A suite of utilities to build a debian root filesystem and bootable image for the Raspberry Pi 2, model B. ## Utilities - `mkrootfs` Build a debian root filesystem in the given directory - `mkrootimg` Bundle a root filesystem into a bootable, binary image that can be flashed to an sd card. Run any of the above utilities without arguments for additional information. ## Usage Example The typical use-case, creating a bootable image involves the following steps: 1. Create a root filesystem in a temporary directory "tmprootfs". mkrootfs --hostname=pi --release=stretch --ssh-key=/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub tmprootfs 2. Pack the root filesystem into a binary image mkrootimg tmprootfs pi2-stretch.img 3. Copy the image to an sd card. dd if=pi2-stretch.img of=/dev/mmc0 4. Boot a Raspberry Pi from the card. Note that several initialization tasks are performed during the first boot: - the root filesystem is expanded to fill the whole sd card - ssh keys and machine ids are regenerated Progress will be signaled through the ACT and PWR LEDs: - both leds will flash rapidly for a couple of seconds, indicating that first-boot tasks are about to start - PWR will blink in a "heartbeat" pattern and ACT will indicate sd card activity - first-boot tasks are run - after completion, the ACT led will blink in a heartbeat pattern an PWR will be turned off ## Requirements - qemu-user-static - qemu-debootstrap ## Copying This program is free software, released under the GNU General Public License version 2. Copyright (C) 2016 Jakob Odersky Copyright (C) 2015 Jan Wagner The structure of the scripts was mostly copied from the [rpi2-gen-image](https://github.com/drtyhlpr/rpi23-gen-image) utility, by Jan Wagner.