This release adds a few smallish fixes and removes previous inconveniences. - [#12]( Literal sharp signs can now be escaped with `\#`. Thanks [@marklister]( - [#15]( Include source positions when template parsing fails. - [#16]( Generated files include a signature and will be deleted if source file was deleted. - [#17]( Generate templates in the test configuration. Thanks [@nrinaudo]( - [#18]( Add ".scala" if template didn't include an extension - [#19]( sbt-boilerplate is now an AutoPlugin (but needs to be enabled manually). ## Migration notes - This plugin is now an AutoPlugin. Replace `settings(Boilerplate.settings :_*)` with `enablePlugins(spray.boilerplate.BoilerplatePlugin)` in your build. - The source folder is now specified using the `boilerplateSource` key instead of `sourceDirectory in boilerplateGenerate`.