REM @ECHO OFF @PUSHD %~dp0 @IF "%1" == "version" @GOTO VERSION @IF "%1" == "build" @GOTO BUILD @IF "%1" == "fpush" @GOTO FILEPUSH @IF "%1" == "nupush" @GOTO NUGETPUSH @IF "%1" == "push" @GOTO PUSH @GOTO HELP :VERSION IF NOT EXIST "..\build_temp\" MD "..\build_temp\" hg log -l 1 --template "Revision: {rev}" > ..\build_temp\revision.txt CMD.exe /Q /C "CD .. && lib\StampVersion.exe /major:2 /minor:4 /build:1 /revision:build_temp\revision.txt" @TYPE ..\src\ProtocolBuffers\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs | FIND "AssemblyFileVersion" @ECHO. @ECHO NEXT: Use the above version number to run "%0 build {Version}" @ECHO. @GOTO EXIT :BUILD @IF "%2" == "" @GOTO HELP IF EXIST "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\sn.exe" SET WIN7SDK_DIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Bin\ IF NOT EXIST "..\release-key" hg clone ..\release-key MD "%2" CMD.exe /Q /C "BuildAll.bat /verbosity:minimal "/p:AssemblyOriginatorKeyFile=%~dp0..\release-key\Google.ProtocolBuffers.snk" COPY /y ..\build_output\ %2\ COPY /y ..\build_output\ %2\ ..\lib\NuGet.exe pack Google.ProtocolBuffers.nuspec -Symbols -Version %2 -NoPackageAnalysis -OutputDirectory %2 ..\lib\NuGet.exe pack Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.nuspec -Symbols -Version %2 -NoPackageAnalysis -OutputDirectory %2 hg archive %2\ "%WIN7SDK_DIR%sn.exe" -T ..\build_output\v2.0\Release\Google.ProtocolBuffers.dll @ECHO. @ECHO *********************************************************** @ECHO IMPORTANT: Verify the above key output is: 55f7125234beb589 @ECHO *********************************************************** @ECHO. @ECHO NEXT: Verify the output in %~dp0\%2 and then run "%0 push %2" @ECHO. @GOTO EXIT :PUSH @IF "%2" == "" @GOTO HELP hg commit -m "version %2" hg tag %2 hg push @ECHO. @ECHO NEXT: Verify the repository state and run "%0 fpush %2 {google-code-user} {google-code-password}" @ECHO. @GOTO EXIT :FILEPUSH @IF "%2" == "" @GOTO HELP @IF "%3" == "" @GOTO HELP @IF "%4" == "" @GOTO HELP SET GOOGLEUPLOAD=python.exe --project protobuf-csharp-port --user "%3" --password "%4" %GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Source,Featured --summary "Version %2 source" %2\ %GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Executable,Featured --summary "Version %2 binaries (all configurations)" %2\ %GOOGLEUPLOAD% --labels Type-Executable,Featured --summary "Version %2 binaries (release only)" %2\ @SET GOOGLEUPLOAD= @ECHO. @ECHO NEXT: Verify the uploads and run "%0 nupush %2" @ECHO. @GOTO EXIT :NUGETPUSH ..\lib\NuGet.exe push "%2\Google.ProtocolBuffers.%2.nupkg" ..\lib\NuGet.exe push "%2\Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.%2.nupkg" ..\lib\NuGet.exe push "%2\Google.ProtocolBuffers.%2.symbols.nupkg" ..\lib\NuGet.exe push "%2\Google.ProtocolBuffersLite.%2.symbols.nupkg" @ECHO. @ECHO NEXT: Verify the nuget packages at @ECHO. @GOTO EXIT :HELP @ECHO. @ECHO Available commands, run in the following order: @ECHO 1. %0 version @ECHO 2. %0 build {version from step 1} @ECHO 3. %0 push {version from step 1} @ECHO 4. %0 fpush {version from step 1} {google-code-user} {google-code-password} @ECHO 5. %0 nupush {version from step 1} @ECHO. @GOTO EXIT :EXIT @POPD