package controllers import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import import chat._ import javax.inject._ import play.api.libs.streams.ActorFlow import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.mvc.WebSocket.MessageFlowTransformer import upickle.default._ /** * This controller creates an `Action` to handle HTTP requests to the * application's home page. */ class HomeController @Inject() ( implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer ) extends Controller { lazy val room: ActorRef = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[RoomActor])) /** * Create an Action to render an HTML page. * * The configuration in the `routes` file means that this method * will be called when the application receives a `GET` request with * a path of `/`. */ def index = Action { implicit request => Ok(views.html.index()) } def chat(uid: String) = Action { implicit request => Ok( } def socket(uid: String) = WebSocket.accept[Command, Event] { request => ActorFlow.actorRef(out => Props(classOf[ClientActor], uid, room, out)) } implicit val transformer = in => read[Command](in), (out: Event) => write(out) ) }