// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include #include #include "conformance.pb.h" #include "conformance_test.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using conformance::ConformanceRequest; using conformance::ConformanceResponse; using conformance::TestAllTypes; using conformance::WireFormat; using google::protobuf::Descriptor; using google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor; using google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite; using google::protobuf::TextFormat; using google::protobuf::util::JsonToBinaryString; using google::protobuf::util::MessageDifferencer; using google::protobuf::util::NewTypeResolverForDescriptorPool; using google::protobuf::util::Status; using std::string; namespace { static const char kTypeUrlPrefix[] = "type.googleapis.com"; static string GetTypeUrl(const Descriptor* message) { return string(kTypeUrlPrefix) + "/" + message->full_name(); } /* Routines for building arbitrary protos *************************************/ // We would use CodedOutputStream except that we want more freedom to build // arbitrary protos (even invalid ones). const string empty; string cat(const string& a, const string& b, const string& c = empty, const string& d = empty, const string& e = empty, const string& f = empty, const string& g = empty, const string& h = empty, const string& i = empty, const string& j = empty, const string& k = empty, const string& l = empty) { string ret; ret.reserve(a.size() + b.size() + c.size() + d.size() + e.size() + f.size() + g.size() + h.size() + i.size() + j.size() + k.size() + l.size()); ret.append(a); ret.append(b); ret.append(c); ret.append(d); ret.append(e); ret.append(f); ret.append(g); ret.append(h); ret.append(i); ret.append(j); ret.append(k); ret.append(l); return ret; } // The maximum number of bytes that it takes to encode a 64-bit varint. #define VARINT_MAX_LEN 10 size_t vencode64(uint64_t val, char *buf) { if (val == 0) { buf[0] = 0; return 1; } size_t i = 0; while (val) { uint8_t byte = val & 0x7fU; val >>= 7; if (val) byte |= 0x80U; buf[i++] = byte; } return i; } string varint(uint64_t x) { char buf[VARINT_MAX_LEN]; size_t len = vencode64(x, buf); return string(buf, len); } // TODO: proper byte-swapping for big-endian machines. string fixed32(void *data) { return string(static_cast(data), 4); } string fixed64(void *data) { return string(static_cast(data), 8); } string delim(const string& buf) { return cat(varint(buf.size()), buf); } string uint32(uint32_t u32) { return fixed32(&u32); } string uint64(uint64_t u64) { return fixed64(&u64); } string flt(float f) { return fixed32(&f); } string dbl(double d) { return fixed64(&d); } string zz32(int32_t x) { return varint(WireFormatLite::ZigZagEncode32(x)); } string zz64(int64_t x) { return varint(WireFormatLite::ZigZagEncode64(x)); } string tag(uint32_t fieldnum, char wire_type) { return varint((fieldnum << 3) | wire_type); } string submsg(uint32_t fn, const string& buf) { return cat( tag(fn, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED), delim(buf) ); } #define UNKNOWN_FIELD 666 uint32_t GetFieldNumberForType(FieldDescriptor::Type type, bool repeated) { const Descriptor* d = TestAllTypes().GetDescriptor(); for (int i = 0; i < d->field_count(); i++) { const FieldDescriptor* f = d->field(i); if (f->type() == type && f->is_repeated() == repeated) { return f->number(); } } GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Couldn't find field with type " << (int)type; return 0; } string UpperCase(string str) { for (int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) { str[i] = toupper(str[i]); } return str; } } // anonymous namespace namespace google { namespace protobuf { void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportSuccess(const string& test_name) { if (expected_to_fail_.erase(test_name) != 0) { StringAppendF(&output_, "ERROR: test %s is in the failure list, but test succeeded. " "Remove it from the failure list.\n", test_name.c_str()); unexpected_succeeding_tests_.insert(test_name); } successes_++; } void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportFailure(const string& test_name, const ConformanceRequest& request, const ConformanceResponse& response, const char* fmt, ...) { if (expected_to_fail_.erase(test_name) == 1) { expected_failures_++; if (!verbose_) return; } else { StringAppendF(&output_, "ERROR, test=%s: ", test_name.c_str()); unexpected_failing_tests_.insert(test_name); } va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); StringAppendV(&output_, fmt, args); va_end(args); StringAppendF(&output_, " request=%s, response=%s\n", request.ShortDebugString().c_str(), response.ShortDebugString().c_str()); } void ConformanceTestSuite::ReportSkip(const string& test_name, const ConformanceRequest& request, const ConformanceResponse& response) { if (verbose_) { StringAppendF(&output_, "SKIPPED, test=%s request=%s, response=%s\n", test_name.c_str(), request.ShortDebugString().c_str(), response.ShortDebugString().c_str()); } skipped_.insert(test_name); } void ConformanceTestSuite::RunTest(const string& test_name, const ConformanceRequest& request, ConformanceResponse* response) { if (test_names_.insert(test_name).second == false) { GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Duplicated test name: " << test_name; } string serialized_request; string serialized_response; request.SerializeToString(&serialized_request); runner_->RunTest(serialized_request, &serialized_response); if (!response->ParseFromString(serialized_response)) { response->Clear(); response->set_runtime_error("response proto could not be parsed."); } if (verbose_) { StringAppendF(&output_, "conformance test: name=%s, request=%s, response=%s\n", test_name.c_str(), request.ShortDebugString().c_str(), response->ShortDebugString().c_str()); } } void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidInputTest( const string& test_name, const string& input, WireFormat input_format, const string& equivalent_text_format, WireFormat requested_output) { TestAllTypes reference_message; GOOGLE_CHECK( TextFormat::ParseFromString(equivalent_text_format, &reference_message)); ConformanceRequest request; ConformanceResponse response; switch (input_format) { case conformance::PROTOBUF: request.set_protobuf_payload(input); break; case conformance::JSON: request.set_json_payload(input); break; case conformance::UNSPECIFIED: GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Unspecified input format"; } request.set_requested_output_format(requested_output); RunTest(test_name, request, &response); TestAllTypes test_message; switch (response.result_case()) { case ConformanceResponse::kParseError: case ConformanceResponse::kRuntimeError: ReportFailure(test_name, request, response, "Failed to parse valid JSON input."); return; case ConformanceResponse::kSkipped: ReportSkip(test_name, request, response); return; case ConformanceResponse::kJsonPayload: { if (requested_output != conformance::JSON) { ReportFailure( test_name, request, response, "Test was asked for protobuf output but provided JSON instead."); return; } string binary_protobuf; Status status = JsonToBinaryString(type_resolver_.get(), type_url_, response.json_payload(), &binary_protobuf); if (!status.ok()) { ReportFailure(test_name, request, response, "JSON output we received from test was unparseable."); return; } GOOGLE_CHECK(test_message.ParseFromString(binary_protobuf)); break; } case ConformanceResponse::kProtobufPayload: { if (requested_output != conformance::PROTOBUF) { ReportFailure( test_name, request, response, "Test was asked for JSON output but provided protobuf instead."); return; } if (!test_message.ParseFromString(response.protobuf_payload())) { ReportFailure(test_name, request, response, "Protobuf output we received from test was unparseable."); return; } break; } } MessageDifferencer differencer; string differences; differencer.ReportDifferencesToString(&differences); if (differencer.Equals(reference_message, test_message)) { ReportSuccess(test_name); } else { ReportFailure(test_name, request, response, "Output was not equivalent to reference message: %s.", differences.c_str()); } } // Expect that this precise protobuf will cause a parse error. void ConformanceTestSuite::ExpectParseFailureForProto( const string& proto, const string& test_name) { ConformanceRequest request; ConformanceResponse response; request.set_protobuf_payload(proto); string effective_test_name = "ProtobufInput." + test_name; // We don't expect output, but if the program erroneously accepts the protobuf // we let it send its response as this. We must not leave it unspecified. request.set_requested_output_format(conformance::PROTOBUF); RunTest(effective_test_name, request, &response); if (response.result_case() == ConformanceResponse::kParseError) { ReportSuccess(effective_test_name); } else { ReportFailure(effective_test_name, request, response, "Should have failed to parse, but didn't."); } } // Expect that this protobuf will cause a parse error, even if it is followed // by valid protobuf data. We can try running this twice: once with this // data verbatim and once with this data followed by some valid data. // // TODO(haberman): implement the second of these. void ConformanceTestSuite::ExpectHardParseFailureForProto( const string& proto, const string& test_name) { return ExpectParseFailureForProto(proto, test_name); } void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidJsonTest( const string& test_name, const string& input_json, const string& equivalent_text_format) { RunValidInputTest("JsonInput." + test_name + ".JsonOutput", input_json, conformance::JSON, equivalent_text_format, conformance::PROTOBUF); RunValidInputTest("JsonInput." + test_name + ".ProtobufOutput", input_json, conformance::JSON, equivalent_text_format, conformance::JSON); } void ConformanceTestSuite::TestPrematureEOFForType(FieldDescriptor::Type type) { // Incomplete values for each wire type. static const string incompletes[6] = { string("\x80"), // VARINT string("abcdefg"), // 64BIT string("\x80"), // DELIMITED (partial length) string(), // START_GROUP (no value required) string(), // END_GROUP (no value required) string("abc") // 32BIT }; uint32_t fieldnum = GetFieldNumberForType(type, false); uint32_t rep_fieldnum = GetFieldNumberForType(type, true); WireFormatLite::WireType wire_type = WireFormatLite::WireTypeForFieldType( static_cast(type)); const string& incomplete = incompletes[wire_type]; const string type_name = UpperCase(string(".") + FieldDescriptor::TypeName(type)); ExpectParseFailureForProto( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), "PrematureEofBeforeKnownNonRepeatedValue" + type_name); ExpectParseFailureForProto( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), "PrematureEofBeforeKnownRepeatedValue" + type_name); ExpectParseFailureForProto( tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type), "PrematureEofBeforeUnknownValue" + type_name); ExpectParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), incomplete ), "PrematureEofInsideKnownNonRepeatedValue" + type_name); ExpectParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), incomplete ), "PrematureEofInsideKnownRepeatedValue" + type_name); ExpectParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type), incomplete ), "PrematureEofInsideUnknownValue" + type_name); if (wire_type == WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) { ExpectParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(fieldnum, wire_type), varint(1) ), "PrematureEofInDelimitedDataForKnownNonRepeatedValue" + type_name); ExpectParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, wire_type), varint(1) ), "PrematureEofInDelimitedDataForKnownRepeatedValue" + type_name); // EOF in the middle of delimited data for unknown value. ExpectParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(UNKNOWN_FIELD, wire_type), varint(1) ), "PrematureEofInDelimitedDataForUnknownValue" + type_name); if (type == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE) { // Submessage ends in the middle of a value. string incomplete_submsg = cat( tag(WireFormatLite::TYPE_INT32, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT), incompletes[WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_VARINT] ); ExpectHardParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(fieldnum, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED), varint(incomplete_submsg.size()), incomplete_submsg ), "PrematureEofInSubmessageValue" + type_name); } } else if (type != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) { // Non-delimited, non-group: eligible for packing. // Packed region ends in the middle of a value. ExpectHardParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED), varint(incomplete.size()), incomplete ), "PrematureEofInPackedFieldValue" + type_name); // EOF in the middle of packed region. ExpectParseFailureForProto( cat( tag(rep_fieldnum, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED), varint(1) ), "PrematureEofInPackedField" + type_name); } } void ConformanceTestSuite::SetFailureList(const vector& failure_list) { expected_to_fail_.clear(); std::copy(failure_list.begin(), failure_list.end(), std::inserter(expected_to_fail_, expected_to_fail_.end())); } bool ConformanceTestSuite::CheckSetEmpty(const set& set_to_check, const char* msg) { if (set_to_check.empty()) { return true; } else { StringAppendF(&output_, "\n"); StringAppendF(&output_, "%s:\n", msg); for (set::const_iterator iter = set_to_check.begin(); iter != set_to_check.end(); ++iter) { StringAppendF(&output_, " %s\n", iter->c_str()); } StringAppendF(&output_, "\n"); return false; } } bool ConformanceTestSuite::RunSuite(ConformanceTestRunner* runner, std::string* output) { runner_ = runner; successes_ = 0; expected_failures_ = 0; skipped_.clear(); test_names_.clear(); unexpected_failing_tests_.clear(); unexpected_succeeding_tests_.clear(); type_resolver_.reset(NewTypeResolverForDescriptorPool( kTypeUrlPrefix, DescriptorPool::generated_pool())); type_url_ = GetTypeUrl(TestAllTypes::descriptor()); output_ = "\nCONFORMANCE TEST BEGIN ====================================\n\n"; for (int i = 1; i <= FieldDescriptor::MAX_TYPE; i++) { if (i == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) continue; TestPrematureEOFForType(static_cast(i)); } RunValidJsonTest("HelloWorld", "{\"optionalString\":\"Hello, World!\"}", "optional_string: 'Hello, World!'"); bool ok = CheckSetEmpty(expected_to_fail_, "These tests were listed in the failure list, but they " "don't exist. Remove them from the failure list") && CheckSetEmpty(unexpected_failing_tests_, "These tests failed. If they can't be fixed right now, " "you can add them to the failure list so the overall " "suite can succeed") && CheckSetEmpty(unexpected_succeeding_tests_, "These tests succeeded, even though they were listed in " "the failure list. Remove them from the failure list"); CheckSetEmpty(skipped_, "These tests were skipped (probably because support for some " "features is not implemented)"); StringAppendF(&output_, "CONFORMANCE SUITE %s: %d successes, %d skipped, " "%d expected failures, %d unexpected failures.\n", ok ? "PASSED" : "FAILED", successes_, skipped_.size(), expected_failures_, unexpected_failing_tests_.size()); StringAppendF(&output_, "\n"); output->assign(output_); return ok; } } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google