32-bit op-code bit definitions Machine model: SPB 32-bit Pascal stack base address SP 32-bit Pascal stack pointer LSP 32-bit Level stack pointer CSB 32-bit Character stack base address CSP 32-bit Character stack pointer DS 32-bit Data size register (for multiple reg transfers) PC 32-bit Program Counter CC Condition code register --- Volatile general purpose registers --- Static general purpose registers Condition codes: Z(ero), N(egative) +=====+=====+ | Z | N | +=====+=====+=====+ | EQ | 1 | - | | NEQ | 0 | - | | LT | - | 1 | | GTE | - | 0 | | GT | 0 | 0 | | LTE | 1 | 1 | +=====+=====+=====+ Opcode Encoding Summary: 0rxx xxxx 1rxxx xxxx xr00 0000 NOP LD uoffs4 xr00 0001 NEG LDH uoffs3 xr00 0010 ABS LDB uoffs xr00 0011 INC LDM uoffs4 xr00 0100 DEC ST uoffs4 xr00 0101 NOT STH uoffs2 xr00 0110 ADD STB uoffs xr00 0111 SUB STM uoffs4 xr00 1000 MUL LDX uoffs4 xr00 1001 DIV LDXH uoffs2 xr00 1010 MOD LDXB uoffs xr00 1011 SLL LDXM uoffs4 xr00 1100 SRL STX uoffs4 xr00 1101 SRA STXH uoffs2 xr00 1110 OR STXB uoffs xr00 1111 AND STXM uoffs xr01 0000 EQUZ JEQUZ ilbl xr01 0001 NEQZ JNEQZ ilbl xr01 0010 LTZ JLTZ ilbl xr01 0011 GTEZ JGTEZ ilbl xr01 0100 GTZ JGTZ ilbl xr01 0101 LTEZ JLTEZ ilbl xr01 0110 --- JMP ilbl xr01 0111 --- PUSH nn xr01 1000 EQU JEQU ilbl xr01 1001 NEQ JNEQ ilbl xr01 1010 LT JLT ilbl xr01 1011 GTE JGTE ilbl xr01 1100 GT JGT ilbl xr01 1101 LTE JLTE ilbl xr01 1110 --- --- xr01 1111 BIT INDS nn xr10 0000 LDI LDS offs4 xr10 0001 LDIH LDSH offs3 xr10 0010 LDIB LDSB offs xr10 0011 LDIM LDSM offs4 xr10 0100 STI STS offs4 xr10 0101 STIH STSH offs2 xr10 0110 STIB STSB offs xr10 0111 STIM STSM offs4 xr10 1000 DUP LDSX offs4 xr10 1001 --- LDSXH offs2 xr10 1010 PUSHS LDSXB offs xr10 1011 POPS LDSXM offs4 xr10 1100 --- STSX offs4 xr10 1101 --- STSXH offs2 xr10 1110 --- STSXB offs xr10 1111 RET STSXM offs xr11 0000 --- LA uoffs xr11 0001 --- LAS offs xr11 0010 --- LAC dlbl xr11 0011 --- --- xr11 0100 --- LAX uoffs xr11 0101 --- LASX offs xr11 0110 --- SLSP level xr11 0111 --- SDC uu xr11 1000 --- --- xr11 1001 --- PCAL ilbl xr11 1010 --- SYSIO fn,sop xr11 1011 --- LIB lop xr11 1100 --- FLOAT fop xr11 1101 --- *LABEL ilbl xr11 1110 --- *INCLUDE fn xr11 1111 END *LINE lineno KEY: r = Reserved bit (must be zero) fn = 8-bit file number lvl = 8-bit static nexting level sop = 17-bit sysio operation lineno = 17-bit line number nn = 32-bit constant value (signed) uu = 32-bit constant value (unsigned) fop = 32-bit floating point operation lop = 32-bit library call identifier ilbl = 32-bit Instruction space label number dlbl = 32-stack data label offs4 = 32-bit word offset with respect to LSP (signed) offs2 = 32-bit halfword offset with respect to LSP (signed) offs = 32-bit byte offset with respect to LSP (signed) uoffs4 = 32-bit word offset with respect to SPB (unsigned) uoffs2 = 32-bit halfword offset with respect to SPB (unsigned) uoffs = 32-bit byte offset with respect to SPB (unsigned) c = string follows psuedo-operation = Indicates pseudo-operations (these are removed