package io.crashbox.gpg import sbt.{AutoPlugin, Def, _} import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object SbtGpg extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = JvmPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements object autoImport { val gpgWarnOnFailure = settingKey[Boolean]( "If true, only issue a warning when signing fails. If false, error " + "and fail the build. Defaults to true in publishLocal, false in publish.") val gpgCommand = settingKey[String]("Path to GnuPG executable.") val gpgOptions = settingKey[Seq[String]]("Additional global options to pass to gpg.") val gpgKey = taskKey[Option[String]]( "Key ID used to sign artifacts. Setting this to None will " + "cause sbt-gpg to fall back to using gpg's default key. When set, " + "it is equivalent to gpg's `--local-user` option.") val gpg = taskKey[Gpg]("Utility wrapper to the underlying gpg executable.") } def packagedArtifactsImpl( arts: Map[Artifact, File], gpg: Gpg, warnOnFailure: Boolean)(warn: String => Unit): Map[Artifact, File] = { val (signatures, failure) = arts.foldLeft((Map[Artifact, File](), false)) { case ((acc, false), (art, file)) => gpg.sign(file) match { case Some(signed) => (acc + (art.withExtension(art.extension + ".asc") -> signed), false) case None => val report: String => Unit = if (warnOnFailure) warn else sys.error(_) report("GPG reported an error. Artifacts won't be signed.") (acc, true) } case (pair @ (_, true), _) => pair } // if we fail the signing part-way through, we throw out *all* the signatures if (failure) arts else signatures ++ arts } import autoImport._ lazy val gpgSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( gpgWarnOnFailure := false, publishLocal / gpgWarnOnFailure := true, gpgCommand := "gpg", gpgOptions := Seq("--yes"), gpgKey := Credentials.forHost(credentials.value, "gpg").map(_.userName), gpg := { val log = streams.value.log new Gpg(gpgCommand.value, gpgOptions.value, gpgKey.value)(, log.warn(_)) } ) lazy val signingSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( publish / packagedArtifacts := { packagedArtifactsImpl( (publish / packagedArtifacts).value, gpg.value, (publish / gpgWarnOnFailure).value)(streams.value.log.warn(_)) }, publishLocal / packagedArtifacts := { packagedArtifactsImpl( (publishLocal / packagedArtifacts).value, gpg.value, (publishLocal / gpgWarnOnFailure).value)(streams.value.log.warn(_)) } ) override lazy val projectSettings : Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = gpgSettings ++ signingSettings }