Welcome to the C# port of Google Protocol Buffers, written by Jon Skeet (skeet@pobox.com) based on the work of many talented people. For more information about this port, visit its homepage: http://protobuf-csharp-port.googlecode.com For more information about Protocol Buffers in general, visit the project page for the C++, Java and Python project: http://protobuf.googlecode.com Release 0.9 ----------- Due to popular demand, I have built a version of the binaries to put on the web site. Currently these are set at assembly version 0.9, and an assembly file version of 0.9. This should be seen as a mark of the readiness of the release process more than the stability of the code. As far as I'm aware, the code itself is perfectly fine: I certainly have plans for more features particularly around making code generation simpler, but you should feel confident about the parsing and serialization of messages produced with this version of the library. Of course, if you do find any problems, *please* report them at the web site. Currently the downloadable release is built with the snk file which is in the open source library. I am considering having a privately held key so that you can check that you're building against a "blessed" release - feedback on this (and any other aspect of the release process) is very welcome.