#! /usr/bin/python # # Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format # Copyright 2008 Google Inc. 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"""Tests for google.protobuf.message_factory.""" __author__ = 'matthewtoia@google.com (Matt Toia)' from google.apputils import basetest from google.protobuf import descriptor_pb2 from google.protobuf.internal import factory_test1_pb2 from google.protobuf.internal import factory_test2_pb2 from google.protobuf import descriptor_database from google.protobuf import descriptor_pool from google.protobuf import message_factory class MessageFactoryTest(basetest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.factory_test1_fd = descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto.FromString( factory_test1_pb2.DESCRIPTOR.serialized_pb) self.factory_test2_fd = descriptor_pb2.FileDescriptorProto.FromString( factory_test2_pb2.DESCRIPTOR.serialized_pb) def _ExerciseDynamicClass(self, cls): msg = cls() msg.mandatory = 42 msg.nested_factory_2_enum = 0 msg.nested_factory_2_message.value = 'nested message value' msg.factory_1_message.factory_1_enum = 1 msg.factory_1_message.nested_factory_1_enum = 0 msg.factory_1_message.nested_factory_1_message.value = ( 'nested message value') msg.factory_1_message.scalar_value = 22 msg.factory_1_message.list_value.extend([u'one', u'two', u'three']) msg.factory_1_message.list_value.append(u'four') msg.factory_1_enum = 1 msg.nested_factory_1_enum = 0 msg.nested_factory_1_message.value = 'nested message value' msg.circular_message.mandatory = 1 msg.circular_message.circular_message.mandatory = 2 msg.circular_message.scalar_value = 'one deep' msg.scalar_value = 'zero deep' msg.list_value.extend([u'four', u'three', u'two']) msg.list_value.append(u'one') msg.grouped.add() msg.grouped[0].part_1 = 'hello' msg.grouped[0].part_2 = 'world' msg.grouped.add(part_1='testing', part_2='123') msg.loop.loop.mandatory = 2 msg.loop.loop.loop.loop.mandatory = 4 serialized = msg.SerializeToString() converted = factory_test2_pb2.Factory2Message.FromString(serialized) reserialized = converted.SerializeToString() self.assertEquals(serialized, reserialized) result = cls.FromString(reserialized) self.assertEquals(msg, result) def testGetPrototype(self): db = descriptor_database.DescriptorDatabase() pool = descriptor_pool.DescriptorPool(db) db.Add(self.factory_test1_fd) db.Add(self.factory_test2_fd) factory = message_factory.MessageFactory() cls = factory.GetPrototype(pool.FindMessageTypeByName( 'google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory2Message')) self.assertIsNot(cls, factory_test2_pb2.Factory2Message) self._ExerciseDynamicClass(cls) cls2 = factory.GetPrototype(pool.FindMessageTypeByName( 'google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory2Message')) self.assertIs(cls, cls2) def testGetMessages(self): # performed twice because multiple calls with the same input must be allowed for _ in range(2): messages = message_factory.GetMessages([self.factory_test2_fd, self.factory_test1_fd]) self.assertContainsSubset( ['google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory2Message', 'google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory1Message'], messages.keys()) self._ExerciseDynamicClass( messages['google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory2Message']) self.assertContainsSubset( ['google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory2Message.one_more_field', 'google.protobuf.python.internal.another_field'], (messages['google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory1Message'] ._extensions_by_name.keys())) factory_msg1 = messages['google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory1Message'] msg1 = messages['google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory1Message']() ext1 = factory_msg1._extensions_by_name[ 'google.protobuf.python.internal.Factory2Message.one_more_field'] ext2 = factory_msg1._extensions_by_name[ 'google.protobuf.python.internal.another_field'] msg1.Extensions[ext1] = 'test1' msg1.Extensions[ext2] = 'test2' self.assertEquals('test1', msg1.Extensions[ext1]) self.assertEquals('test2', msg1.Extensions[ext2]) if __name__ == '__main__': basetest.main()