# vim ft=yaml # CI on Windows via appveyor environment: global: REPO_DIR: protobuf PACKAGE_NAME: protobuf BUILD_COMMIT: v3.5.1 PROTOC_VERSION: 3.5.1 # NP_BUILD_DEP: "numpy==1.10.4" # NP_TEST_DEP: "numpy==1.10.4" # OTHER_BUILD_DEP: "cython jinja2" # OTHER_TEST_DEP: "pytest-astropy" WHEELHOUSE_UPLOADER_USERNAME: travis-worker matrix: - PYTHON: C:\Python27 - PYTHON: C:\Python27-x64 - PYTHON: C:\Python34 - PYTHON: C:\Python34-x64 - PYTHON: C:\Python35 - PYTHON: C:\Python35-x64 - PYTHON: C:\Python36 - PYTHON: C:\Python36-x64 matrix: fast_finish: true install: # Fetch submodules - git submodule update --init --recursive # Prepend newly installed Python to the PATH of this build (this cannot be # done from inside the powershell script as it would require to restart # the parent CMD process). - SET PATH=%PYTHON%;%PYTHON%\Scripts;%PATH% - python -m pip install -U pip # Fix MSVC builds for 64-bit Python. See: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32091593/cannot-install-windows-sdk-7-1-on-windows-10 - echo "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /x64 > "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\amd64/vcvars64.bat" # Check that we have the expected version and architecture for Python - python --version - python -c "import struct; print(struct.calcsize('P') * 8)" # Install protoc - curl -L -o protoc-%PROTOC_VERSION%.zip https://github.com/google/protobuf/releases/download/%PROTOC_VERSION%/protoc-%PROTOC_VERSION%-win32.zip - 7z x protoc-%PROTOC_VERSION%.zip - del /Q protoc-%PROTOC_VERSION%.zip - dir build_script: # # Install the dependencies of the project. # - pip install %NP_BUILD_DEP% %OTHER_BUILD_DEPENDS% # # Build wheel # - pip install wheel # - cd %REPO_DIR% # - git checkout %BUILD_COMMIT% # - python setup.py bdist_wheel # - cd .. test_script: # # create test env # - virtualenv --python %PYTHON%\Python.exe test_env # - test_env\Scripts\activate.bat # - where python # - pip install %NP_TEST_DEP% %OTHER_TEST_DEP% # # install from wheel # - pip install --pre --no-index --find-links %REPO_DIR%\dist\ %PACKAGE_NAME% # # Change into an innocuous directory and find tests from installation # - mkdir for_testing # - cd for_testing # - python --version # - python -c "import astropy; astropy.test(remote_data='none')" # - cd .. artifacts: - path: "%REPO_DIR%\\dist\\*" on_success: # # Upload the generated wheel package to Rackspace # # On Windows, Apache Libcloud cannot find a standard CA cert bundle so we # # disable the ssl checks. # - pip install wheelhouse-uploader # - "python -m wheelhouse_uploader upload # --no-ssl-check --local-folder=%REPO_DIR%\\dist --no-update-index wheels"