# # Setup users and security settings # # Load utility functions . ./functions.sh # Generate crypt(3) password string ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD=`mkpasswd -m sha-512 "${PASSWORD}"` # Setup default user if [ "$ENABLE_USER" = true ] ; then chroot_exec adduser --gecos pi --add_extra_groups --disabled-password pi chroot_exec usermod -a -G sudo -p "${ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD}" pi fi # Setup root password or not if [ "$ENABLE_ROOT" = true ] ; then chroot_exec usermod -p "${ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD}" root if [ "$ENABLE_ROOT_SSH" = true ] ; then sed -i "s|[#]*PermitRootLogin.*|PermitRootLogin yes|g" "$R/etc/ssh/sshd_config" fi else # Set no root password to disable root login chroot_exec usermod -p \'!\' root fi # Enable serial console systemd style if [ "$ENABLE_CONSOLE" = true ] ; then chroot_exec systemctl enable serial-getty\@ttyAMA0.service fi