package mill package scalalib import coursier.Repository import mill.define.{Target, Task, TaskModule} import mill.eval.{PathRef, Result} import mill.modules.Jvm import mill.modules.Jvm.createJar import mill.scalalib.api.Util.isDotty import Lib._ import mill.util.Loose.Agg import mill.api.DummyInputStream /** * Core configuration required to compile a single Scala compilation target */ trait ScalaModule extends JavaModule { outer => trait Tests extends TestModule with ScalaModule{ override def scalaOrganization = outer.scalaOrganization() def scalaVersion = outer.scalaVersion() override def repositories = outer.repositories override def scalacPluginIvyDeps = outer.scalacPluginIvyDeps override def scalacOptions = outer.scalacOptions override def javacOptions = outer.javacOptions override def zincWorker = outer.zincWorker override def moduleDeps: Seq[JavaModule] = Seq(outer) } /** * What Scala organization to use * @return */ def scalaOrganization: T[String] = T { if (isDotty(scalaVersion())) "ch.epfl.lamp" else "org.scala-lang" } /** * What version of Scala to use */ def scalaVersion: T[String] override def mapDependencies = T.task{ d: coursier.Dependency => val artifacts = if (isDotty(scalaVersion())) Set("dotty-library", "dotty-compiler") else Set("scala-library", "scala-compiler", "scala-reflect") if (!artifacts( d else d.copy(module = d.module.copy(organization = scalaOrganization()), version = scalaVersion()) } override def resolveCoursierDependency: Task[Dep => coursier.Dependency] = T.task{ Lib.depToDependency(_: Dep, scalaVersion(), platformSuffix()) } override def resolvePublishDependency: Task[Dep => publish.Dependency] = T.task{ publish.Artifact.fromDep( _: Dep, scalaVersion(), mill.scalalib.api.Util.scalaBinaryVersion(scalaVersion()), platformSuffix() ) } /** * Allows you to make use of Scala compiler plugins from maven central */ def scalacPluginIvyDeps = T{ Agg.empty[Dep] } def scalaDocPluginIvyDeps = T{ scalacPluginIvyDeps() } /** * Command-line options to pass to the Scala compiler */ def scalacOptions = T{ Seq.empty[String] } def scalaDocOptions = T{ scalacOptions() } private val Milestone213 = raw"""2.13.(\d+)-M(\d+)""".r def scalaCompilerBridgeSources = T { val (scalaVersion0, scalaBinaryVersion0) = scalaVersion() match { case Milestone213(_, _) => ("2.13.0-M2", "2.13.0-M2") case _ => (scalaVersion(), mill.scalalib.api.Util.scalaBinaryVersion(scalaVersion())) } val (bridgeDep, bridgeName, bridgeVersion) = if (isDotty(scalaVersion0)) { val org = scalaOrganization() val name = "dotty-sbt-bridge" val version = scalaVersion() (ivy"$org:$name:$version", name, version) } else { val org = "org.scala-sbt" val name = "compiler-bridge" val version = Versions.zinc (ivy"$org::$name:$version", s"${name}_$scalaBinaryVersion0", version) } resolveDependencies( repositories, Lib.depToDependency(_, scalaVersion0, platformSuffix()), Seq(bridgeDep), sources = true ).map(deps => mill.scalalib.api.Util.grepJar(, bridgeName, bridgeVersion, sources = true) ) } /** * The local classpath of Scala compiler plugins on-disk; you can add * additional jars here if you have some copiler plugin that isn't present * on maven central */ def scalacPluginClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T { resolveDeps(scalacPluginIvyDeps)() } /** * The ivy coordinates of Scala's own standard library */ def scalaDocPluginClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T { resolveDeps(scalaDocPluginIvyDeps)() } def scalaLibraryIvyDeps = T{ scalaRuntimeIvyDeps(scalaOrganization(), scalaVersion()) } /** * Classpath of the Scala Compiler & any compiler plugins */ def scalaCompilerClasspath: T[Agg[PathRef]] = T{ resolveDeps( T.task{ scalaCompilerIvyDeps(scalaOrganization(), scalaVersion()) ++ scalaRuntimeIvyDeps(scalaOrganization(), scalaVersion()) } )() } override def compileClasspath = T{ transitiveLocalClasspath() ++ resources() ++ unmanagedClasspath() ++ resolveDeps(T.task{compileIvyDeps() ++ scalaLibraryIvyDeps() ++ transitiveIvyDeps()})() } override def upstreamAssemblyClasspath = T{ transitiveLocalClasspath() ++ unmanagedClasspath() ++ resolveDeps(T.task{runIvyDeps() ++ scalaLibraryIvyDeps() ++ transitiveIvyDeps()})() } override def compile: T[mill.scalalib.api.CompilationResult] = T.persistent{ zincWorker.worker().compileMixed( upstreamCompileOutput(), allSourceFiles().map(_.path), compileClasspath().map(_.path), javacOptions(), scalaVersion(), scalacOptions(), scalaCompilerBridgeSources(), scalaCompilerClasspath().map(_.path), scalacPluginClasspath().map(_.path), ) } override def docJar = T { val outDir = T.ctx().dest val javadocDir = outDir / 'javadoc os.makeDir.all(javadocDir) val files = allSourceFiles().map(_.path.toString) val pluginOptions = scalaDocPluginClasspath().map(pluginPathRef => s"-Xplugin:${pluginPathRef.path}") val compileCp = compileClasspath().filter(_.path.ext != "pom").map(_.path) val options = Seq( "-d", javadocDir.toNIO.toString, "-classpath", compileCp.mkString(":") ) ++ pluginOptions ++ scalaDocOptions() if (files.isEmpty) Result.Success(createJar(Agg(javadocDir))(outDir)) else { zincWorker.worker().docJar( scalaVersion(), scalaCompilerBridgeSources(), scalaCompilerClasspath().map(_.path), scalacPluginClasspath().map(_.path), files ++ options ) match{ case true => Result.Success(createJar(Agg(javadocDir))(outDir)) case false => Result.Failure("docJar generation failed") } } } /** * Opens up a Scala console with your module and all dependencies present, * for you to test and operate your code interactively */ def console() = T.command{ if (T.ctx().log.inStream == DummyInputStream){ Result.Failure("repl needs to be run with the -i/--interactive flag") }else{ Jvm.runSubprocess( mainClass = if (isDotty(scalaVersion())) "" else "", classPath = runClasspath().map(_.path) ++ scalaCompilerClasspath().map(_.path), mainArgs = Seq("-usejavacp"), workingDir = os.pwd ) Result.Success() } } /** * Dependencies that are necessary to run the Ammonite Scala REPL */ def ammoniteReplClasspath = T{ localClasspath() ++ transitiveLocalClasspath() ++ unmanagedClasspath() ++ resolveDeps(T.task{ runIvyDeps() ++ scalaLibraryIvyDeps() ++ transitiveIvyDeps() ++ Agg(ivy"com.lihaoyi:::ammonite:${Versions.ammonite}") })() } /** * Opens up an Ammonite Scala REPL with your module and all dependencies present, * for you to test and operate your code interactively */ def repl(replOptions: String*) = T.command{ if (T.ctx().log.inStream == DummyInputStream){ Result.Failure("repl needs to be run with the -i/--interactive flag") }else{ Jvm.runSubprocess( mainClass = "ammonite.Main", classPath = ammoniteReplClasspath().map(_.path), mainArgs = replOptions, workingDir = os.pwd ) Result.Success() } } /** * Whether to publish artifacts with name "mill_2.12.4" instead of "mill_2.12" */ def crossFullScalaVersion: T[Boolean] = false /** * What Scala version string to use when publishing */ def artifactScalaVersion: T[String] = T { if (crossFullScalaVersion()) scalaVersion() else mill.scalalib.api.Util.scalaBinaryVersion(scalaVersion()) } /** * The suffix appended to the artifact IDs during publishing */ def artifactSuffix: T[String] = s"_${artifactScalaVersion()}" override def artifactId: T[String] = artifactName() + artifactSuffix() }