// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // Author: jschorr@google.com (Joseph Schorr) // Based on original Protocol Buffers design by // Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace google { namespace protobuf { string Message::DebugString() const { string debug_string; TextFormat::PrintToString(*this, &debug_string); return debug_string; } string Message::ShortDebugString() const { string debug_string; TextFormat::Printer printer; printer.SetSingleLineMode(true); printer.PrintToString(*this, &debug_string); // Single line mode currently might have an extra space at the end. if (debug_string.size() > 0 && debug_string[debug_string.size() - 1] == ' ') { debug_string.resize(debug_string.size() - 1); } return debug_string; } string Message::Utf8DebugString() const { string debug_string; TextFormat::Printer printer; printer.SetUseUtf8StringEscaping(true); printer.PrintToString(*this, &debug_string); return debug_string; } void Message::PrintDebugString() const { printf("%s", DebugString().c_str()); } // =========================================================================== // Implementation of the parse information tree class. TextFormat::ParseInfoTree::ParseInfoTree() { } TextFormat::ParseInfoTree::~ParseInfoTree() { // Remove any nested information trees, as they are owned by this tree. for (NestedMap::iterator it = nested_.begin(); it != nested_.end(); ++it) { STLDeleteElements(&(it->second)); } } void TextFormat::ParseInfoTree::RecordLocation( const FieldDescriptor* field, TextFormat::ParseLocation location) { locations_[field].push_back(location); } TextFormat::ParseInfoTree* TextFormat::ParseInfoTree::CreateNested( const FieldDescriptor* field) { // Owned by us in the map. TextFormat::ParseInfoTree* instance = new TextFormat::ParseInfoTree(); vector* trees = &nested_[field]; GOOGLE_CHECK(trees); trees->push_back(instance); return instance; } void CheckFieldIndex(const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) { if (field == NULL) { return; } if (field->is_repeated() && index == -1) { GOOGLE_LOG(DFATAL) << "Index must be in range of repeated field values. " << "Field: " << field->name(); } else if (!field->is_repeated() && index != -1) { GOOGLE_LOG(DFATAL) << "Index must be -1 for singular fields." << "Field: " << field->name(); } } TextFormat::ParseLocation TextFormat::ParseInfoTree::GetLocation( const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const { CheckFieldIndex(field, index); if (index == -1) { index = 0; } const vector* locations = FindOrNull(locations_, field); if (locations == NULL || index >= locations->size()) { return TextFormat::ParseLocation(); } return (*locations)[index]; } TextFormat::ParseInfoTree* TextFormat::ParseInfoTree::GetTreeForNested( const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const { CheckFieldIndex(field, index); if (index == -1) { index = 0; } const vector* trees = FindOrNull(nested_, field); if (trees == NULL || index >= trees->size()) { return NULL; } return (*trees)[index]; } // =========================================================================== // Internal class for parsing an ASCII representation of a Protocol Message. // This class makes use of the Protocol Message compiler's tokenizer found // in //google/protobuf/io/tokenizer.h. Note that class's Parse // method is *not* thread-safe and should only be used in a single thread at // a time. // Makes code slightly more readable. The meaning of "DO(foo)" is // "Execute foo and fail if it fails.", where failure is indicated by // returning false. Borrowed from parser.cc (Thanks Kenton!). #define DO(STATEMENT) if (STATEMENT) {} else return false class TextFormat::Parser::ParserImpl { public: // Determines if repeated values for a non-repeated field are // permitted, e.g., the string "foo: 1 foo: 2" for a // required/optional field named "foo". enum SingularOverwritePolicy { ALLOW_SINGULAR_OVERWRITES = 0, // the last value is retained FORBID_SINGULAR_OVERWRITES = 1, // an error is issued }; ParserImpl(const Descriptor* root_message_type, io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input_stream, io::ErrorCollector* error_collector, TextFormat::Finder* finder, ParseInfoTree* parse_info_tree, SingularOverwritePolicy singular_overwrite_policy, bool allow_unknown_field) : error_collector_(error_collector), finder_(finder), parse_info_tree_(parse_info_tree), tokenizer_error_collector_(this), tokenizer_(input_stream, &tokenizer_error_collector_), root_message_type_(root_message_type), singular_overwrite_policy_(singular_overwrite_policy), allow_unknown_field_(allow_unknown_field), had_errors_(false) { // For backwards-compatibility with proto1, we need to allow the 'f' suffix // for floats. tokenizer_.set_allow_f_after_float(true); // '#' starts a comment. tokenizer_.set_comment_style(io::Tokenizer::SH_COMMENT_STYLE); // Consume the starting token. tokenizer_.Next(); } ~ParserImpl() { } // Parses the ASCII representation specified in input and saves the // information into the output pointer (a Message). Returns // false if an error occurs (an error will also be logged to // GOOGLE_LOG(ERROR)). bool Parse(Message* output) { // Consume fields until we cannot do so anymore. while(true) { if (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END)) { return !had_errors_; } DO(ConsumeField(output)); } } bool ParseField(const FieldDescriptor* field, Message* output) { bool suc; if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) { suc = ConsumeFieldMessage(output, output->GetReflection(), field); } else { suc = ConsumeFieldValue(output, output->GetReflection(), field); } return suc && LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_END); } void ReportError(int line, int col, const string& message) { had_errors_ = true; if (error_collector_ == NULL) { if (line >= 0) { GOOGLE_LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing text-format " << root_message_type_->full_name() << ": " << (line + 1) << ":" << (col + 1) << ": " << message; } else { GOOGLE_LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing text-format " << root_message_type_->full_name() << ": " << message; } } else { error_collector_->AddError(line, col, message); } } void ReportWarning(int line, int col, const string& message) { if (error_collector_ == NULL) { if (line >= 0) { GOOGLE_LOG(WARNING) << "Warning parsing text-format " << root_message_type_->full_name() << ": " << (line + 1) << ":" << (col + 1) << ": " << message; } else { GOOGLE_LOG(WARNING) << "Warning parsing text-format " << root_message_type_->full_name() << ": " << message; } } else { error_collector_->AddWarning(line, col, message); } } private: GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(ParserImpl); // Reports an error with the given message with information indicating // the position (as derived from the current token). void ReportError(const string& message) { ReportError(tokenizer_.current().line, tokenizer_.current().column, message); } // Reports a warning with the given message with information indicating // the position (as derived from the current token). void ReportWarning(const string& message) { ReportWarning(tokenizer_.current().line, tokenizer_.current().column, message); } // Consumes the specified message with the given starting delimeter. // This method checks to see that the end delimeter at the conclusion of // the consumption matches the starting delimeter passed in here. bool ConsumeMessage(Message* message, const string delimeter) { while (!LookingAt(">") && !LookingAt("}")) { DO(ConsumeField(message)); } // Confirm that we have a valid ending delimeter. DO(Consume(delimeter)); return true; } // Consumes the current field (as returned by the tokenizer) on the // passed in message. bool ConsumeField(Message* message) { const Reflection* reflection = message->GetReflection(); const Descriptor* descriptor = message->GetDescriptor(); string field_name; const FieldDescriptor* field = NULL; int start_line = tokenizer_.current().line; int start_column = tokenizer_.current().column; if (TryConsume("[")) { // Extension. DO(ConsumeIdentifier(&field_name)); while (TryConsume(".")) { string part; DO(ConsumeIdentifier(&part)); field_name += "."; field_name += part; } DO(Consume("]")); field = (finder_ != NULL ? finder_->FindExtension(message, field_name) : reflection->FindKnownExtensionByName(field_name)); if (field == NULL) { if (!allow_unknown_field_) { ReportError("Extension \"" + field_name + "\" is not defined or " "is not an extension of \"" + descriptor->full_name() + "\"."); return false; } else { ReportWarning("Extension \"" + field_name + "\" is not defined or " "is not an extension of \"" + descriptor->full_name() + "\"."); } } } else { DO(ConsumeIdentifier(&field_name)); field = descriptor->FindFieldByName(field_name); // Group names are expected to be capitalized as they appear in the // .proto file, which actually matches their type names, not their field // names. if (field == NULL) { string lower_field_name = field_name; LowerString(&lower_field_name); field = descriptor->FindFieldByName(lower_field_name); // If the case-insensitive match worked but the field is NOT a group, if (field != NULL && field->type() != FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) { field = NULL; } } // Again, special-case group names as described above. if (field != NULL && field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP && field->message_type()->name() != field_name) { field = NULL; } if (field == NULL) { if (!allow_unknown_field_) { ReportError("Message type \"" + descriptor->full_name() + "\" has no field named \"" + field_name + "\"."); return false; } else { ReportWarning("Message type \"" + descriptor->full_name() + "\" has no field named \"" + field_name + "\"."); } } } // Skips unknown field. if (field == NULL) { GOOGLE_CHECK(allow_unknown_field_); // Try to guess the type of this field. // If this field is not a message, there should be a ":" between the // field name and the field value and also the field value should not // start with "{" or "<" which indicates the begining of a message body. // If there is no ":" or there is a "{" or "<" after ":", this field has // to be a message or the input is ill-formed. if (TryConsume(":") && !LookingAt("{") && !LookingAt("<")) { return SkipFieldValue(); } else { return SkipFieldMessage(); } } // Fail if the field is not repeated and it has already been specified. if ((singular_overwrite_policy_ == FORBID_SINGULAR_OVERWRITES) && !field->is_repeated() && reflection->HasField(*message, field)) { ReportError("Non-repeated field \"" + field_name + "\" is specified multiple times."); return false; } // Perform special handling for embedded message types. if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) { // ':' is optional here. TryConsume(":"); DO(ConsumeFieldMessage(message, reflection, field)); } else { DO(Consume(":")); if (field->is_repeated() && TryConsume("[")) { // Short repeated format, e.g. "foo: [1, 2, 3]" while (true) { DO(ConsumeFieldValue(message, reflection, field)); if (TryConsume("]")) { break; } DO(Consume(",")); } } else { DO(ConsumeFieldValue(message, reflection, field)); } } // For historical reasons, fields may optionally be separated by commas or // semicolons. TryConsume(";") || TryConsume(","); if (field->options().deprecated()) { ReportWarning("text format contains deprecated field \"" + field_name + "\""); } // If a parse info tree exists, add the location for the parsed // field. if (parse_info_tree_ != NULL) { RecordLocation(parse_info_tree_, field, ParseLocation(start_line, start_column)); } return true; } // Skips the next field including the field's name and value. bool SkipField() { string field_name; if (TryConsume("[")) { // Extension name. DO(ConsumeIdentifier(&field_name)); while (TryConsume(".")) { string part; DO(ConsumeIdentifier(&part)); field_name += "."; field_name += part; } DO(Consume("]")); } else { DO(ConsumeIdentifier(&field_name)); } // Try to guess the type of this field. // If this field is not a message, there should be a ":" between the // field name and the field value and also the field value should not // start with "{" or "<" which indicates the begining of a message body. // If there is no ":" or there is a "{" or "<" after ":", this field has // to be a message or the input is ill-formed. if (TryConsume(":") && !LookingAt("{") && !LookingAt("<")) { DO(SkipFieldValue()); } else { DO(SkipFieldMessage()); } // For historical reasons, fields may optionally be separated by commas or // semicolons. TryConsume(";") || TryConsume(","); return true; } bool ConsumeFieldMessage(Message* message, const Reflection* reflection, const FieldDescriptor* field) { // If the parse information tree is not NULL, create a nested one // for the nested message. ParseInfoTree* parent = parse_info_tree_; if (parent != NULL) { parse_info_tree_ = CreateNested(parent, field); } string delimeter; if (TryConsume("<")) { delimeter = ">"; } else { DO(Consume("{")); delimeter = "}"; } if (field->is_repeated()) { DO(ConsumeMessage(reflection->AddMessage(message, field), delimeter)); } else { DO(ConsumeMessage(reflection->MutableMessage(message, field), delimeter)); } // Reset the parse information tree. parse_info_tree_ = parent; return true; } // Skips the whole body of a message including the begining delimeter and // the ending delimeter. bool SkipFieldMessage() { string delimeter; if (TryConsume("<")) { delimeter = ">"; } else { DO(Consume("{")); delimeter = "}"; } while (!LookingAt(">") && !LookingAt("}")) { DO(SkipField()); } DO(Consume(delimeter)); return true; } bool ConsumeFieldValue(Message* message, const Reflection* reflection, const FieldDescriptor* field) { // Define an easy to use macro for setting fields. This macro checks // to see if the field is repeated (in which case we need to use the Add // methods or not (in which case we need to use the Set methods). #define SET_FIELD(CPPTYPE, VALUE) \ if (field->is_repeated()) { \ reflection->Add##CPPTYPE(message, field, VALUE); \ } else { \ reflection->Set##CPPTYPE(message, field, VALUE); \ } \ switch(field->cpp_type()) { case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT32: { int64 value; DO(ConsumeSignedInteger(&value, kint32max)); SET_FIELD(Int32, static_cast(value)); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT32: { uint64 value; DO(ConsumeUnsignedInteger(&value, kuint32max)); SET_FIELD(UInt32, static_cast(value)); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_INT64: { int64 value; DO(ConsumeSignedInteger(&value, kint64max)); SET_FIELD(Int64, value); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_UINT64: { uint64 value; DO(ConsumeUnsignedInteger(&value, kuint64max)); SET_FIELD(UInt64, value); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT: { double value; DO(ConsumeDouble(&value)); SET_FIELD(Float, static_cast(value)); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE: { double value; DO(ConsumeDouble(&value)); SET_FIELD(Double, value); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: { string value; DO(ConsumeString(&value)); SET_FIELD(String, value); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL: { if (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_INTEGER)) { uint64 value; DO(ConsumeUnsignedInteger(&value, 1)); SET_FIELD(Bool, value); } else { string value; DO(ConsumeIdentifier(&value)); if (value == "true" || value == "t") { SET_FIELD(Bool, true); } else if (value == "false" || value == "f") { SET_FIELD(Bool, false); } else { ReportError("Invalid value for boolean field \"" + field->name() + "\". Value: \"" + value + "\"."); return false; } } break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: { string value; const EnumDescriptor* enum_type = field->enum_type(); const EnumValueDescriptor* enum_value = NULL; if (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_IDENTIFIER)) { DO(ConsumeIdentifier(&value)); // Find the enumeration value. enum_value = enum_type->FindValueByName(value); } else if (LookingAt("-") || LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_INTEGER)) { int64 int_value; DO(ConsumeSignedInteger(&int_value, kint32max)); value = SimpleItoa(int_value); // for error reporting enum_value = enum_type->FindValueByNumber(int_value); } else { ReportError("Expected integer or identifier."); return false; } if (enum_value == NULL) { ReportError("Unknown enumeration value of \"" + value + "\" for " "field \"" + field->name() + "\"."); return false; } SET_FIELD(Enum, enum_value); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: { // We should never get here. Put here instead of a default // so that if new types are added, we get a nice compiler warning. GOOGLE_LOG(FATAL) << "Reached an unintended state: CPPTYPE_MESSAGE"; break; } } #undef SET_FIELD return true; } bool SkipFieldValue() { if (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_STRING)) { while (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_STRING)) { tokenizer_.Next(); } return true; } // Possible field values other than string: // 12345 => TYPE_INTEGER // -12345 => TYPE_SYMBOL + TYPE_INTEGER // 1.2345 => TYPE_FLOAT // -1.2345 => TYPE_SYMBOL + TYPE_FLOAT // inf => TYPE_IDENTIFIER // -inf => TYPE_SYMBOL + TYPE_IDENTIFIER // TYPE_INTEGER => TYPE_IDENTIFIER // Divides them into two group, one with TYPE_SYMBOL // and the other without: // Group one: // 12345 => TYPE_INTEGER // 1.2345 => TYPE_FLOAT // inf => TYPE_IDENTIFIER // TYPE_INTEGER => TYPE_IDENTIFIER // Group two: // -12345 => TYPE_SYMBOL + TYPE_INTEGER // -1.2345 => TYPE_SYMBOL + TYPE_FLOAT // -inf => TYPE_SYMBOL + TYPE_IDENTIFIER // As we can see, the field value consists of an optional '-' and one of // TYPE_INTEGER, TYPE_FLOAT and TYPE_IDENTIFIER. bool has_minus = TryConsume("-"); if (!LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_INTEGER) && !LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_FLOAT) && !LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_IDENTIFIER)) { return false; } // Combination of '-' and TYPE_IDENTIFIER may result in an invalid field // value while other combinations all generate valid values. // We check if the value of this combination is valid here. // TYPE_IDENTIFIER after a '-' should be one of the float values listed // below: // inf, inff, infinity, nan if (has_minus && LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_IDENTIFIER)) { string text = tokenizer_.current().text; LowerString(&text); if (text != "inf" && text != "infinity" && text != "nan") { ReportError("Invalid float number: " + text); return false; } } tokenizer_.Next(); return true; } // Returns true if the current token's text is equal to that specified. bool LookingAt(const string& text) { return tokenizer_.current().text == text; } // Returns true if the current token's type is equal to that specified. bool LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TokenType token_type) { return tokenizer_.current().type == token_type; } // Consumes an identifier and saves its value in the identifier parameter. // Returns false if the token is not of type IDENTFIER. bool ConsumeIdentifier(string* identifier) { if (!LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_IDENTIFIER)) { ReportError("Expected identifier."); return false; } *identifier = tokenizer_.current().text; tokenizer_.Next(); return true; } // Consumes a string and saves its value in the text parameter. // Returns false if the token is not of type STRING. bool ConsumeString(string* text) { if (!LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_STRING)) { ReportError("Expected string."); return false; } text->clear(); while (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_STRING)) { io::Tokenizer::ParseStringAppend(tokenizer_.current().text, text); tokenizer_.Next(); } return true; } // Consumes a uint64 and saves its value in the value parameter. // Returns false if the token is not of type INTEGER. bool ConsumeUnsignedInteger(uint64* value, uint64 max_value) { if (!LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_INTEGER)) { ReportError("Expected integer."); return false; } if (!io::Tokenizer::ParseInteger(tokenizer_.current().text, max_value, value)) { ReportError("Integer out of range."); return false; } tokenizer_.Next(); return true; } // Consumes an int64 and saves its value in the value parameter. // Note that since the tokenizer does not support negative numbers, // we actually may consume an additional token (for the minus sign) in this // method. Returns false if the token is not an integer // (signed or otherwise). bool ConsumeSignedInteger(int64* value, uint64 max_value) { bool negative = false; if (TryConsume("-")) { negative = true; // Two's complement always allows one more negative integer than // positive. ++max_value; } uint64 unsigned_value; DO(ConsumeUnsignedInteger(&unsigned_value, max_value)); *value = static_cast(unsigned_value); if (negative) { *value = -*value; } return true; } // Consumes a double and saves its value in the value parameter. // Note that since the tokenizer does not support negative numbers, // we actually may consume an additional token (for the minus sign) in this // method. Returns false if the token is not a double // (signed or otherwise). bool ConsumeDouble(double* value) { bool negative = false; if (TryConsume("-")) { negative = true; } // A double can actually be an integer, according to the tokenizer. // Therefore, we must check both cases here. if (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_INTEGER)) { // We have found an integer value for the double. uint64 integer_value; DO(ConsumeUnsignedInteger(&integer_value, kuint64max)); *value = static_cast(integer_value); } else if (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_FLOAT)) { // We have found a float value for the double. *value = io::Tokenizer::ParseFloat(tokenizer_.current().text); // Mark the current token as consumed. tokenizer_.Next(); } else if (LookingAtType(io::Tokenizer::TYPE_IDENTIFIER)) { string text = tokenizer_.current().text; LowerString(&text); if (text == "inf" || text == "infinity") { *value = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); tokenizer_.Next(); } else if (text == "nan") { *value = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); tokenizer_.Next(); } else { ReportError("Expected double."); return false; } } else { ReportError("Expected double."); return false; } if (negative) { *value = -*value; } return true; } // Consumes a token and confirms that it matches that specified in the // value parameter. Returns false if the token found does not match that // which was specified. bool Consume(const string& value) { const string& current_value = tokenizer_.current().text; if (current_value != value) { ReportError("Expected \"" + value + "\", found \"" + current_value + "\"."); return false; } tokenizer_.Next(); return true; } // Attempts to consume the supplied value. Returns false if a the // token found does not match the value specified. bool TryConsume(const string& value) { if (tokenizer_.current().text == value) { tokenizer_.Next(); return true; } else { return false; } } // An internal instance of the Tokenizer's error collector, used to // collect any base-level parse errors and feed them to the ParserImpl. class ParserErrorCollector : public io::ErrorCollector { public: explicit ParserErrorCollector(TextFormat::Parser::ParserImpl* parser) : parser_(parser) { } virtual ~ParserErrorCollector() { }; virtual void AddError(int line, int column, const string& message) { parser_->ReportError(line, column, message); } virtual void AddWarning(int line, int column, const string& message) { parser_->ReportWarning(line, column, message); } private: GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(ParserErrorCollector); TextFormat::Parser::ParserImpl* parser_; }; io::ErrorCollector* error_collector_; TextFormat::Finder* finder_; ParseInfoTree* parse_info_tree_; ParserErrorCollector tokenizer_error_collector_; io::Tokenizer tokenizer_; const Descriptor* root_message_type_; SingularOverwritePolicy singular_overwrite_policy_; bool allow_unknown_field_; bool had_errors_; }; #undef DO // =========================================================================== // Internal class for writing text to the io::ZeroCopyOutputStream. Adapted // from the Printer found in //google/protobuf/io/printer.h class TextFormat::Printer::TextGenerator { public: explicit TextGenerator(io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, int initial_indent_level) : output_(output), buffer_(NULL), buffer_size_(0), at_start_of_line_(true), failed_(false), indent_(""), initial_indent_level_(initial_indent_level) { indent_.resize(initial_indent_level_ * 2, ' '); } ~TextGenerator() { // Only BackUp() if we're sure we've successfully called Next() at least // once. if (!failed_ && buffer_size_ > 0) { output_->BackUp(buffer_size_); } } // Indent text by two spaces. After calling Indent(), two spaces will be // inserted at the beginning of each line of text. Indent() may be called // multiple times to produce deeper indents. void Indent() { indent_ += " "; } // Reduces the current indent level by two spaces, or crashes if the indent // level is zero. void Outdent() { if (indent_.empty() || indent_.size() < initial_indent_level_ * 2) { GOOGLE_LOG(DFATAL) << " Outdent() without matching Indent()."; return; } indent_.resize(indent_.size() - 2); } // Print text to the output stream. void Print(const string& str) { Print(str.data(), str.size()); } // Print text to the output stream. void Print(const char* text) { Print(text, strlen(text)); } // Print text to the output stream. void Print(const char* text, int size) { int pos = 0; // The number of bytes we've written so far. for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (text[i] == '\n') { // Saw newline. If there is more text, we may need to insert an indent // here. So, write what we have so far, including the '\n'. Write(text + pos, i - pos + 1); pos = i + 1; // Setting this true will cause the next Write() to insert an indent // first. at_start_of_line_ = true; } } // Write the rest. Write(text + pos, size - pos); } // True if any write to the underlying stream failed. (We don't just // crash in this case because this is an I/O failure, not a programming // error.) bool failed() const { return failed_; } private: GOOGLE_DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(TextGenerator); void Write(const char* data, int size) { if (failed_) return; if (size == 0) return; if (at_start_of_line_) { // Insert an indent. at_start_of_line_ = false; Write(indent_.data(), indent_.size()); if (failed_) return; } while (size > buffer_size_) { // Data exceeds space in the buffer. Copy what we can and request a // new buffer. memcpy(buffer_, data, buffer_size_); data += buffer_size_; size -= buffer_size_; void* void_buffer; failed_ = !output_->Next(&void_buffer, &buffer_size_); if (failed_) return; buffer_ = reinterpret_cast(void_buffer); } // Buffer is big enough to receive the data; copy it. memcpy(buffer_, data, size); buffer_ += size; buffer_size_ -= size; } io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* const output_; char* buffer_; int buffer_size_; bool at_start_of_line_; bool failed_; string indent_; int initial_indent_level_; }; // =========================================================================== TextFormat::Finder::~Finder() { } TextFormat::Parser::Parser() : error_collector_(NULL), finder_(NULL), parse_info_tree_(NULL), allow_partial_(false), allow_unknown_field_(false) { } TextFormat::Parser::~Parser() {} bool TextFormat::Parser::Parse(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input, Message* output) { output->Clear(); ParserImpl parser(output->GetDescriptor(), input, error_collector_, finder_, parse_info_tree_, ParserImpl::FORBID_SINGULAR_OVERWRITES, allow_unknown_field_); return MergeUsingImpl(input, output, &parser); } bool TextFormat::Parser::ParseFromString(const string& input, Message* output) { io::ArrayInputStream input_stream(input.data(), input.size()); return Parse(&input_stream, output); } bool TextFormat::Parser::Merge(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input, Message* output) { ParserImpl parser(output->GetDescriptor(), input, error_collector_, finder_, parse_info_tree_, ParserImpl::ALLOW_SINGULAR_OVERWRITES, allow_unknown_field_); return MergeUsingImpl(input, output, &parser); } bool TextFormat::Parser::MergeFromString(const string& input, Message* output) { io::ArrayInputStream input_stream(input.data(), input.size()); return Merge(&input_stream, output); } bool TextFormat::Parser::MergeUsingImpl(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input, Message* output, ParserImpl* parser_impl) { if (!parser_impl->Parse(output)) return false; if (!allow_partial_ && !output->IsInitialized()) { vector missing_fields; output->FindInitializationErrors(&missing_fields); parser_impl->ReportError(-1, 0, "Message missing required fields: " + JoinStrings(missing_fields, ", ")); return false; } return true; } bool TextFormat::Parser::ParseFieldValueFromString( const string& input, const FieldDescriptor* field, Message* output) { io::ArrayInputStream input_stream(input.data(), input.size()); ParserImpl parser(output->GetDescriptor(), &input_stream, error_collector_, finder_, parse_info_tree_, ParserImpl::ALLOW_SINGULAR_OVERWRITES, allow_unknown_field_); return parser.ParseField(field, output); } /* static */ bool TextFormat::Parse(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input, Message* output) { return Parser().Parse(input, output); } /* static */ bool TextFormat::Merge(io::ZeroCopyInputStream* input, Message* output) { return Parser().Merge(input, output); } /* static */ bool TextFormat::ParseFromString(const string& input, Message* output) { return Parser().ParseFromString(input, output); } /* static */ bool TextFormat::MergeFromString(const string& input, Message* output) { return Parser().MergeFromString(input, output); } // =========================================================================== TextFormat::Printer::Printer() : initial_indent_level_(0), single_line_mode_(false), use_short_repeated_primitives_(false), utf8_string_escaping_(false) {} TextFormat::Printer::~Printer() {} bool TextFormat::Printer::PrintToString(const Message& message, string* output) const { GOOGLE_DCHECK(output) << "output specified is NULL"; output->clear(); io::StringOutputStream output_stream(output); bool result = Print(message, &output_stream); return result; } bool TextFormat::Printer::PrintUnknownFieldsToString( const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, string* output) const { GOOGLE_DCHECK(output) << "output specified is NULL"; output->clear(); io::StringOutputStream output_stream(output); return PrintUnknownFields(unknown_fields, &output_stream); } bool TextFormat::Printer::Print(const Message& message, io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) const { TextGenerator generator(output, initial_indent_level_); Print(message, generator); // Output false if the generator failed internally. return !generator.failed(); } bool TextFormat::Printer::PrintUnknownFields( const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) const { TextGenerator generator(output, initial_indent_level_); PrintUnknownFields(unknown_fields, generator); // Output false if the generator failed internally. return !generator.failed(); } void TextFormat::Printer::Print(const Message& message, TextGenerator& generator) const { const Reflection* reflection = message.GetReflection(); vector fields; reflection->ListFields(message, &fields); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { PrintField(message, reflection, fields[i], generator); } PrintUnknownFields(reflection->GetUnknownFields(message), generator); } void TextFormat::Printer::PrintFieldValueToString( const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, string* output) const { GOOGLE_DCHECK(output) << "output specified is NULL"; output->clear(); io::StringOutputStream output_stream(output); TextGenerator generator(&output_stream, initial_indent_level_); PrintFieldValue(message, message.GetReflection(), field, index, generator); } void TextFormat::Printer::PrintField(const Message& message, const Reflection* reflection, const FieldDescriptor* field, TextGenerator& generator) const { if (use_short_repeated_primitives_ && field->is_repeated() && field->cpp_type() != FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING && field->cpp_type() != FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) { PrintShortRepeatedField(message, reflection, field, generator); return; } int count = 0; if (field->is_repeated()) { count = reflection->FieldSize(message, field); } else if (reflection->HasField(message, field)) { count = 1; } for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) { PrintFieldName(message, reflection, field, generator); if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) { if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print(" { "); } else { generator.Print(" {\n"); generator.Indent(); } } else { generator.Print(": "); } // Write the field value. int field_index = j; if (!field->is_repeated()) { field_index = -1; } PrintFieldValue(message, reflection, field, field_index, generator); if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) { if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print("} "); } else { generator.Outdent(); generator.Print("}\n"); } } else { if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print(" "); } else { generator.Print("\n"); } } } } void TextFormat::Printer::PrintShortRepeatedField( const Message& message, const Reflection* reflection, const FieldDescriptor* field, TextGenerator& generator) const { // Print primitive repeated field in short form. PrintFieldName(message, reflection, field, generator); int size = reflection->FieldSize(message, field); generator.Print(": ["); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (i > 0) generator.Print(", "); PrintFieldValue(message, reflection, field, i, generator); } if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print("] "); } else { generator.Print("]\n"); } } void TextFormat::Printer::PrintFieldName(const Message& message, const Reflection* reflection, const FieldDescriptor* field, TextGenerator& generator) const { if (field->is_extension()) { generator.Print("["); // We special-case MessageSet elements for compatibility with proto1. if (field->containing_type()->options().message_set_wire_format() && field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_MESSAGE && field->is_optional() && field->extension_scope() == field->message_type()) { generator.Print(field->message_type()->full_name()); } else { generator.Print(field->full_name()); } generator.Print("]"); } else { if (field->type() == FieldDescriptor::TYPE_GROUP) { // Groups must be serialized with their original capitalization. generator.Print(field->message_type()->name()); } else { generator.Print(field->name()); } } } void TextFormat::Printer::PrintFieldValue( const Message& message, const Reflection* reflection, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, TextGenerator& generator) const { GOOGLE_DCHECK(field->is_repeated() || (index == -1)) << "Index must be -1 for non-repeated fields"; switch (field->cpp_type()) { #define OUTPUT_FIELD(CPPTYPE, METHOD, TO_STRING) \ case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##CPPTYPE: \ generator.Print(TO_STRING(field->is_repeated() ? \ reflection->GetRepeated##METHOD(message, field, index) : \ reflection->Get##METHOD(message, field))); \ break; \ OUTPUT_FIELD( INT32, Int32, SimpleItoa); OUTPUT_FIELD( INT64, Int64, SimpleItoa); OUTPUT_FIELD(UINT32, UInt32, SimpleItoa); OUTPUT_FIELD(UINT64, UInt64, SimpleItoa); OUTPUT_FIELD( FLOAT, Float, SimpleFtoa); OUTPUT_FIELD(DOUBLE, Double, SimpleDtoa); #undef OUTPUT_FIELD case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_STRING: { string scratch; const string& value = field->is_repeated() ? reflection->GetRepeatedStringReference( message, field, index, &scratch) : reflection->GetStringReference(message, field, &scratch); generator.Print("\""); if (utf8_string_escaping_) { generator.Print(strings::Utf8SafeCEscape(value)); } else { generator.Print(CEscape(value)); } generator.Print("\""); break; } case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_BOOL: if (field->is_repeated()) { generator.Print(reflection->GetRepeatedBool(message, field, index) ? "true" : "false"); } else { generator.Print(reflection->GetBool(message, field) ? "true" : "false"); } break; case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_ENUM: generator.Print(field->is_repeated() ? reflection->GetRepeatedEnum(message, field, index)->name() : reflection->GetEnum(message, field)->name()); break; case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE: Print(field->is_repeated() ? reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(message, field, index) : reflection->GetMessage(message, field), generator); break; } } /* static */ bool TextFormat::Print(const Message& message, io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) { return Printer().Print(message, output); } /* static */ bool TextFormat::PrintUnknownFields( const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, io::ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) { return Printer().PrintUnknownFields(unknown_fields, output); } /* static */ bool TextFormat::PrintToString( const Message& message, string* output) { return Printer().PrintToString(message, output); } /* static */ bool TextFormat::PrintUnknownFieldsToString( const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, string* output) { return Printer().PrintUnknownFieldsToString(unknown_fields, output); } /* static */ void TextFormat::PrintFieldValueToString( const Message& message, const FieldDescriptor* field, int index, string* output) { return Printer().PrintFieldValueToString(message, field, index, output); } /* static */ bool TextFormat::ParseFieldValueFromString( const string& input, const FieldDescriptor* field, Message* message) { return Parser().ParseFieldValueFromString(input, field, message); } // Prints an integer as hex with a fixed number of digits dependent on the // integer type. template static string PaddedHex(IntType value) { string result; result.reserve(sizeof(value) * 2); for (int i = sizeof(value) * 2 - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result.push_back(int_to_hex_digit(value >> (i*4) & 0x0F)); } return result; } void TextFormat::Printer::PrintUnknownFields( const UnknownFieldSet& unknown_fields, TextGenerator& generator) const { for (int i = 0; i < unknown_fields.field_count(); i++) { const UnknownField& field = unknown_fields.field(i); string field_number = SimpleItoa(field.number()); switch (field.type()) { case UnknownField::TYPE_VARINT: generator.Print(field_number); generator.Print(": "); generator.Print(SimpleItoa(field.varint())); if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print(" "); } else { generator.Print("\n"); } break; case UnknownField::TYPE_FIXED32: { generator.Print(field_number); generator.Print(": 0x"); char buffer[kFastToBufferSize]; generator.Print(FastHex32ToBuffer(field.fixed32(), buffer)); if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print(" "); } else { generator.Print("\n"); } break; } case UnknownField::TYPE_FIXED64: { generator.Print(field_number); generator.Print(": 0x"); char buffer[kFastToBufferSize]; generator.Print(FastHex64ToBuffer(field.fixed64(), buffer)); if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print(" "); } else { generator.Print("\n"); } break; } case UnknownField::TYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED: { generator.Print(field_number); const string& value = field.length_delimited(); UnknownFieldSet embedded_unknown_fields; if (!value.empty() && embedded_unknown_fields.ParseFromString(value)) { // This field is parseable as a Message. // So it is probably an embedded message. if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print(" { "); } else { generator.Print(" {\n"); generator.Indent(); } PrintUnknownFields(embedded_unknown_fields, generator); if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print("} "); } else { generator.Outdent(); generator.Print("}\n"); } } else { // This field is not parseable as a Message. // So it is probably just a plain string. generator.Print(": \""); generator.Print(CEscape(value)); generator.Print("\""); if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print(" "); } else { generator.Print("\n"); } } break; } case UnknownField::TYPE_GROUP: generator.Print(field_number); if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print(" { "); } else { generator.Print(" {\n"); generator.Indent(); } PrintUnknownFields(field.group(), generator); if (single_line_mode_) { generator.Print("} "); } else { generator.Outdent(); generator.Print("}\n"); } break; } } } } // namespace protobuf } // namespace google