Licensing ^^^^^^^^^ This directory contains miscellaneous NuttX add-ons and utilities. NuttX is retained separately for maintenance and licensing reasons. NuttX has a BSD-style license. However, the contents of this directory have have other license restrictions. The licensing of the components of this directory are summarized below: buildroot: Description: GNU toolchain build environment. Derived from License: GPLv2 pascal: Description: Pascal compiler with NuttX runtime add-on. License: BSD sims: Description: This is a repository of instruction set simulators that were used to verify NuttX. The licensing of the instruction set simulators vary sims/z80sim: You are well comecom to use the source files provided in this directory for any purpose. However, the core of the Z80 emulation is based on a proprietary-but-free-to-use instruction set emulator. That emulation is not included in this directory, but is automatically downloaded when z80sim is built.