground`, but lets you specify a main class to run */ def runMainBackground(mainClass: String, args: String*) = T.command{ val (procId, procTombstone, token) = backgroundSetup(T.ctx().dest) try Result.Success(Jvm.runSubprocess( "mill.scalalib.backgroundwrapper.BackgroundWrapper", (runClasspath() ++ zincWorker.backgroundWrapperClasspath()).map(_.path), forkArgs(), forkEnv(), Seq(procId.toString, procTombstone.toString, token, mainClass) ++ args, workingDir = forkWorkingDir(), background = true )) catch { case e: Exception => Result.Failure("subprocess failed") } } /** * Same as `runLocal`, but lets you specify a main class to run */ def runMainLocal(mainClass: String, args: String*) = T.command { Jvm.runLocal( mainClass, runClasspath().map(_.path), args ) } /** * Same as `run`, but lets you specify a main class to run */ def runMain(mainClass: String, args: String*) = T.command{ try Result.Success(Jvm.runSubprocess( mainClass, runClasspath().map(_.path), forkArgs(), forkEnv(), args, workingDir = forkWorkingDir() )) catch { case e: Exception => Result.Failure("subprocess failed") } } // publish artifact with name "mill_2.12.4" instead of "mill_2.12" def artifactName: T[String] ="-") def artifactId: T[String] = artifactName() def intellijModulePath: os.Path = millSourcePath def forkWorkingDir = T{ ammonite.ops.pwd } /** * Skip Idea project file generation. */ def skipIdea: Boolean = false } trait TestModule extends JavaModule with TaskModule { override def defaultCommandName() = "test" /** * What test frameworks to use. */ def testFrameworks: T[Seq[String]] /** * Discovers and runs the module's tests in a subprocess, reporting the * results to the console */ def test(args: String*) = T.command{ val outputPath = T.ctx().dest/"out.json" Jvm.runSubprocess( mainClass = "mill.scalalib.TestRunner", classPath = zincWorker.scalalibClasspath().map(_.path), jvmArgs = forkArgs(), envArgs = forkEnv(), mainArgs = Seq(testFrameworks().length.toString) ++ testFrameworks() ++ Seq(runClasspath().length.toString) ++ runClasspath().map(_.path.toString) ++ Seq(args.length.toString) ++ args ++ Seq(outputPath.toString, T.ctx().log.colored.toString, compile().classes.path.toString, T.ctx().home.toString), workingDir = forkWorkingDir() ) try { val jsonOutput = val (doneMsg, results) =[(String, Seq[TestRunner.Result])](jsonOutput) TestModule.handleResults(doneMsg, results) }catch{case e: Throwable => Result.Failure("Test reporting failed: " + e) } } /** * Discovers and runs the module's tests in-process in an isolated classloader, * reporting the results to the console */ def testLocal(args: String*) = T.command{ val outputPath = T.ctx().dest/"out.json" val (doneMsg, results) = TestRunner.runTests( TestRunner.frameworks(testFrameworks()), runClasspath().map(_.path), Agg(compile().classes.path), args ) TestModule.handleResults(doneMsg, results) } } object TestModule{ def handleResults(doneMsg: String, results: Seq[TestRunner.Result]) = { val badTests = results.filter(x => Set("Error", "Failure").contains(x.status)) if (badTests.isEmpty) Result.Success((doneMsg, results)) else { val suffix = if (badTests.length == 1) "" else " and " + (badTests.length-1) + " more" Result.Failure( badTests.head.fullyQualifiedName + " " + badTests.head.selector + suffix, Some((doneMsg, results)) ) } } }