namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers { /// /// Provides a utility routine to copy small arrays much more quickly than Buffer.BlockCopy /// static class Bytes { /// /// The threshold above which you should use Buffer.BlockCopy rather than Bytes.Copy /// const int CopyThreshold = 12; /// /// Determines which copy routine to use based on the number of bytes to be copied. /// public static void Copy(byte[] src, int srcOffset, byte[] dst, int dstOffset, int count) { if (count > CopyThreshold) global::System.Buffer.BlockCopy(src, srcOffset, dst, dstOffset, count); else ByteCopy(src, srcOffset, dst, dstOffset, count); } /// /// Copyies the bytes provided with a for loop, faster when there are only a few bytes to copy /// public static void ByteCopy(byte[] src, int srcOffset, byte[] dst, int dstOffset, int count) { int stop = srcOffset + count; for (int i = srcOffset; i < stop; i++) dst[dstOffset++] = src[i]; } } }