# sbt-gpg Simple and secure artifact signing for sbt. This sbt plugin aims to make artifact signing simple and unobtrusive. It is guided by two core ideas: 1. easy configuration with sane defaults 2. use of standard cryptography tools (gpg) The motivation is that these priniciple are both essential in promoting secure builds. ## Highlights - Uses the system command `gpg` to do all operations. *This enables advanced features such as use of smartcards or cutting-edge ciphers.* - Hooks into the `publish` and `publishLocal` tasks. *All artrifacts will be signed; there is no need to run a separate `publishSigned` task.* - Unobtrusive configuration. *Key selection can be done through sbt's `credentials` mechanism, thus enabling global configuration without the need of adding a global plugin.* - Works out-of-the-box. *Publishing falls back to unsigned artifacts in case key material cannot be found, after emitting an explicit warning.* ## Requirements - sbt version >= 1.0.0 - gpg installed on user's machine (this requirement won't get in the way of a user's productivity; missing gpg will simply disable the functionality provided by this plugin) ## Getting started ```scala addSbtPlugin("io.crashbox" % "sbt-gpg" % "") ``` Copy the above snippet to an sbt configuration file. E.g. - `project/plugins.sbt` to enable the plugin on a per-project basis - `~/.sbt/1.0/plugins/gpg.sbt` to enable the plugin globally The autoplugin "SbtGpg" will be enabled and modify the `publish` and `publishLocal` tasks to include signatures of all published artifacts. ## Configuration ### Signing key By default, all signing operations will use `gpg`'s default key. A specific key can be used by setting sbt `Credentials` for the host "gpg". ```scala credentials += Credentials( "GnuPG Key ID", "gpg", "4E7DA7B5A0F86992D6EB3F514601878662E33372", "ignored" ) ``` The user name (3rd field) will determine the key to use and can be any valid key id, fingerprint, email or user accepted by gpg. ### Other settings Check out the [autoplugin definition](src/main/scala/SbtGpg.scala) for an exhaustive list of settings and tasks that can be customized.