0) { $high = (int) bcsub($high, 4294967296); } else { $high = (int) $high; } if (bccomp($low, 2147483647) > 0) { $low = (int) bcsub($low, 4294967296); } else { $low = (int) $low; } if ($isNeg) { $high = ~$high; $low = ~$low; $low++; if (!$low) { $high = (int)($high + 1); } } if ($trim) { $high = 0; } } public static function checkString(&$var, $check_utf8) { if (is_array($var) || is_object($var)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Expect string."); } if (!is_string($var)) { $var = strval($var); } if ($check_utf8 && !preg_match('//u', $var)) { throw new \Exception("Expect utf-8 encoding."); } } public static function checkEnum(&$var) { static::checkInt32($var); } public static function checkInt32(&$var) { if (is_numeric($var)) { $var = intval($var); } else { throw new \Exception("Expect integer."); } } public static function checkUint32(&$var) { if (is_numeric($var)) { if (PHP_INT_SIZE === 8) { $var = intval($var); $var |= ((-(($var >> 31) & 0x1)) & ~0xFFFFFFFF); } else { if (bccomp($var, 0x7FFFFFFF) > 0) { $var = bcsub($var, "4294967296"); } $var = (int) $var; } } else { throw new \Exception("Expect integer."); } } public static function checkInt64(&$var) { if (is_numeric($var)) { if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8) { $var = intval($var); } else { if (is_float($var) || is_integer($var) || (is_string($var) && bccomp($var, "9223372036854774784") < 0)) { $var = number_format($var, 0, ".", ""); } } } else { throw new \Exception("Expect integer."); } } public static function checkUint64(&$var) { if (is_numeric($var)) { if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 8) { $var = intval($var); } else { $var = number_format($var, 0, ".", ""); } } else { throw new \Exception("Expect integer."); } } public static function checkFloat(&$var) { if (is_float($var) || is_numeric($var)) { $var = floatval($var); } else { throw new \Exception("Expect float."); } } public static function checkDouble(&$var) { if (is_float($var) || is_numeric($var)) { $var = floatval($var); } else { throw new \Exception("Expect float."); } } public static function checkBool(&$var) { if (is_array($var) || is_object($var)) { throw new \Exception("Expect boolean."); } $var = boolval($var); } public static function checkMessage(&$var, $klass) { if (!$var instanceof $klass && !is_null($var)) { throw new \Exception("Expect message."); } } public static function checkRepeatedField(&$var, $type, $klass = null) { if (!$var instanceof RepeatedField && !is_array($var)) { throw new \Exception("Expect array."); } if (is_array($var)) { $tmp = new RepeatedField($type, $klass); foreach ($var as $value) { $tmp[] = $value; } return $tmp; } else { if ($var->getType() != $type) { throw new \Exception( "Expect repeated field of different type."); } if ($var->getType() === GPBType::MESSAGE && $var->getClass() !== $klass) { throw new \Exception( "Expect repeated field of different message."); } return $var; } } public static function checkMapField(&$var, $key_type, $value_type, $klass = null) { if (!$var instanceof MapField && !is_array($var)) { throw new \Exception("Expect dict."); } if (is_array($var)) { $tmp = new MapField($key_type, $value_type, $klass); foreach ($var as $key => $value) { $tmp[$key] = $value; } return $tmp; } else { if ($var->getKeyType() != $key_type) { throw new \Exception("Expect map field of key type."); } if ($var->getValueType() != $value_type) { throw new \Exception("Expect map field of value type."); } if ($var->getValueType() === GPBType::MESSAGE && $var->getValueClass() !== $klass) { throw new \Exception( "Expect map field of different value message."); } return $var; } } public static function Int64($value) { return new Int64($value); } public static function Uint64($value) { return new Uint64($value); } public static function getClassNamePrefix( $classname, $file_proto) { $option = $file_proto->getOptions(); $prefix = is_null($option) ? "" : $option->getPhpClassPrefix(); if ($prefix !== "") { return $prefix; } $reserved_words = array( "abstract"=>0, "and"=>0, "array"=>0, "as"=>0, "break"=>0, "callable"=>0, "case"=>0, "catch"=>0, "class"=>0, "clone"=>0, "const"=>0, "continue"=>0, "declare"=>0, "default"=>0, "die"=>0, "do"=>0, "echo"=>0, "else"=>0, "elseif"=>0, "empty"=>0, "enddeclare"=>0, "endfor"=>0, "endforeach"=>0, "endif"=>0, "endswitch"=>0, "endwhile"=>0, "eval"=>0, "exit"=>0, "extends"=>0, "final"=>0, "for"=>0, "foreach"=>0, "function"=>0, "global"=>0, "goto"=>0, "if"=>0, "implements"=>0, "include"=>0, "include_once"=>0, "instanceof"=>0, "insteadof"=>0, "interface"=>0, "isset"=>0, "list"=>0, "namespace"=>0, "new"=>0, "or"=>0, "print"=>0, "private"=>0, "protected"=>0, "public"=>0, "require"=>0, "require_once"=>0, "return"=>0, "static"=>0, "switch"=>0, "throw"=>0, "trait"=>0, "try"=>0, "unset"=>0, "use"=>0, "var"=>0, "while"=>0, "xor"=>0, "int"=>0, "float"=>0, "bool"=>0, "string"=>0, "true"=>0, "false"=>0, "null"=>0, "void"=>0, "iterable"=>0 ); if (array_key_exists(strtolower($classname), $reserved_words)) { if ($file_proto->getPackage() === "google.protobuf") { return "GPB"; } else { return "PB"; } } return ""; } public static function getClassNameWithoutPackage( $name, $file_proto) { $classname = implode('_', explode('.', $name)); return static::getClassNamePrefix($classname, $file_proto) . $classname; } public static function getFullClassName( $proto, $containing, $file_proto, &$message_name_without_package, &$classname, &$fullname) { // Full name needs to start with '.'. $message_name_without_package = $proto->getName(); if ($containing !== "") { $message_name_without_package = $containing . "." . $message_name_without_package; } $package = $file_proto->getPackage(); if ($package === "") { $fullname = "." . $message_name_without_package; } else { $fullname = "." . $package . "." . $message_name_without_package; } $class_name_without_package = static::getClassNameWithoutPackage($message_name_without_package, $file_proto); $option = $file_proto->getOptions(); if (!is_null($option) && $option->hasPhpNamespace()) { $namespace = $option->getPhpNamespace(); if ($namespace !== "") { $classname = $namespace . "\\" . $class_name_without_package; return; } else { $classname = $class_name_without_package; return; } } if ($package === "") { $classname = $class_name_without_package; } else { $classname = implode('\\', array_map('ucwords', explode('.', $package))). "\\".$class_name_without_package; } } public static function combineInt32ToInt64($high, $low) { $isNeg = $high < 0; if ($isNeg) { $high = ~$high; $low = ~$low; $low++; if (!$low) { $high = (int) ($high + 1); } } $result = bcadd(bcmul($high, 4294967296), $low); if ($low < 0) { $result = bcadd($result, 4294967296); } if ($isNeg) { $result = bcsub(0, $result); } return $result; } public static function parseTimestamp($timestamp) { // prevent parsing timestamps containing with the non-existant year "0000" // DateTime::createFromFormat parses without failing but as a nonsensical date if (substr($timestamp, 0, 4) === "0000") { throw new \Exception("Year cannot be zero."); } // prevent parsing timestamps ending with a lowercase z if (substr($timestamp, -1, 1) === "z") { throw new \Exception("Timezone cannot be a lowercase z."); } $nanoseconds = 0; $periodIndex = strpos($timestamp, "."); if ($periodIndex !== false) { $nanosecondsLength = 0; // find the next non-numeric character in the timestamp to calculate // the length of the nanoseconds text for ($i = $periodIndex + 1, $length = strlen($timestamp); $i < $length; $i++) { if (!is_numeric($timestamp[$i])) { $nanosecondsLength = $i - ($periodIndex + 1); break; } } if ($nanosecondsLength % 3 !== 0) { throw new \Exception("Nanoseconds must be disible by 3."); } if ($nanosecondsLength > 9) { throw new \Exception("Nanoseconds must be in the range of 0 to 999,999,999 nanoseconds."); } if ($nanosecondsLength > 0) { $nanoseconds = substr($timestamp, $periodIndex + 1, $nanosecondsLength); $nanoseconds = intval($nanoseconds); // remove the nanoseconds and preceding period from the timestamp $date = substr($timestamp, 0, $periodIndex - 1); $timezone = substr($timestamp, $periodIndex + $nanosecondsLength); $timestamp = $date.$timezone; } } $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat(\DateTime::RFC3339, $timestamp, new \DateTimeZone("UTC")); if ($date === false) { throw new \Exception("Invalid RFC 3339 timestamp."); } $value = new \Google\Protobuf\Timestamp(); $seconds = $date->format("U"); $value->setSeconds($seconds); $value->setNanos($nanoseconds); return $value; } public static function formatTimestamp($value) { $nanoseconds = static::getNanosecondsForTimestamp($value->getNanos()); if (!empty($nanoseconds)) { $nanoseconds = ".".$nanoseconds; } $date = new \DateTime('@'.$value->getSeconds(), new \DateTimeZone("UTC")); return $date->format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s".$nanoseconds."\Z"); } public static function getNanosecondsForTimestamp($nanoseconds) { if ($nanoseconds == 0) { return ''; } if ($nanoseconds % static::NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND == 0) { return sprintf('%03d', $nanoseconds / static::NANOS_PER_MILLISECOND); } if ($nanoseconds % static::NANOS_PER_MICROSECOND == 0) { return sprintf('%06d', $nanoseconds / static::NANOS_PER_MICROSECOND); } return sprintf('%09d', $nanoseconds); } }