// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda) // Author: jonp@google.com (Jon Perlow) // Based on original Protocol Buffers design by // Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace google { namespace protobuf { namespace compiler { namespace java { using internal::WireFormat; using internal::WireFormatLite; namespace { void SetPrimitiveVariables(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor, int messageBitIndex, int builderBitIndex, const FieldGeneratorInfo* info, ClassNameResolver* name_resolver, map* variables) { SetCommonFieldVariables(descriptor, info, variables); (*variables)["empty_list"] = "com.google.protobuf.LazyStringArrayList.EMPTY"; (*variables)["default"] = ImmutableDefaultValue(descriptor, name_resolver); (*variables)["default_init"] = "= " + ImmutableDefaultValue(descriptor, name_resolver); (*variables)["capitalized_type"] = "String"; (*variables)["tag"] = SimpleItoa(WireFormat::MakeTag(descriptor)); (*variables)["tag_size"] = SimpleItoa( WireFormat::TagSize(descriptor->number(), GetType(descriptor))); (*variables)["null_check"] = " if (value == null) {\n" " throw new NullPointerException();\n" " }\n"; (*variables)["writeString"] = "com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessage.writeString"; (*variables)["computeStringSize"] = "com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessage.computeStringSize"; // TODO(birdo): Add @deprecated javadoc when generating javadoc is supported // by the proto compiler (*variables)["deprecation"] = descriptor->options().deprecated() ? "@java.lang.Deprecated " : ""; (*variables)["on_changed"] = HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor->containing_type()) ? "onChanged();" : ""; if (SupportFieldPresence(descriptor->file())) { // For singular messages and builders, one bit is used for the hasField bit. (*variables)["get_has_field_bit_message"] = GenerateGetBit(messageBitIndex); (*variables)["get_has_field_bit_builder"] = GenerateGetBit(builderBitIndex); // Note that these have a trailing ";". (*variables)["set_has_field_bit_message"] = GenerateSetBit(messageBitIndex) + ";"; (*variables)["set_has_field_bit_builder"] = GenerateSetBit(builderBitIndex) + ";"; (*variables)["clear_has_field_bit_builder"] = GenerateClearBit(builderBitIndex) + ";"; (*variables)["is_field_present_message"] = GenerateGetBit(messageBitIndex); } else { (*variables)["set_has_field_bit_message"] = ""; (*variables)["set_has_field_bit_builder"] = ""; (*variables)["clear_has_field_bit_builder"] = ""; (*variables)["is_field_present_message"] = "!get" + (*variables)["capitalized_name"] + "Bytes().isEmpty()"; } // For repeated builders, one bit is used for whether the array is immutable. (*variables)["get_mutable_bit_builder"] = GenerateGetBit(builderBitIndex); (*variables)["set_mutable_bit_builder"] = GenerateSetBit(builderBitIndex); (*variables)["clear_mutable_bit_builder"] = GenerateClearBit(builderBitIndex); // For repeated fields, one bit is used for whether the array is immutable // in the parsing constructor. (*variables)["get_mutable_bit_parser"] = GenerateGetBitMutableLocal(builderBitIndex); (*variables)["set_mutable_bit_parser"] = GenerateSetBitMutableLocal(builderBitIndex); (*variables)["get_has_field_bit_from_local"] = GenerateGetBitFromLocal(builderBitIndex); (*variables)["set_has_field_bit_to_local"] = GenerateSetBitToLocal(messageBitIndex); } } // namespace // =================================================================== ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: ImmutableStringFieldGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor, int messageBitIndex, int builderBitIndex, Context* context) : descriptor_(descriptor), messageBitIndex_(messageBitIndex), builderBitIndex_(builderBitIndex), context_(context), name_resolver_(context->GetNameResolver()) { SetPrimitiveVariables(descriptor, messageBitIndex, builderBitIndex, context->GetFieldGeneratorInfo(descriptor), name_resolver_, &variables_); } ImmutableStringFieldGenerator::~ImmutableStringFieldGenerator() {} int ImmutableStringFieldGenerator::GetNumBitsForMessage() const { return 1; } int ImmutableStringFieldGenerator::GetNumBitsForBuilder() const { return 1; } // A note about how strings are handled. This code used to just store a String // in the Message. This had two issues: // // 1. It wouldn't roundtrip byte arrays that were not vaid UTF-8 encoded // strings, but rather fields that were raw bytes incorrectly marked // as strings in the proto file. This is common because in the proto1 // syntax, string was the way to indicate bytes and C++ engineers can // easily make this mistake without affecting the C++ API. By converting to // strings immediately, some java code might corrupt these byte arrays as // it passes through a java server even if the field was never accessed by // application code. // // 2. There's a performance hit to converting between bytes and strings and // it many cases, the field is never even read by the application code. This // avoids unnecessary conversions in the common use cases. // // So now, the field for String is maintained as an Object reference which can // either store a String or a ByteString. The code uses an instanceof check // to see which one it has and converts to the other one if needed. It remembers // the last value requested (in a thread safe manner) as this is most likely // the one needed next. The thread safety is such that if two threads both // convert the field because the changes made by each thread were not visible to // the other, they may cause a conversion to happen more times than would // otherwise be necessary. This was deemed better than adding synchronization // overhead. It will not cause any corruption issues or affect the behavior of // the API. The instanceof check is also highly optimized in the JVM and we // decided it was better to reduce the memory overhead by not having two // separate fields but rather use dynamic type checking. // // For single fields, the logic for this is done inside the generated code. For // repeated fields, the logic is done in LazyStringArrayList and // UnmodifiableLazyStringList. void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateInterfaceMembers(io::Printer* printer) const { if (SupportFieldPresence(descriptor_->file())) { WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$boolean has$capitalized_name$();\n"); } WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$java.lang.String get$capitalized_name$();\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$com.google.protobuf.ByteString\n" " get$capitalized_name$Bytes();\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateMembers(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "private volatile java.lang.Object $name$_;\n"); PrintExtraFieldInfo(variables_, printer); if (SupportFieldPresence(descriptor_->file())) { WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public boolean has$capitalized_name$() {\n" " return $get_has_field_bit_message$;\n" "}\n"); } WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public java.lang.String get$capitalized_name$() {\n" " java.lang.Object ref = $name$_;\n" " if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {\n" " return (java.lang.String) ref;\n" " } else {\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString bs = \n" " (com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ref;\n" " java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();\n"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, " $name$_ = s;\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, " if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {\n" " $name$_ = s;\n" " }\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, " return s;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public com.google.protobuf.ByteString\n" " get$capitalized_name$Bytes() {\n" " java.lang.Object ref = $name$_;\n" " if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString b = \n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(\n" " (java.lang.String) ref);\n" " $name$_ = b;\n" " return b;\n" " } else {\n" " return (com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ref;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateBuilderMembers(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "private java.lang.Object $name$_ $default_init$;\n"); if (SupportFieldPresence(descriptor_->file())) { WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public boolean has$capitalized_name$() {\n" " return $get_has_field_bit_builder$;\n" "}\n"); } WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public java.lang.String get$capitalized_name$() {\n" " java.lang.Object ref = $name$_;\n" " if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) {\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString bs =\n" " (com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ref;\n" " java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();\n"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, " $name$_ = s;\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, " if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {\n" " $name$_ = s;\n" " }\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, " return s;\n" " } else {\n" " return (java.lang.String) ref;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public com.google.protobuf.ByteString\n" " get$capitalized_name$Bytes() {\n" " java.lang.Object ref = $name$_;\n" " if (ref instanceof String) {\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString b = \n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(\n" " (java.lang.String) ref);\n" " $name$_ = b;\n" " return b;\n" " } else {\n" " return (com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ref;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder set$capitalized_name$(\n" " java.lang.String value) {\n" "$null_check$" " $set_has_field_bit_builder$\n" " $name$_ = value;\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder clear$capitalized_name$() {\n" " $clear_has_field_bit_builder$\n"); // The default value is not a simple literal so we want to avoid executing // it multiple times. Instead, get the default out of the default instance. printer->Print(variables_, " $name$_ = getDefaultInstance().get$capitalized_name$();\n"); printer->Print(variables_, " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder set$capitalized_name$Bytes(\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) {\n" "$null_check$"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, " checkByteStringIsUtf8(value);\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, " $set_has_field_bit_builder$\n" " $name$_ = value;\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateFieldBuilderInitializationCode(io::Printer* printer) const { // noop for primitives } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateInitializationCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "$name$_ = $default$;\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateBuilderClearCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "$name$_ = $default$;\n" "$clear_has_field_bit_builder$\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateMergingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { if (SupportFieldPresence(descriptor_->file())) { // Allow a slight breach of abstraction here in order to avoid forcing // all string fields to Strings when copying fields from a Message. printer->Print(variables_, "if (other.has$capitalized_name$()) {\n" " $set_has_field_bit_builder$\n" " $name$_ = other.$name$_;\n" " $on_changed$\n" "}\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, "if (!other.get$capitalized_name$().isEmpty()) {\n" " $name$_ = other.$name$_;\n" " $on_changed$\n" "}\n"); } } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateBuildingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { if (SupportFieldPresence(descriptor_->file())) { printer->Print(variables_, "if ($get_has_field_bit_from_local$) {\n" " $set_has_field_bit_to_local$;\n" "}\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, "result.$name$_ = $name$_;\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateParsingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, "String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8();\n" "$set_has_field_bit_message$\n" "$name$_ = s;\n"); } else if (!HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) { // Lite runtime should attempt to reduce allocations by attempting to // construct the string directly from the input stream buffer. This avoids // spurious intermediary ByteString allocations, cutting overall allocations // in half. printer->Print(variables_, "String s = input.readString();\n" "$set_has_field_bit_message$\n" "$name$_ = s;\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, "com.google.protobuf.ByteString bs = input.readBytes();\n" "$set_has_field_bit_message$\n" "$name$_ = bs;\n"); } } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateParsingDoneCode(io::Printer* printer) const { // noop for strings. } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateSerializationCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "if ($is_field_present_message$) {\n" " $writeString$(output, $number$, $name$_);\n" "}\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateSerializedSizeCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "if ($is_field_present_message$) {\n" " size += $computeStringSize$($number$, $name$_);\n" "}\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateEqualsCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "result = result && get$capitalized_name$()\n" " .equals(other.get$capitalized_name$());\n"); } void ImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateHashCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "hash = (37 * hash) + $constant_name$;\n"); printer->Print(variables_, "hash = (53 * hash) + get$capitalized_name$().hashCode();\n"); } string ImmutableStringFieldGenerator::GetBoxedType() const { return "java.lang.String"; } // =================================================================== ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor, int messageBitIndex, int builderBitIndex, Context* context) : ImmutableStringFieldGenerator( descriptor, messageBitIndex, builderBitIndex, context) { const OneofGeneratorInfo* info = context->GetOneofGeneratorInfo(descriptor->containing_oneof()); SetCommonOneofVariables(descriptor, info, &variables_); } ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: ~ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator() {} void ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: GenerateMembers(io::Printer* printer) const { PrintExtraFieldInfo(variables_, printer); if (SupportFieldPresence(descriptor_->file())) { WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public boolean has$capitalized_name$() {\n" " return $has_oneof_case_message$;\n" "}\n"); } WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public java.lang.String get$capitalized_name$() {\n" " java.lang.Object ref $default_init$;\n" " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " ref = $oneof_name$_;\n" " }\n" " if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {\n" " return (java.lang.String) ref;\n" " } else {\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString bs = \n" " (com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ref;\n" " java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();\n"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " $oneof_name$_ = s;\n" " }\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, " if (bs.isValidUtf8() && ($has_oneof_case_message$)) {\n" " $oneof_name$_ = s;\n" " }\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, " return s;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public com.google.protobuf.ByteString\n" " get$capitalized_name$Bytes() {\n" " java.lang.Object ref $default_init$;\n" " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " ref = $oneof_name$_;\n" " }\n" " if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) {\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString b = \n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(\n" " (java.lang.String) ref);\n" " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " $oneof_name$_ = b;\n" " }\n" " return b;\n" " } else {\n" " return (com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ref;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); } void ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: GenerateBuilderMembers(io::Printer* printer) const { if (SupportFieldPresence(descriptor_->file())) { WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public boolean has$capitalized_name$() {\n" " return $has_oneof_case_message$;\n" "}\n"); } WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public java.lang.String get$capitalized_name$() {\n" " java.lang.Object ref $default_init$;\n" " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " ref = $oneof_name$_;\n" " }\n" " if (!(ref instanceof java.lang.String)) {\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString bs =\n" " (com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ref;\n" " java.lang.String s = bs.toStringUtf8();\n" " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, " $oneof_name$_ = s;\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, " if (bs.isValidUtf8()) {\n" " $oneof_name$_ = s;\n" " }\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, " }\n" " return s;\n" " } else {\n" " return (java.lang.String) ref;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public com.google.protobuf.ByteString\n" " get$capitalized_name$Bytes() {\n" " java.lang.Object ref $default_init$;\n" " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " ref = $oneof_name$_;\n" " }\n" " if (ref instanceof String) {\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString b = \n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString.copyFromUtf8(\n" " (java.lang.String) ref);\n" " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " $oneof_name$_ = b;\n" " }\n" " return b;\n" " } else {\n" " return (com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ref;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder set$capitalized_name$(\n" " java.lang.String value) {\n" "$null_check$" " $set_oneof_case_message$;\n" " $oneof_name$_ = value;\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder clear$capitalized_name$() {\n" " if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " $clear_oneof_case_message$;\n" " $oneof_name$_ = null;\n" " $on_changed$\n" " }\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder set$capitalized_name$Bytes(\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) {\n" "$null_check$"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, " checkByteStringIsUtf8(value);\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, " $set_oneof_case_message$;\n" " $oneof_name$_ = value;\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); } void ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: GenerateMergingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { // Allow a slight breach of abstraction here in order to avoid forcing // all string fields to Strings when copying fields from a Message. printer->Print(variables_, "$set_oneof_case_message$;\n" "$oneof_name$_ = other.$oneof_name$_;\n" "$on_changed$\n"); } void ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: GenerateBuildingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " result.$oneof_name$_ = $oneof_name$_;\n" "}\n"); } void ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: GenerateParsingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, "String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8();\n" "$set_oneof_case_message$;\n" "$oneof_name$_ = s;\n"); } else if (!HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) { // Lite runtime should attempt to reduce allocations by attempting to // construct the string directly from the input stream buffer. This avoids // spurious intermediary ByteString allocations, cutting overall allocations // in half. printer->Print(variables_, "String s = input.readString();\n" "$set_oneof_case_message$;\n" "$oneof_name$_ = s;\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, "com.google.protobuf.ByteString bs = input.readBytes();\n" "$set_oneof_case_message$;\n" "$oneof_name$_ = bs;\n"); } } void ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: GenerateSerializationCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " $writeString$(output, $number$, $oneof_name$_);\n" "}\n"); } void ImmutableStringOneofFieldGenerator:: GenerateSerializedSizeCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "if ($has_oneof_case_message$) {\n" " size += $computeStringSize$($number$, $oneof_name$_);\n" "}\n"); } // =================================================================== RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor, int messageBitIndex, int builderBitIndex, Context* context) : descriptor_(descriptor), messageBitIndex_(messageBitIndex), builderBitIndex_(builderBitIndex), context_(context), name_resolver_(context->GetNameResolver()) { SetPrimitiveVariables(descriptor, messageBitIndex, builderBitIndex, context->GetFieldGeneratorInfo(descriptor), name_resolver_, &variables_); } RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: ~RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator() {} int RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator::GetNumBitsForMessage() const { return 0; } int RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator::GetNumBitsForBuilder() const { return 1; } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateInterfaceMembers(io::Printer* printer) const { WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList\n" " get$capitalized_name$List();\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$int get$capitalized_name$Count();\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$java.lang.String get$capitalized_name$(int index);\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$com.google.protobuf.ByteString\n" " get$capitalized_name$Bytes(int index);\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateMembers(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "private com.google.protobuf.LazyStringList $name$_;\n"); PrintExtraFieldInfo(variables_, printer); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList\n" " get$capitalized_name$List() {\n" " return $name$_;\n" // note: unmodifiable list "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public int get$capitalized_name$Count() {\n" " return $name$_.size();\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public java.lang.String get$capitalized_name$(int index) {\n" " return $name$_.get(index);\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public com.google.protobuf.ByteString\n" " get$capitalized_name$Bytes(int index) {\n" " return $name$_.getByteString(index);\n" "}\n"); if (descriptor_->options().packed() && HasGeneratedMethods(descriptor_->containing_type())) { printer->Print(variables_, "private int $name$MemoizedSerializedSize = -1;\n"); } } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateBuilderMembers(io::Printer* printer) const { // One field is the list and the bit field keeps track of whether the // list is immutable. If it's immutable, the invariant is that it must // either an instance of Collections.emptyList() or it's an ArrayList // wrapped in a Collections.unmodifiableList() wrapper and nobody else has // a refererence to the underlying ArrayList. This invariant allows us to // share instances of lists between protocol buffers avoiding expensive // memory allocations. Note, immutable is a strong guarantee here -- not // just that the list cannot be modified via the reference but that the // list can never be modified. printer->Print(variables_, "private com.google.protobuf.LazyStringList $name$_ = $empty_list$;\n"); printer->Print(variables_, "private void ensure$capitalized_name$IsMutable() {\n" " if (!$get_mutable_bit_builder$) {\n" " $name$_ = new com.google.protobuf.LazyStringArrayList($name$_);\n" " $set_mutable_bit_builder$;\n" " }\n" "}\n"); // Note: We return an unmodifiable list because otherwise the caller // could hold on to the returned list and modify it after the message // has been built, thus mutating the message which is supposed to be // immutable. WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList\n" " get$capitalized_name$List() {\n" " return $name$_.getUnmodifiableView();\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public int get$capitalized_name$Count() {\n" " return $name$_.size();\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public java.lang.String get$capitalized_name$(int index) {\n" " return $name$_.get(index);\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public com.google.protobuf.ByteString\n" " get$capitalized_name$Bytes(int index) {\n" " return $name$_.getByteString(index);\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder set$capitalized_name$(\n" " int index, java.lang.String value) {\n" "$null_check$" " ensure$capitalized_name$IsMutable();\n" " $name$_.set(index, value);\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder add$capitalized_name$(\n" " java.lang.String value) {\n" "$null_check$" " ensure$capitalized_name$IsMutable();\n" " $name$_.add(value);\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder addAll$capitalized_name$(\n" " java.lang.Iterable values) {\n" " ensure$capitalized_name$IsMutable();\n" " com.google.protobuf.AbstractMessageLite.Builder.addAll(\n" " values, $name$_);\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder clear$capitalized_name$() {\n" " $name$_ = $empty_list$;\n" " $clear_mutable_bit_builder$;\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); WriteFieldDocComment(printer, descriptor_); printer->Print(variables_, "$deprecation$public Builder add$capitalized_name$Bytes(\n" " com.google.protobuf.ByteString value) {\n" "$null_check$"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, " checkByteStringIsUtf8(value);\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, " ensure$capitalized_name$IsMutable();\n" " $name$_.add(value);\n" " $on_changed$\n" " return this;\n" "}\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateFieldBuilderInitializationCode(io::Printer* printer) const { // noop for primitives } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateInitializationCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "$name$_ = $empty_list$;\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateBuilderClearCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "$name$_ = $empty_list$;\n" "$clear_mutable_bit_builder$;\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateMergingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { // The code below does two optimizations: // 1. If the other list is empty, there's nothing to do. This ensures we // don't allocate a new array if we already have an immutable one. // 2. If the other list is non-empty and our current list is empty, we can // reuse the other list which is guaranteed to be immutable. printer->Print(variables_, "if (!other.$name$_.isEmpty()) {\n" " if ($name$_.isEmpty()) {\n" " $name$_ = other.$name$_;\n" " $clear_mutable_bit_builder$;\n" " } else {\n" " ensure$capitalized_name$IsMutable();\n" " $name$_.addAll(other.$name$_);\n" " }\n" " $on_changed$\n" "}\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateBuildingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { // The code below ensures that the result has an immutable list. If our // list is immutable, we can just reuse it. If not, we make it immutable. printer->Print(variables_, "if ($get_mutable_bit_builder$) {\n" " $name$_ = $name$_.getUnmodifiableView();\n" " $clear_mutable_bit_builder$;\n" "}\n" "result.$name$_ = $name$_;\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateParsingCode(io::Printer* printer) const { if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, "String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8();\n"); } else if (!HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) { // Lite runtime should attempt to reduce allocations by attempting to // construct the string directly from the input stream buffer. This avoids // spurious intermediary ByteString allocations, cutting overall allocations // in half. printer->Print(variables_, "String s = input.readString();\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, "com.google.protobuf.ByteString bs = input.readBytes();\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, "if (!$get_mutable_bit_parser$) {\n" " $name$_ = new com.google.protobuf.LazyStringArrayList();\n" " $set_mutable_bit_parser$;\n" "}\n"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_) || !HasDescriptorMethods(descriptor_->file())) { printer->Print(variables_, "$name$_.add(s);\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, "$name$_.add(bs);\n"); } } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateParsingCodeFromPacked(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "int length = input.readRawVarint32();\n" "int limit = input.pushLimit(length);\n" "if (!$get_mutable_bit_parser$ && input.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {\n" " $name$_ = new com.google.protobuf.LazyStringArrayList();\n" " $set_mutable_bit_parser$;\n" "}\n" "while (input.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {\n"); if (CheckUtf8(descriptor_)) { printer->Print(variables_, " String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8();\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, " String s = input.readString();\n"); } printer->Print(variables_, " $name$.add(s);\n"); printer->Print(variables_, "}\n" "input.popLimit(limit);\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateParsingDoneCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "if ($get_mutable_bit_parser$) {\n" " $name$_ = $name$_.getUnmodifiableView();\n" "}\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateSerializationCode(io::Printer* printer) const { if (descriptor_->options().packed()) { printer->Print(variables_, "if (get$capitalized_name$List().size() > 0) {\n" " output.writeRawVarint32($tag$);\n" " output.writeRawVarint32($name$MemoizedSerializedSize);\n" "}\n" "for (int i = 0; i < $name$_.size(); i++) {\n" " writeStringNoTag(output, $name$_.getRaw(i));\n" "}\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, "for (int i = 0; i < $name$_.size(); i++) {\n" " $writeString$(output, $number$, $name$_.getRaw(i));\n" "}\n"); } } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateSerializedSizeCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "{\n" " int dataSize = 0;\n"); printer->Indent(); printer->Print(variables_, "for (int i = 0; i < $name$_.size(); i++) {\n" " dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag($name$_.getRaw(i));\n" "}\n"); printer->Print( "size += dataSize;\n"); if (descriptor_->options().packed()) { printer->Print(variables_, "if (!get$capitalized_name$List().isEmpty()) {\n" " size += $tag_size$;\n" " size += com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream\n" " .computeInt32SizeNoTag(dataSize);\n" "}\n"); } else { printer->Print(variables_, "size += $tag_size$ * get$capitalized_name$List().size();\n"); } // cache the data size for packed fields. if (descriptor_->options().packed()) { printer->Print(variables_, "$name$MemoizedSerializedSize = dataSize;\n"); } printer->Outdent(); printer->Print("}\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateEqualsCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "result = result && get$capitalized_name$List()\n" " .equals(other.get$capitalized_name$List());\n"); } void RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator:: GenerateHashCode(io::Printer* printer) const { printer->Print(variables_, "if (get$capitalized_name$Count() > 0) {\n" " hash = (37 * hash) + $constant_name$;\n" " hash = (53 * hash) + get$capitalized_name$List().hashCode();\n" "}\n"); } string RepeatedImmutableStringFieldGenerator::GetBoxedType() const { return "String"; } } // namespace java } // namespace compiler } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google