package better.files import{File => JFile, _} import{URI, URL} import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.nio.channels._ import java.nio.file._ import java.nio.file.attribute._ import{DigestInputStream, MessageDigest} import java.time.Instant import java.util.regex.Pattern import import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.util.Properties import scala.util.matching.Regex /** * Scala wrapper around java.nio.files.Path */ class File private(val path: Path)(implicit val fileSystem: FileSystem = path.getFileSystem) { //TODO: LinkOption? def pathAsString: String = path.toString def toJava: JFile = new JFile(path.toAbsolutePath.toString) /** * Name of file * Certain files may not have a name e.g. root directory - returns empty string in that case * * @return */ def name: String = nameOption.getOrElse("") /** * Certain files may not have a name e.g. root directory - returns None in that case * * @return */ def nameOption: Option[String] = Option(path.getFileName).map(_.toString) def root: File = path.getRoot def nameWithoutExtension: String = nameWithoutExtension(includeAll = true) /** * @param includeAll * For files with multiple extensions e.g. "bundle.tar.gz" * nameWithoutExtension(includeAll = true) returns "bundle" * nameWithoutExtension(includeAll = false) returns "bundle.tar" * @return */ def nameWithoutExtension(includeAll: Boolean): String = if (hasExtension) name.substring(0, indexOfExtension(includeAll)) else name /** * @return extension (including the dot) of this file if it is a regular file and has an extension, else None */ def extension: Option[String] = extension() /** * @param includeDot whether the dot should be included in the extension or not * @param includeAll whether all extension tokens should be included, or just the last one e.g. for bundle.tar.gz should it be .tar.gz or .gz * @param toLowerCase to lowercase the extension or not e.g. foo.HTML should have .html or .HTML * @return extension of this file if it is a regular file and has an extension, else None */ def extension(includeDot: Boolean = true, includeAll: Boolean = false, toLowerCase: Boolean = true): Option[String] = when(hasExtension) { val dot = indexOfExtension(includeAll) val index = if (includeDot) dot else dot + 1 val extension = name.substring(index) if (toLowerCase) extension.toLowerCase else extension } private[this] def indexOfExtension(includeAll: Boolean) = if (includeAll) name.indexOf(".") else name.lastIndexOf(".") /** * Returns the extension if file is a regular file * If file is unreadable or does not exist, it is assumed to be not a regular file * See: * * @return */ def hasExtension: Boolean = (isRegularFile || notExists) && name.contains(".") /** * Changes the file-extension by renaming this file; if file does not have an extension, it adds the extension * Example usage file"".changeExtensionTo(".scala") */ def changeExtensionTo(extension: String): File = if (isRegularFile) renameTo(s"$nameWithoutExtension$extension") else this def contentType: Option[String] = Option(Files.probeContentType(path)) /** * Return parent of this file * NOTE: This API returns null if this file is the root; * please use parentOption if you expect to handle roots * * @see parentOption * @return */ def parent: File = parentOption.orNull /** * * @return Some(parent) of this file or None if this is the root and thus has no parent */ def parentOption: Option[File] = Option(path.getParent).map(File.apply) def /(child: String): File = path.resolve(child) def /(child: Symbol): File = this / def createChild(child: String, asDirectory: Boolean = false, createParents: Boolean = false)(implicit attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default, linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): File = (this / child).createIfNotExists(asDirectory, createParents)(attributes, linkOptions) /** * Create this file. If it exists, don't do anything * * @param asDirectory If you want this file to be created as a directory instead, set this to true (false by default) * @param createParents If you also want all the parents to be created from root to this file (false by defailt) * @param attributes * @param linkOptions * @return */ def createIfNotExists(asDirectory: Boolean = false, createParents: Boolean = false)(implicit attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default, linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): this.type = { if (exists(linkOptions)) { this } else if (asDirectory) { createDirectories()(attributes) } else { if (createParents) parent.createDirectories()(attributes) try { createFile()(attributes) } catch { case _: FileAlreadyExistsException if isRegularFile(linkOptions) => // We don't really care if it exists already } this } } /** * Create this file * * @param attributes * @return */ def createFile()(implicit attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default): this.type = { Files.createFile(path, attributes: _*) this } def exists(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = Files.exists(path, linkOptions: _*) def notExists(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = Files.notExists(path, linkOptions: _*) def sibling(name: String): File = path.resolveSibling(name) def isSiblingOf(sibling: File): Boolean = sibling.isChildOf(parent) def siblings: Files = parent.list.filterNot(_ == this) def isChildOf(parent: File): Boolean = parent.isParentOf(this) /** * Check if this directory contains this file * * @param file * @return true if this is a directory and it contains this file */ def contains(file: File): Boolean = isDirectory && (file.path startsWith path) def isParentOf(child: File): Boolean = contains(child) def bytes: Iterator[Byte] = newInputStream.buffered.bytes //TODO: ManagedResource here? def loadBytes: Array[Byte] = Files.readAllBytes(path) def byteArray: Array[Byte] = loadBytes /** * Create this directory * * @param attributes * @return */ def createDirectory()(implicit attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default): this.type = { Files.createDirectory(path, attributes: _*) this } /** * Create this directory and all its parents * Unlike the JDK, this by default sanely handles the JDK-8130464 bug * If you want default Java behaviour, use File.LinkOptions.noFollow * * @param attributes * @return */ def createDirectories()(implicit attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default, linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): this.type = { try { Files.createDirectories(path, attributes: _*) } catch { case _: FileAlreadyExistsException if isDirectory(linkOptions) => // work around for JDK-8130464 } this } def chars(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): Iterator[Char] = newBufferedReader(charset).chars //TODO: ManagedResource here? /** * Load all lines from this file * Note: Large files may cause an OutOfMemory in which case, use the streaming version @see lineIterator * * @param charset * @return all lines in this file */ def lines(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): Traversable[String] = Files.readAllLines(path, charset).asScala /** * Iterate over lines in a file (auto-close stream on complete) * NOTE: If the iteration is partial, it may leave a stream open * If you want partial iteration use @see lines() * * @param charset * @return */ def lineIterator(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): Iterator[String] = Files.lines(path, charset).toAutoClosedIterator def tokens(splitter: StringSplitter = StringSplitter.default)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): Iterator[String] = newBufferedReader(charset).tokens(splitter) def contentAsString(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): String = new String(byteArray, charset) def printLines(lines: Iterator[Any])(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.append): this.type = { for { pw <- printWriter()(openOptions) line <- lines } pw.println(line) this } /** * For large number of lines that may not fit in memory, use printLines * * @param lines * @param charset * @return */ def appendLines(lines: String*)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): this.type = { Files.write(path, lines.asJava, charset, File.OpenOptions.append: _*) this } def appendLine(line: String = "")(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): this.type = appendLines(line)(charset) def append(text: String)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): this.type = appendByteArray(text.getBytes(charset)) def appendText(text: String)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): this.type = append(text)(charset) def appendByteArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): this.type = { Files.write(path, bytes, File.OpenOptions.append: _*) this } def appendBytes(bytes: Iterator[Byte]): this.type = writeBytes(bytes)(openOptions = File.OpenOptions.append) /** * Write byte array to file. For large contents consider using the writeBytes * * @param bytes * @return this */ def writeByteArray(bytes: Array[Byte])(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): this.type = { Files.write(path, bytes, openOptions: _*) this } def writeBytes(bytes: Iterator[Byte])(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): this.type = { outputStream(openOptions).foreach(_.buffered write bytes) this } def write(text: String)(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default, charset: Charset = defaultCharset): this.type = writeByteArray(text.getBytes(charset))(openOptions) def writeText(text: String)(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default, charset: Charset = defaultCharset): this.type = write(text)(openOptions, charset) def overwrite(text: String)(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default, charset: Charset = defaultCharset): this.type = write(text)(openOptions, charset) def newRandomAccess(mode: File.RandomAccessMode = RandomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(toJava, mode.value) def randomAccess(mode: File.RandomAccessMode = ManagedResource[RandomAccessFile] = newRandomAccess(mode).autoClosed //TODO: Mode enum? def newBufferedReader(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): BufferedReader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, charset) def bufferedReader(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): ManagedResource[BufferedReader] = newBufferedReader(charset).autoClosed def newBufferedWriter(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset, openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): BufferedWriter = Files.newBufferedWriter(path, charset, openOptions: _*) def bufferedWriter(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset, openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): ManagedResource[BufferedWriter] = newBufferedWriter(charset, openOptions).autoClosed def newFileReader: FileReader = new FileReader(toJava) def fileReader: ManagedResource[FileReader] = newFileReader.autoClosed def newFileWriter(append: Boolean = false): FileWriter = new FileWriter(toJava, append) def fileWriter(append: Boolean = false): ManagedResource[FileWriter] = newFileWriter(append).autoClosed def newPrintWriter(autoFlush: Boolean = false)(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(newOutputStream(openOptions), autoFlush) def printWriter(autoFlush: Boolean = false)(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): ManagedResource[PrintWriter] = newPrintWriter(autoFlush)(openOptions).autoClosed def newInputStream(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): InputStream = Files.newInputStream(path, openOptions: _*) def inputStream(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): ManagedResource[InputStream] = newInputStream(openOptions).autoClosed //TODO: Move this to inputstream implicit def newDigestInputStream(digest: MessageDigest)(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): DigestInputStream = new DigestInputStream(newInputStream(openOptions), digest) def digestInputStream(digest: MessageDigest)(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): ManagedResource[DigestInputStream] = newDigestInputStream(digest)(openOptions).autoClosed def newScanner(splitter: StringSplitter = StringSplitter.default)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): Scanner = Scanner(newBufferedReader(charset), splitter) def scanner(splitter: StringSplitter = StringSplitter.default)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): ManagedResource[Scanner] = newScanner(splitter)(charset).autoClosed def newOutputStream(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): OutputStream = Files.newOutputStream(path, openOptions: _*) def outputStream(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): ManagedResource[OutputStream] = newOutputStream(openOptions).autoClosed def newZipOutputStream(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default, charset: Charset = defaultCharset): ZipOutputStream = new ZipOutputStream(newOutputStream(openOptions), charset) def zipInputStream(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): ManagedResource[ZipInputStream] = newZipInputStream(charset).autoClosed def newZipInputStream(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): ZipInputStream = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(toJava).buffered, charset) def zipOutputStream(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default, charset: Charset = defaultCharset): ManagedResource[ZipOutputStream] = newZipOutputStream(openOptions, charset).autoClosed def newFileChannel(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default, attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default): FileChannel =, openOptions.toSet.asJava, attributes: _*) def fileChannel(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default, attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default): ManagedResource[FileChannel] = newFileChannel(openOptions, attributes).autoClosed def newAsynchronousFileChannel(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): AsynchronousFileChannel =, openOptions: _*) def asynchronousFileChannel(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): ManagedResource[AsynchronousFileChannel] = newAsynchronousFileChannel(openOptions).autoClosed def newWatchService: WatchService = fileSystem.newWatchService() def watchService: ManagedResource[WatchService] = newWatchService.autoClosed /** * Serialize a object using Java's serializer into this file * * @param obj * @return */ def writeSerialized(obj: Serializable)(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): this.type = { createIfNotExists().outputStream(openOptions).foreach(_.asObjectOutputStream().serialize(obj).flush()) this } /** * Deserialize a object using Java's default serialization from this file * * @return */ def readDeserialized[A](implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): A = inputStream(openOptions).map(_.asObjectInputStream().deserialize[A]) def register(service: WatchService, events: File.Events = File.Events.all): this.type = { path.register(service, events.toArray) this } def digest(algorithm: MessageDigest): Array[Byte] = { listRelativePaths.toSeq.sorted foreach { relativePath => val file: File = path.resolve(relativePath) if(file.isDirectory) { algorithm.update(relativePath.toString.getBytes) } else { file.digestInputStream(algorithm).foreach(_.pipeTo(NullOutputStream)) } } algorithm.digest() } /** * Set a file attribute e.g. file("dos:system") = true * * @param attribute * @param value * @param linkOptions * @return */ def update(attribute: String, value: Any)(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): this.type = { Files.setAttribute(path, attribute, value, linkOptions : _*) this } /** * @return checksum of this file (or directory) in hex format */ def checksum(algorithm: MessageDigest): String = DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(digest(algorithm)) def md5: String = checksum("MD5") def sha1: String = checksum("SHA-1") def sha256: String = checksum("SHA-256") def sha512: String = checksum("SHA-512") /** * @return Some(target) if this is a symbolic link (to target) else None */ def symbolicLink: Option[File] = when(isSymbolicLink)(new File(Files.readSymbolicLink(path))) /** * @return true if this file (or the file found by following symlink) is a directory */ def isDirectory(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = Files.isDirectory(path, linkOptions: _*) /** * @return true if this file (or the file found by following symlink) is a regular file */ def isRegularFile(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = Files.isRegularFile(path, linkOptions: _*) def isSymbolicLink: Boolean = Files.isSymbolicLink(path) def isHidden: Boolean = Files.isHidden(path) /** * Check if a file is locked. * * @param mode The random access mode. * @param position The position at which the locked region is to start; must be non-negative. * @param size The size of the locked region; must be non-negative, and the sum position + size must be non-negative. * @param isShared true to request a shared lock, false to request an exclusive lock. * @return True if the file is locked, false otherwise. */ def isLocked(mode: File.RandomAccessMode, position: Long = 0L, size: Long = Long.MaxValue, isShared: Boolean = false)(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = try { usingLock(mode) {channel => channel.tryLock(position, size, isShared).release() false } } catch { case _: OverlappingFileLockException | _: NonWritableChannelException | _: NonReadableChannelException => true // Windows throws a `FileNotFoundException` if the file is locked (see: case _: FileNotFoundException if verifiedExists(linkOptions).getOrElse(true) => true } /** * @see * @see * * @return * Some(true) if file is guaranteed to exist * Some(false) if file is guaranteed to not exist * None if the status is unknown e.g. if file is unreadable */ def verifiedExists(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Option[Boolean] = { if (exists(linkOptions)) { Some(true) } else if(notExists(linkOptions)) { Some(false) } else { None } } def usingLock[U](mode: File.RandomAccessMode)(f: FileChannel => U): U = newRandomAccess(mode) def isReadLocked(position: Long = 0L, size: Long = Long.MaxValue, isShared: Boolean = false) = isLocked(, position, size, isShared) def isWriteLocked(position: Long = 0L, size: Long = Long.MaxValue, isShared: Boolean = false) = isLocked(File.RandomAccessMode.readWrite, position, size, isShared) def list: Files = Files.list(path) def children: Files = list def entries: Files = list def listRecursively(implicit visitOptions: File.VisitOptions = File.VisitOptions.default): Files = walk()(visitOptions).filterNot(isSamePathAs) /** * Walk the directory tree recursively upto maxDepth * * @param maxDepth * @return List of children in BFS maxDepth level deep (includes self since self is at depth = 0) */ def walk(maxDepth: Int = Int.MaxValue)(implicit visitOptions: File.VisitOptions = File.VisitOptions.default): Files = Files.walk(path, maxDepth, visitOptions: _*) //TODO: that ignores I/O errors? def pathMatcher(syntax: File.PathMatcherSyntax, includePath: Boolean)(pattern: String): PathMatcher = syntax(this, pattern, includePath) /** * Util to glob from this file's path * * * @param includePath If true, we don't need to set path glob patterns * e.g. instead of **//*.txt we just use *.txt * @return Set of files that matched */ //TODO: Consider removing `syntax` as implicit. You often want to control this on a per method call basis def glob(pattern: String, includePath: Boolean = true)(implicit syntax: File.PathMatcherSyntax = File.PathMatcherSyntax.default, visitOptions: File.VisitOptions = File.VisitOptions.default): Files = pathMatcher(syntax, includePath)(pattern).matches(this)(visitOptions) /** * Util to match from this file's path using Regex * * @param includePath If true, we don't need to set path glob patterns * e.g. instead of **//*.txt we just use *.txt * @see glob * @return Set of files that matched */ def globRegex(pattern: Regex, includePath: Boolean = true)(implicit visitOptions: File.VisitOptions = File.VisitOptions.default): Files = glob(pattern.regex, includePath)(syntax = File.PathMatcherSyntax.regex, visitOptions = visitOptions) /** * More Scala friendly way of doing Files.walk * Note: This is lazy (returns an Iterator) and won't evaluate till we reify the iterator (e.g. using .toList) * * @param matchFilter * @return */ def collectChildren(matchFilter: File => Boolean)(implicit visitOptions: File.VisitOptions = File.VisitOptions.default): Files = walk()(visitOptions).filter(matchFilter) def uri: URI = path.toUri def url: URL = uri.toURL /** * @return file size (for directories, return size of the directory) in bytes */ def size(implicit visitOptions: File.VisitOptions = File.VisitOptions.default): Long = walk()(visitOptions).map(f => Files.size(f.path)).sum def permissions(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Set[PosixFilePermission] = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(path, linkOptions: _*).asScala.toSet def permissionsAsString(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): String = PosixFilePermissions.toString(permissions(linkOptions).asJava) def setPermissions(permissions: Set[PosixFilePermission]): this.type = { Files.setPosixFilePermissions(path, permissions.asJava) this } def addPermission(permission: PosixFilePermission)(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): this.type = setPermissions(permissions(linkOptions) + permission) def removePermission(permission: PosixFilePermission)(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): this.type = setPermissions(permissions(linkOptions) - permission) /** * test if file has this permission */ def testPermission(permission: PosixFilePermission)(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = permissions(linkOptions)(permission) def isOwnerReadable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ)(linkOptions) def isOwnerWritable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_WRITE)(linkOptions) def isOwnerExecutable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE)(linkOptions) def isGroupReadable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_READ)(linkOptions) def isGroupWritable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_WRITE)(linkOptions) def isGroupExecutable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_EXECUTE)(linkOptions) def isOthersReadable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_READ)(linkOptions) def isOthersWritable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_WRITE)(linkOptions) def isOthersExecutable(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = testPermission(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_EXECUTE)(linkOptions) /** * This differs from the above as this checks if the JVM can read this file even though the OS cannot in certain platforms * * @see isOwnerReadable * @return */ def isReadable: Boolean = toJava.canRead def isWriteable: Boolean = toJava.canWrite def isExecutable: Boolean = toJava.canExecute def attributes(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): BasicFileAttributes = Files.readAttributes(path, classOf[BasicFileAttributes], linkOptions: _*) def posixAttributes(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): PosixFileAttributes = Files.readAttributes(path, classOf[PosixFileAttributes], linkOptions: _*) def dosAttributes(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): DosFileAttributes = Files.readAttributes(path, classOf[DosFileAttributes], linkOptions: _*) def owner(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): UserPrincipal = Files.getOwner(path, linkOptions: _*) def ownerName(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): String = owner(linkOptions).getName def group(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): GroupPrincipal = posixAttributes(linkOptions).group() def groupName(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): String = group(linkOptions).getName def setOwner(owner: String): this.type = { Files.setOwner(path, fileSystem.getUserPrincipalLookupService.lookupPrincipalByName(owner)) this } def setGroup(group: String): this.type = { Files.setOwner(path, fileSystem.getUserPrincipalLookupService.lookupPrincipalByGroupName(group)) this } /** * Similar to the UNIX command touch - create this file if it does not exist and set its last modification time */ def touch(time: Instant = attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default, linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): this.type = { Files.setLastModifiedTime(createIfNotExists()(attributes, linkOptions).path, FileTime.from(time)) this } def lastModifiedTime(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Instant = Files.getLastModifiedTime(path, linkOptions: _*).toInstant /** * Deletes this file or directory * * @param swallowIOExceptions If this is set to true, any exception thrown is swallowed */ def delete(swallowIOExceptions: Boolean = false): this.type = { try { if (isDirectory) list.foreach(_.delete(swallowIOExceptions)) Files.delete(path) } catch { case _: IOException if swallowIOExceptions => //e.printStackTrace() //swallow } this } def renameTo(newName: String): File = moveTo(path.resolveSibling(newName)) /** * * @param destination * @param overwrite * @return destination */ def moveTo(destination: File, overwrite: Boolean = false): destination.type = { Files.move(path, destination.path, File.CopyOptions(overwrite): _*) destination } /** * Moves this file into the given directory * @param directory * * @return the File referencing the new file created under destination */ def moveToDirectory(directory: File)(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): File = { require(directory.isDirectory(linkOptions), s"$directory must be a directory") moveTo(directory / } /** * * @param destination * @param overwrite * @return destination */ def copyTo(destination: File, overwrite: Boolean = false)(implicit copyOptions: File.CopyOptions = File.CopyOptions(overwrite)): destination.type = { if (isDirectory) {//TODO: maxDepth? Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] { def newPath(subPath: Path): Path = destination.path.resolve(path.relativize(subPath)) override def preVisitDirectory(dir: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes) = { Files.createDirectories(newPath(dir)) super.preVisitDirectory(dir, attrs) } override def visitFile(file: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes) = { Files.copy(file, newPath(file), copyOptions: _*) super.visitFile(file, attrs) } }) } else { Files.copy(path, destination.path, copyOptions: _*) } destination } /** * Copies this file into the given directory * @param directory * * @return the File referencing the new file created under destination */ def copyToDirectory(directory: File)(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default, copyOptions: File.CopyOptions = File.CopyOptions.default): File = { require(directory.isDirectory(linkOptions), s"$directory must be a directory") copyTo(directory / } def symbolicLinkTo(destination: File)(implicit attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default): destination.type = { Files.createSymbolicLink(path, destination.path, attributes: _*) destination } def linkTo(destination: File, symbolic: Boolean = false)(implicit attributes: File.Attributes = File.Attributes.default): destination.type = { if (symbolic) { symbolicLinkTo(destination)(attributes) } else { Files.createLink(destination.path, path) destination } } def listRelativePaths(implicit visitOptions: File.VisitOptions = File.VisitOptions.default): Iterator[Path] = walk()(visitOptions).map(relativize) def relativize(destination: File): Path = path.relativize(destination.path) def isSamePathAs(that: File): Boolean = this.path == that.path def isSameFileAs(that: File): Boolean = Files.isSameFile(this.path, that.path) /** * @return true if this file is exactly same as that file * For directories, it checks for equivalent directory structure */ def isSameContentAs(that: File): Boolean = isSimilarContentAs(that) /** * Almost same as isSameContentAs but uses faster md5 hashing to compare (and thus small chance of false positive) * Also works for directories * * @param that * @return */ def isSimilarContentAs(that: File): Boolean = this.md5 == that.md5 override def equals(obj: Any) = { obj match { case file: File => isSamePathAs(file) case _ => false } } /** * @param linkOptions * @return true if file is not present or empty directory or 0-bytes file */ def isEmpty(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = { if (isDirectory(linkOptions)) { children.isEmpty } else if (isRegularFile(linkOptions)) { toJava.length() == 0 } else { notExists(linkOptions) } } /** * * @param linkOptions * @return for directories, true if it has no children, false otherwise * for files, true if it is a 0-byte file, false otherwise * else true if it exists, false otherwise */ def nonEmpty(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): Boolean = !isEmpty(linkOptions) /** * If this is a directory, remove all its children * If its a file, empty the contents * * @return this */ def clear()(implicit linkOptions: File.LinkOptions = File.LinkOptions.default): this.type = { if (isDirectory(linkOptions)) { children.foreach(_.delete()) } else { writeByteArray(Array.emptyByteArray)(File.OpenOptions.default) } this } def deleteOnExit(): this.type = { toJava.deleteOnExit() this } override def hashCode = path.hashCode() override def toString = pathAsString /** * Zips this file (or directory) * * @param destination The destination file; Creates this if it does not exists * @return The destination zip file */ def zipTo(destination: File, compressionLevel: Int = Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): destination.type = { val files = if (isDirectory) children else Iterator(this) destination.zipIn(files, compressionLevel)(charset) } /** * zip to a temp directory * * @return the target directory */ def zip(compressionLevel: Int = Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): File = zipTo(destination = File.newTemporaryFile(name, ".zip"), compressionLevel)(charset) /** * Unzips this zip file * * @param destination destination folder; Creates this if it does not exist * @param zipFilter An optional param to reject or accept unzipping a file * @return The destination where contents are unzipped */ def unzipTo(destination: File, zipFilter: ZipEntry => Boolean = _ => true)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): destination.type = { for { zipFile <- new ZipFile(toJava, charset).autoClosed entry <- zipFile.entries().asScala if zipFilter(entry) } entry.extractTo(destination, zipFile.getInputStream(entry)) destination } /** * Streamed unzipping is slightly slower but supports larger files and more encodings * @see * * @param destinationDirectory destination folder; Creates this if it does not exist * @return The destination where contents are unzipped */ def streamedUnzip(destinationDirectory: File = File.newTemporaryDirectory(name))(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): destinationDirectory.type = { for { zipIn <- zipInputStream(charset) } zipIn.mapEntries(_.extractTo(destinationDirectory, zipIn)).size destinationDirectory } def unGzipTo(destinationDirectory: File = File.newTemporaryDirectory())(implicit openOptions: File.OpenOptions = File.OpenOptions.default): destinationDirectory.type = { for { in <- inputStream(openOptions) out <- destinationDirectory.outputStream(openOptions) } in.buffered.pipeTo(out.buffered) destinationDirectory } /** * Adds these files into this zip file * Example usage: File("").zipIn(Seq(file"hello.txt", file"hello2.txt")) * * @param files * @param compressionLevel * @param charset * @return this */ def zipIn(files: Files, compressionLevel: Int = Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION)(charset: Charset = defaultCharset): this.type = { for { output <- newZipOutputStream(File.OpenOptions.default, charset).withCompressionLevel(compressionLevel).autoClosed input <- files file <- input.walk() name = input.parent relativize file } output.add(file, name.toString) this } /** * unzip to a temporary zip file * * @return the zip file */ def unzip(zipFilter: ZipEntry => Boolean = _ => true)(implicit charset: Charset = defaultCharset): File = unzipTo(destination = File.newTemporaryDirectory(name), zipFilter)(charset) /** * Java's temporary files/directories are not cleaned up by default. * If we explicitly call `.deleteOnExit()`, it gets added to shutdown handler which is not ideal * for long running systems with millions of temporary files as: * a) it would slowdown shutdown and * b) occupy unnecessary disk-space during app lifetime * * This util auto-deletes the resource when done using the ManagedResource facility * * Example usage: * File.temporaryDirectory().foreach(tempDir => doSomething(tempDir) * * @return */ def toTemporary: ManagedResource[File] = new ManagedResource(this)(Disposable.fileDisposer) //TODO: add features from } object File { /** * Get a file from a resource * Note: Use resourceToFile instead as this may not actually always load the file * See: * * @param name * @return */ def resource(name: String): File = File(currentClassLoader().getResource(name)) /** * Copies a resource into a file * * @param name * @param destination File where resource is copied into, if not specified a temp file is created * @return */ def copyResource(name: String)(destination: File = File.newTemporaryFile(prefix = name)): destination.type = { for { in <- resourceAsStream(name).autoClosed out <- destination.outputStream } in.pipeTo(out) destination } def newTemporaryDirectory(prefix: String = "", parent: Option[File] = None)(implicit attributes: Attributes = Attributes.default): File = { parent match { case Some(dir) => Files.createTempDirectory(dir.path, prefix, attributes: _*) case _ => Files.createTempDirectory(prefix, attributes: _*) } } def temporaryDirectory(prefix: String = "", parent: Option[File] = None, attributes: Attributes = Attributes.default): ManagedResource[File] = newTemporaryDirectory(prefix, parent)(attributes).toTemporary def usingTemporaryDirectory[U](prefix: String = "", parent: Option[File] = None, attributes: Attributes = Attributes.default)(f: File => U): Unit = temporaryDirectory(prefix, parent, attributes).foreach(f) def newTemporaryFile(prefix: String = "", suffix: String = "", parent: Option[File] = None)(implicit attributes: Attributes = Attributes.default): File = { parent match { case Some(dir) => Files.createTempFile(dir.path, prefix, suffix, attributes: _*) case _ => Files.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, attributes: _*) } } def temporaryFile[U](prefix: String = "", suffix: String = "", parent: Option[File] = None, attributes: Attributes = Attributes.default): ManagedResource[File] = newTemporaryFile(prefix, suffix, parent)(attributes).toTemporary def usingTemporaryFile[U](prefix: String = "", suffix: String = "", parent: Option[File] = None, attributes: Attributes = Attributes.default)(f: File => U): Unit = temporaryFile(prefix, suffix, parent, attributes).foreach(f) implicit def apply(path: Path): File = new File(path.toAbsolutePath.normalize()) def apply(path: String, fragments: String*): File = Paths.get(path, fragments: _*) /** * Get File to path with help of reference anchor. * * Anchor is used as a reference in case that path is not absolute. * Anchor could be path to directory or path to file. * If anchor is file, then file's parent dir is used as an anchor. * * If anchor itself is relative, then anchor is used together with current working directory. * * NOTE: If anchor is non-existing path on filesystem, then it's always treated as file, * e.g. it's last component is removed when it is used as an anchor. * * @param anchor path to be used as anchor * @param path as string * @param fragments optional path fragments * @return absolute, normalize path */ def apply(anchor: File, path: String, fragments: String*): File = { val p = Paths.get(path, fragments: _*) if (p.isAbsolute) { p } else if (anchor.isDirectory) { anchor / p.toString } else { anchor.parent / p.toString } } def apply(url: URL): File = apply(url.toURI) def apply(uri: URI): File = Paths.get(uri) def roots: Iterable[File] = def root: File = roots.head def home: File = Properties.userHome.toFile def temp: File = Properties.tmpDir.toFile def currentWorkingDirectory: File = File("") type Attributes = Seq[FileAttribute[_]] object Attributes { val default : Attributes = Seq.empty } type CopyOptions = Seq[CopyOption] object CopyOptions { def apply(overwrite: Boolean) : CopyOptions = (if (overwrite) Seq(StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING) else default) ++ LinkOptions.default val default : CopyOptions = Seq.empty //Seq(StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES) } type Events = Seq[WatchEvent.Kind[_]] object Events { val all : Events = Seq(StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE) val default : Events = all } type OpenOptions = Seq[OpenOption] object OpenOptions { val append : OpenOptions = Seq(StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) val default : OpenOptions = Seq.empty } type LinkOptions = Seq[LinkOption] object LinkOptions { val follow : LinkOptions = Seq.empty val noFollow : LinkOptions = Seq(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS) val default : LinkOptions = follow } type VisitOptions = Seq[FileVisitOption] object VisitOptions { val follow : VisitOptions = Seq(FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS) val default : VisitOptions = Seq.empty } type Order = Ordering[File] object Order { val bySize : Order = val byName : Order = val byDepth : Order = val byModificationTime : Order = val byDirectoriesLast : Order = val byDirectoriesFirst : Order = byDirectoriesLast.reverse val default : Order = byDirectoriesFirst.andThenBy(byName) } abstract class PathMatcherSyntax(name: String) { /** * Return PathMatcher from this file * * @param file * @param pattern * @param includePath If this is true, no need to include path matchers * e.g. instead of "**//*.txt" we can simply use *.txt * @return */ def apply(file: File, pattern: String, includePath: Boolean): PathMatcher = { val escapedPath = if (includePath) escapePath(file.path.toString + file.fileSystem.getSeparator) else "" file.fileSystem.getPathMatcher(s"$name:$escapedPath$pattern") } def escapePath(path: String): String } object PathMatcherSyntax { val glob: PathMatcherSyntax = new PathMatcherSyntax("glob") { override def escapePath(path: String) = path .replaceAllLiterally("\\", "\\\\") .replaceAllLiterally("*", "\\*") .replaceAllLiterally("?", "\\?") .replaceAllLiterally("{", "\\{") .replaceAllLiterally("}", "\\}") .replaceAllLiterally("[", "\\[") .replaceAllLiterally("]", "\\]") } val regex: PathMatcherSyntax = new PathMatcherSyntax("regex") { override def escapePath(path: String) = Pattern.quote(path) } val default: PathMatcherSyntax = glob } class RandomAccessMode private(val value: String) object RandomAccessMode { val read = new RandomAccessMode("r") val readWrite = new RandomAccessMode("rw") val readWriteMetadataSynchronous = new RandomAccessMode("rws") val readWriteContentSynchronous = new RandomAccessMode("rwd") } def numberOfOpenFileDescriptors(): Long = { .getPlatformMBeanServer .getAttribute(new"java.lang:type=OperatingSystem"), "OpenFileDescriptorCount") .asInstanceOf[Long] } /** * Implement this interface to monitor the root file */ trait Monitor extends AutoCloseable { val root: File /** * Dispatch a StandardWatchEventKind to an appropriate callback * Override this if you don't want to manually handle onDelete/onCreate/onModify separately * * @param eventType * @param file */ def onEvent(eventType: WatchEvent.Kind[Path], file: File, count: Int): Unit = eventType match { case StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE => onCreate(file, count) case StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY => onModify(file, count) case StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE => onDelete(file, count) } def start()(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): Unit def onCreate(file: File, count: Int): Unit def onModify(file: File, count: Int): Unit def onDelete(file: File, count: Int): Unit def onUnknownEvent(event: WatchEvent[_], count: Int): Unit def onException(exception: Throwable): Unit def stop(): Unit = close() } }