"""Gather output from test runs and create an XML file in JUnit format. The output files from the individual tests have been written in a directory structure like: $DIR/joblog (--joblog from "parallel") $DIR/logs/1/cpp/stdout $DIR/logs/1/cpp/stderr $DIR/logs/1/csharp/stdout $DIR/logs/1/csharp/stderr $DIR/logs/1/java_jdk7/stdout $DIR/logs/1/java_jdk7/stderr etc. This script bundles them into a single output XML file so Jenkins can show detailed test results. """ import os; import sys; from yattag import Doc from collections import defaultdict def readtests(basedir): tests = defaultdict(dict) # Sample input (note: separators are tabs). # # Seq Host Starttime Runtime Send Receive Exitval Signal Command # 1 : 1456263838.313 0.005 0 0 0 0 echo A with open(basedir + "/joblog") as jobs: firstline = next(jobs) for line in jobs: values = line.split("\t") name = values[8].split()[-1] test = tests[name] test["name"] = name test["time"] = values[3] exitval = values[6] if int(exitval): # We don't have a more specific message. User should look at stderr. test["failure"] = "TEST FAILURE" else: test["failure"] = False for testname in os.listdir(basedir + "/logs/1"): test = tests[testname] with open(basedir + "/logs/1/" + testname + "/stdout") as f: test["stdout"] = f.read() with open(basedir + "/logs/1/" + testname + "/stderr") as f: test["stderr"] = f.read() # The cpp test is special since it doesn't run under parallel so doesn't show # up in the job log. tests["cpp"]["name"] = "cpp" with open(basedir + '/logs/1/cpp/build_time', 'r') as f: tests["cpp"]["time"] = f.read().strip() tests["cpp"]["failure"] = False ret = tests.values() ret.sort(key=lambda x: x["name"]) return ret def genxml(tests): doc, tag, text = Doc().tagtext() with tag("testsuites"): with tag("testsuite", name="Protobuf Tests"): for test in tests: with tag("testcase", name=test["name"], classname=test["name"], time=test["time"]): with tag("system-out"): text(test["stdout"]) with tag("system-err"): text(test["stderr"]) if test["failure"]: with tag("failure"): text(test["failure"]) return doc.getvalue() sys.stderr.write("make_test_output.py: writing XML from directory: " + sys.argv[1] + "\n"); print genxml(readtests(sys.argv[1]))