package = $package; } public function getPackage() { return $this->package; } public function getMessageType() { return $this->message_type; } public function addMessageType($desc) { $this->message_type[] = $desc; } public function getEnumType() { return $this->enum_type; } public function addEnumType($desc) { $this->enum_type[]= $desc; } public static function buildFromProto($proto) { $file = new FileDescriptor(); $file->setPackage($proto->getPackage()); foreach ($proto->getMessageType() as $message_proto) { $file->addMessageType(Descriptor::buildFromProto( $message_proto, $file->getPackage(), "")); } foreach ($proto->getEnumType() as $enum_proto) { $file->getEnumType()[] = $file->addEnumType( EnumDescriptor::buildFromProto( $enum_proto, $file->getPackage(), "")); } return $file; } } class Descriptor { private $full_name; private $field = []; private $nested_type = []; private $enum_type = []; private $klass; private $options; private $oneof_decl = []; public function addOneofDecl($oneof) { $this->oneof_decl[] = $oneof; } public function getOneofDecl() { return $this->oneof_decl; } public function setFullName($full_name) { $this->full_name = $full_name; } public function getFullName() { return $this->full_name; } public function addField($field) { $this->field[$field->getNumber()] = $field; } public function getField() { return $this->field; } public function addNestedType($desc) { $this->nested_type[] = $desc; } public function getNestedType() { return $this->nested_type; } public function addEnumType($desc) { $this->enum_type[] = $desc; } public function getEnumType() { return $this->enum_type; } public function getFieldByNumber($number) { if (!isset($this->field[$number])) { return NULL; } else { return $this->field[$number]; } } public function setClass($klass) { $this->klass = $klass; } public function getClass() { return $this->klass; } public function setOptions($options) { $this->options = $options; } public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } public static function buildFromProto($proto, $package, $containing) { $desc = new Descriptor(); $message_name_without_package = ""; $classname = ""; $fullname = ""; getFullClassName( $proto, $containing, $package, $message_name_without_package, $classname, $fullname); $desc->setFullName($fullname); $desc->setClass($classname); $desc->setOptions($proto->getOptions()); foreach ($proto->getField() as $field_proto) { $desc->addField(FieldDescriptor::buildFromProto($field_proto)); } // Handle nested types. foreach ($proto->getNestedType() as $nested_proto) { $desc->addNestedType(Descriptor::buildFromProto( $nested_proto, $package, $message_name_without_package)); } // Handle oneof fields. foreach ($proto->getOneofDecl() as $oneof_proto) { $desc->addOneofDecl( OneofDescriptor::buildFromProto($oneof_proto, $desc)); } return $desc; } } function addPrefixIfSpecial( $name, $package) { if ($name === "Empty" && $package === "google.protobuf") { return "GPBEmpty"; } else { return $name; } } function getFullClassName( $proto, $containing, $package, &$message_name_without_package, &$classname, &$fullname) { // Full name needs to start with '.'. $message_name_without_package = addPrefixIfSpecial($proto->getName(), $package); if ($containing !== "") { $message_name_without_package = $containing . "." . $message_name_without_package; } if ($package === "") { $fullname = "." . $message_name_without_package; } else { $fullname = "." . $package . "." . $message_name_without_package; } // Nested message class names are seperated by '_', and package names are // seperated by '\'. $class_name_without_package = implode('_', array_map('ucwords', explode('.', $message_name_without_package))); if ($package === "") { $classname = $class_name_without_package; } else { $classname = implode('\\', array_map('ucwords', explode('.', $package))). "\\".$class_name_without_package; } } class OneofDescriptor { private $name; private $fields; public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function addField(&$field) { $this->fields[] = $field; } public function getFields() { return $this->fields; } public static function buildFromProto($oneof_proto) { $oneof = new OneofDescriptor(); $oneof->setName($oneof_proto->getName()); return $oneof; } } class EnumDescriptor { private $klass; private $full_name; private $value; public function setFullName($full_name) { $this->full_name = $full_name; } public function getFullName() { return $this->full_name; } public function addValue($number, $value) { $this->value[$number] = $value; } public function setClass($klass) { $this->klass = $klass; } public function getClass() { return $this->klass; } public static function buildFromProto($proto, $package, $containing) { $desc = new EnumDescriptor(); $enum_name_without_package = ""; $classname = ""; $fullname = ""; getFullClassName( $proto, $containing, $package, $enum_name_without_package, $classname, $fullname); $desc->setFullName($fullname); $desc->setClass($classname); return $desc; } } class EnumValueDescriptor { } class FieldDescriptor { private $name; private $setter; private $getter; private $number; private $label; private $type; private $message_type; private $enum_type; private $packed; private $is_map; private $oneof_index = -1; public function setOneofIndex($index) { $this->oneof_index = $index; } public function getOneofIndex() { return $this->oneof_index; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function setSetter($setter) { $this->setter = $setter; } public function getSetter() { return $this->setter; } public function setGetter($getter) { $this->getter = $getter; } public function getGetter() { return $this->getter; } public function setNumber($number) { $this->number = $number; } public function getNumber() { return $this->number; } public function setLabel($label) { $this->label = $label; } public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } public function isRepeated() { return $this->label === GPBLabel::REPEATED; } public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; } public function getType() { return $this->type; } public function setMessageType($message_type) { $this->message_type = $message_type; } public function getMessageType() { return $this->message_type; } public function setEnumType($enum_type) { $this->enum_type = $enum_type; } public function getEnumType() { return $this->enum_type; } public function setPacked($packed) { $this->packed = $packed; } public function getPacked() { return $this->packed; } public function isPackable() { return $this->isRepeated() && self::isTypePackable($this->type); } public function isMap() { return $this->getType() == GPBType::MESSAGE && !is_null($this->getMessageType()->getOptions()) && $this->getMessageType()->getOptions()->getMapEntry(); } private static function isTypePackable($field_type) { return ($field_type !== GPBType::STRING && $field_type !== GPBType::GROUP && $field_type !== GPBType::MESSAGE && $field_type !== GPBType::BYTES); } public static function getFieldDescriptor( $name, $label, $type, $number, $oneof_index, $packed, $type_name = null) { $field = new FieldDescriptor(); $field->setName($name); $camel_name = implode('', array_map('ucwords', explode('_', $name))); $field->setGetter('get' . $camel_name); $field->setSetter('set' . $camel_name); $field->setType($type); $field->setNumber($number); $field->setLabel($label); $field->setPacked($packed); $field->setOneofIndex($oneof_index); // At this time, the message/enum type may have not been added to pool. // So we use the type name as place holder and will replace it with the // actual descriptor in cross building. switch ($type) { case GPBType::MESSAGE: $field->setMessageType($type_name); break; case GPBType::ENUM: $field->setEnumType($type_name); break; default: break; } return $field; } public static function buildFromProto($proto) { $type_name = null; switch ($proto->getType()) { case GPBType::MESSAGE: case GPBType::GROUP: case GPBType::ENUM: $type_name = $proto->getTypeName(); break; default: break; } $oneof_index = $proto->hasOneofIndex() ? $proto->getOneofIndex() : -1; $packed = false; $options = $proto->getOptions(); if ($options !== null) { $packed = $options->getPacked(); } return FieldDescriptor::getFieldDescriptor( $proto->getName(), $proto->getLabel(), $proto->getType(), $proto->getNumber(), $oneof_index, $packed, $type_name); } }